Peace in Wisconsin with Jill and family

Peace had a pretty busy weekend, went hiking on Saturday morning, such a beautiful day for this time of year in WI, we shredded milkweed, and made it look like snow in the fields, my daughter just loves showing peace around. Then we went in to the city to go car shopping, Peace and my daughter Kalene were helping me choose a color on the new KIA trucks. Then we went to go see, Kalene's Grandma Janet, she just returned from a cruise in Mexico, she thought peace was adorable.
In the afternoon we went to the Pumpkin farm, and then to an apple orchard, Peace went on a pony ride and helped to feed the animals, at the apple orchard they had a baby pig smaller then Peace he was so cute, unfortunately I forgot my camera, will try to get some interesting pictures over the week.
On saturday night we had to go baby-sitting for my sisters four boys, we made popcorn and juice and carved pumpkins and ate pumpkin seeds. Finally around 11:00 we all got to sleep.

On Sunday morning we all got up to early forgot about day light savings time, so at 6:30am we were doing laundry, and cleaning neither peace or Kalene liked this very much. So around noon we went to Kalenes Aunt and Uncle to watch the Packer game, they won, then all the kids came over and we did some more pumpkin carving, will take pictures, they turned out pretty cool. We grilled out for dinner, it was such a Beautiful night.
Then it was home and off to bed. This week Peace will be going to School with my nephews, to visit all the kids. Will let you know how that goes.

On to New York!


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