**May 13th Arrived at Loris' house in Indiana**

Peace arrived at our house today. She has had a very long day. She went shopping and to visit a couple of local sites. She went to dinner at McD with us and met some of the new TBBII. She also jumped on the trampoline and helped Rocky work on the house he is building for our family. She went to Charlotte's baseball game and cheered and cheered. She is already in bed asleep now as she is very tired.

Tomorrow she gets to go to bible study with us and to Joel's baseball game (Rocky is the coach) and then she and Charlotte are going to camp out in the tent in our yard for the night. Peace and Rocky leave for Germany on Friday.

Day 2, Indiana

Peace was pretty lazy today until this evening. This morning she slept in. Then she jumped alot on the trampoline with Charlotte and Joel. They showed her how to do a flip and land on her feet.

She went to the lumber company with us when we had to make a run for Rocky. She was impressed with al the wood and wanted to buy some so Rocky could get started on those walls but I told her he has to finish the foundation first so we were only getting mortar mix. This evening she got to meet another of her TBB cousins, Mel.

After dinner we went to Bible study and Peace got to meet a couple of Charlotte's cousins, Kristal and Alicia. After Bible study we all went to Joel's baseball game. Joel got a homerun when the bases were loaded. You should have heard Peace cheering! The Yanks (Joel's team) won 12-3.

All the kids and Peace are now asleep out in the tent. They even talked Rocky into 'camping' out with them.
Tomorrow Peace is going to help Rocky and I celebrate our 16th wedding anniversary then she is going to spend the night with the kids at a friend's house.

Friday morning we have to get her all packed up for her flight to Germany. She's really excited about getting to fly for over 6 hours. And she can't wait to help the boom operator do an in-flight refueling!

Day 3...more fun!!

Hi Amber and Sarah, Peace asked me to please tell you today that she really misses you alot but that she is having a blast! Peace woke up to a surprice this morning; I got up at 5:30 to finish the dress I was making for her because I knew today would be a very busy day. You should have seen the look of suprice on Peace's face when she saw her new dress. She likes it alot because it has nearly every color in it that she has in her fur. It also has a pretty burgandy rose in the middle at the waist. After breakfast Charlotte surprized her again with a pearl necklace that she made herself. It looks so preety with her new dress!

Charlotte also made a pearl necklace for one of Charlie's daughter's beanies. Peace helped with this one. We are also sending a pair of overall in I.U. colors (red and white) for one of Charlie's beanies.

At lunch we went to McD (if I never see another Happy Meal it will be too soon) and Peace got to meet another of her new cousins, Scoop, after a 45 minute wait in line.
Tonight for dinner Peace is helping Rocky grill Filet Mignon. We're also having baked potatoes, asparagus, shrimp cocktail, and cheese cake. I had to explain to Peace that we don't usually eat like this but today is a very special day (see yesterday's report.)

We're heading off to another of Charlotte's baseball games tonight. Poor little Peace is going to need a rest after all this cheering she's been doing!

It may be a few days before Peace can give another report as we don't know when Rocky will have access to a computer after he and Peace arrive in Germany.

*Arrived in Germany!*

Rocky is working 14hr days and hasnt been able to do very much, but he's off today and tomorrow so he's going in search of children to introduce Peace to.

He's also going to the historic site where the battle of the Bulge took place. He said he would take Peace"s picture in one of the old bunkers there. They are going to Luxenburg today. They are keeping their eyes open for Peace's buddy Britannia. We're hoping that Britannia will be coming home to live at our house!

On the trip over to Germany, Peace assisted the boom operator with a refueling. Rocky will be sending a picture of Peace in the boom operators seat with Peace when she leaves to go to Charlie's house. She will be leaving Germany on June 8th on her way to visit Charlie and his family.

*More exciting adventures!*

Peace went to Luxenburg, Belgium, France, and the Netherlands (which is Holland.) She had her picture taqken at the border of each country.

In Holland she saw the Queen of Holland in downtown Amsterdam. She also saw some of the windmills for which Holland is famous.

In France she went to the Eifle Tower and had her picture taken there. She was really impressed by the size of Paris; it is very large.

Rocky bought Peace a couple of pins from a couple of the countries she visited. She is proudly wearing them on her new dress.

On their tour they traveled on the autoboun super highway. There is no speed limit on this highway. She said to tell you they went very fast but not to tell you how fast because it would scare you!

Today Rocky was going to try and update her diary before putting her in the mail to Charlie. He hasnt been able to keep up with the diary because he's been working very long hours.

Peace wants you to know she really enjoyed her trip overseas and hopes that someday she will be able to go there again with you and show you everything that she saw this time.

Rocky is mailing Peace and her baggage to Charlie today. We all had a great time with Peace and hope you has a wonderful trip for the rest of the year!

Peace Hugs


In Indiana

Charlotte and Peace jump for joy!

Peace plays baseball

Sightseeing in Indiana-Roann covered bridge

Went to see the first electricly lit town, Wabash

Off to Church with the family

Then, off to Germany!

In Boom Pod of KC-135 enroute to Germany

Entering Germany

Entering Luxemburg

PAW Peace at the Eifel Tower in Paris

Next stop North Carolina

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