**With Anne in Iowa**

August 3
- I arrived today. I was very tired after the long trip from Kentucky so I took a nap then anne took me for a drive around the lake. She showed me all the neat houses - I really liked the pyramid house.
It was Anne and Raleigh's wedding anniversary. I helped Anne bake a pie and make supper. The restuarant they wanted to go to was closed on Monday.Anne got very pretty flowers from Raleigh.

August 4
- It rained again today. We had planned on going swimming but the lake has something in it so we can't. I helped Anne make pumpkins for her craft business. We shopped uptown and had what Anne calls a lazy day. Anne bought me a pretty bathing suit to use at the next house I visit. She was really upset that she couldn't take me to the lake.

August 5
- We went to this place called a library. It is full of books - Anne's friend Amber and her little brother Logan read me a book and I got to go to story hour. Mrs. Library person let Anne explain to all the children about my trip. I got lots of hugs and kisses from all the little children. At story hour, we made a balloon with my name on it and the lady read a story about a balloon race. I really liked that.

August 6
- I went with Anne and Raleigh to take Max to the doctor. Max is the big dog but he is younger than Buster. He needed his toenails cut and had something else done but I didn't watch. Anne made birdhouses this afternoon and I think that they are too small for Early and Rocket.

August 7
- Boy, am I tired. Anne took me all over today - she calls it shopping - I call it I need a nap. We went to the bookstore and saw all the books. Anne explained the difference between a book store and a library. I got to meet Trudi - she is neat and showed me a calendar with all my family in it. Then we stopped and some stores and looked at all the beanies - I hope they find homes soon cuz they looked lonely. Then we went to Sharon's and I got to sit with all the scarecrows and meet Wise that Anne gave to Brie for her graduation. I got to sit on the horns of a moose that Sharon made and Anne took a picture. then we went to another store and looked at more of my relatives then started home. Anne let me stop by the river and watch the men fishing but they didn't catch anything.

August 8
- Raleigh, Anne and I went on a road trip. We took mooses to Hampton and I got to see Erin, Princess, Glory and my cousin Peace. Guyla is having a raffle to raise money for Kendall's doctor bills. He has cancer and is very sick. The beanies are glad to help out. then we went to antique store - antique means that the stuff is very old. then we went to a flea market - Anne says that they don't sell fleas there - I was glad cuz I know that Fleas make you scratch and bears don't like fleas. We stopped at a store that had lots and lots of bears - someone needs to buy them too - they looked lonely. then we went to another antique store and then home. I took a nap then watched golf with Raleigh.

August 9
- We made more pumpkins today and more birdhouses. It was hot so we stayed inside.

August 10
- I got to go with Anne to get her hair cut. Adriana thought I was very pretty and maybe I could have a couple of highlights on me but I thought Amber might not know me when I got back. Then I got to go to Gifts and Greens and visit the beanies there. Anne took my picture with Puffer and I got to sit in a birdhouse.

August 11
- Anne painted crafts today

August 12
- Trevor and T.J took me to the library for story hour. They have a baby brother named TY but Anne calls him Trey because he is the 3rd boy. The lady read a book about a bear and I got to sit with her while she read.

August 13
- Amber and Logan took me to the library again for story hour. The lady read a book about summer and I got to sit with her again. I really like going to the library.

August 14
- I got to go on a big boat called the Lady of the Lake - it is a paddlewheel like from old times. We went around the lake. I got to sit up on the top deck and watch all the other boats. Marcia said those guys being pulled behind the boats were called skiers. We saw someone up in the air - it is called parasailing. It looks like fun but it is a long way up.

August 15
- I went to work with Anne - I got to see all my cousins the Pastel Peace bears. Bob, Doug and Coleen had their picture taken with me. anne explained to the people in line about how I was visiting all over the world. I had fun. then I got to sit with Raleigh and watch all the people buy beanies.

August 16
- we are starting to pack up my things

August 17
- Anne had to go to work because Pam is on vacation

August 18
- We overslept then went shopping for a friend. Anne let me pick out a pretty Iowa pin. I am going to Beth's on Wednesday
- Peace.

On to Texas!

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