**In TEXAS With Beth**
Saturday, August 22, 1998
Peace arrived today! We checked our mail on our way out and Peace was in
our box! We were so glad to see her! Peace took an adventure to us out to
Scroggins, TX for a Bass Mailbox. . .this is not a namebrand, mind you, but
a mailbox decorated to look like a bass. . .it's a *happy birthday* gift for
Emma & Amanda's Granddaddy Morgan! Peace went to the birthday party with us
too. . .so today, Peace did a 300 mile round trip only to arrive at a party
with a housefull of people!
Sunday, August 23, 1998
We kept things lo-key today. . didn't do a darn thing!!
Monday, August 24, 1998
Peace went to Irving Mall with us today in Irving, TX. . .had to buy a
suitcase for our upcoming travels. . .Peace just can't wait to see Phantom
of the Opera. . .it's only a week from tomorrow!
Tuesday, August 25, 1998
Again another laid back day at home. Beth is working on a newsletter for an
organization she works with and Peace was offering all sorts of Editorial
Wednesday, August 26, 1998
We took Peace for a walk today. She rode in the stroller with Emma & Amanda!
Thursday, August 27, 1998
Peace went out to eat with us tonite -- to one of our favorite restaurants,
BoBo China in Grapevine, TX! Peace really likes sesame chicken!
Friday, August 28, 1998
Tomorrow's the big day -- off to the Big Apple! Peace has had a great time
with us here in Texas! But travelling is such an adventure! Today has been
really busy getting packed and running out to do last minute things. Peace
visited the post office with us. Everyone asked how much we'd sell her for!
Emma & Amanda got really mad about that! We got a pin for Peace to wear
today that looks like a Texas flag with a Texas shape on it! It's bigger
than the others, but then everything is bigger here!
Saturday, August 29, 1998
We made it! NYC! Peace had so much fun flying in first class!! Warm
nuts, warm towels, and hot chocolate chip cookies! Flying is so much fun!
Peace hung out in the room all evening.
Sunday, August 30, 1998
To the Empire State Building (except Beth forgot the camera) -- we did buy
Peace a button though to commemorate her visit to the Empire State Building.
Beth is a little afraid to carry Peace around here. . .probably with good
reason! Peace wants to meet someone famous. . .and we're on the lookout!!
Monday, August 31, 1998
Brian and Beth took me to this really great restaurant called Mars 2112
tonight. We took a ride in a spaceship and then ate on the surface of the
planet Mars! It was so much fun!!
Tuesday, September 1, 1998
We went to the Phantom of the Opera tonight! It was AWESOME!! Beth bought
me another pin to add to my dress, and it looks like the Phantom's mask,