First stop! In Delaware with Kim and Family :)

Peace Arrived about 5 min. ago. Boy did she receive a warm welcome. I was outside with the dog when the mail Lady came. She thought Peace was too cute with her head band and earring and neckless. As soon as we go inside Peace met the Dog (Snowball) who smelled her all over. Snowball even gave her a kiss on the nose. ( Peace did not get to wet from it.)

She is so happy to be out of that box. Right now she is visiting with the other beanies and will be going to get the girls at 1 PM our time. They have half day today and they rode their bikes so we have to ride mine to go and get them. Peace is very nervous about going for a bike ride but I told her to just hang on and she will love it.

Peace will write to you in a little wile Amber she is just relaxing right now.   Now Pandi, Thank you so very much for the makeup and the Pin. The make up came at just the right time because all of my lipstick melted ( I but the makeup box to close to the heater and did not realize it)  The pin is going to be put on every thing I wear.. Thank you both so much and thank you for letting us host Peace First. Amber you will be hearing form the Girls (Allison and Diana) when they get home. I will let them tell you what they have in store for Peace.   Beanie Hugs Kim & Peace AMBER do me and and Peace a Big Favor and Give Mom a BIG hug form both of us.

DAY 2 Delaware with Kim and her Girls, Allison and Diana...

Mommy Amber.

I am having such a good time at with Kim Allison and Diana. I am sorry it took me so long to write but I have been very busy. Kim and the Girls took me on a bike ride yesterday and last night we had a small birthday party for Tim (Kim's husband) Today we went to a park called Lums Pond. We went on a long ( and I do mean long) bike ride. We saw fish and Turtles. It was cool.

We also went to the church that the Pools go to because they had to get a garden ready for Tim's Sunday school class to plant on Sunday. Kim said I am going to go to church with them in the morning.

You should see all of the Beanies I met lastnight. There is about 100 or more in the house to play with so I am never lonely. Kim just got film for the camera so she can take some pictures of me while I am here.

Well, I have to go. We are having some company coming over. I will try to write to you again tonight but if I can't then Kim said she would write you and let you know what I am up to.
I love you and Miss you
Peace xxxxxxooooooo {{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}

Just so you know, Peace has very good manners and is a very well behaved Bear.

Amber and Pandi,

We are having such a good time with Peace. She has been a very busy bear. She has gone on several bike rides. We took here to Richardson's Nursery and Pond store. She was smelling all of the flowers and got to see fish and bull frogs. She thought they were kind of ugly and they made a funny sound (very loudly)

To day Peace went to church with us and then helped Tim's Sunday School class plant flowers under the church sign. We planted Petunias. After church Peace helped us clean the pond out and helped me read some email and work on my web page.

On Monday Peace is going to do lunch with Allison and Diana at school. The teachers said that she could not stay all day because some of the kids are stealing Beanies and we don't want Peace to be stolen.
So After Lunch Peace will help me in the Garden and just hang out.

Pandi and Amber,

Well we had a very HOT day with Peace today.Peace and I just hung out around the house today because it is so hot. Peace liked to hang out by the small pond we have in our back yard.She liked seeing the fish ( all 7 of them ) swim around and come to the top for food.When it got to hot to stay out side we came in and read email and played on the computer.Other than that we had a lazy hot day here.

Peace is getting excited about leaving for her next host on Friday. Right now she is out back with the girls and in about 5 min. we are going to walk to Joe's Water Ice Stand with my Friend Bev and her son Jesse.

Tomorrow Peace will go to school for the last time. We need to take pictures of her with all of Allison and Diana's friends.
Beanie hugs
Kim,Allison ,Diana and Peace


Off to school with the girls

Peace got to ride a bike in Delaware!

visiting with Diana, Snowball and Allison, and ALL the beanies!!

(more piccies coming soon)

Next stop Indiana

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