Monday, June 28th, 2004
The Beaudoin's - Apr 2004
This site has something for anyone with interests in:
Beaudoin Pages:
Site Index,
Thanks to Lyster Army Hospital for the animated Blackhawk above.
Current Events,
Family Photos,
Summer Vacation ('98),
Quebec Vacation ('99),
John at Work,
Beaudoin Jokes,
Photo Archives,
Beaudoin's Yahoo Photo Album. (Photos I haven't placed on our site yet.)
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Read the award criteria and see other award winning pages at Heartland Pointe.
This page is always under construction. Hardhats are not required.
To reach us by "Snail Mail" now, send an email first. If we know who you are, we'll send our home address to you. You can't be sure about all of the weirdos out there. The ones that we already know are bad enough.
Keep in touch.