Our trip started out kind of cruddy, (flight cancelled) but the rest was very good! We got into Vegas around 6ish, and waited in line for our rental car for about 30 minutes. After hearing our tale of woe, the clerk double upgraded us to a 4x4 Blazer at only 8 dollars extra, TOTAL! When we got to the Stratosphere we were upgraded to a small suite!
Sometimes, trouble brings blessings.

So much to see and do...! Here's some pics from the trip.
We went to the Star Trek Experience at the Las Vegas Hilton. At first, I thought this was going to be a lame deal! We got the tickets... then walked around to see all the "museum" type stuff. Timelines of the characters, some costumes from the show. Artifacts from real space travel, etc... By the time we'd finished that little walk, I was VERY disappointed! Then, we stood in line and they had us line up... and then it REALLY began! WOOHOO! It was definitely worth it! I'm not supposed to tell what happens, because it will change history (really!) hehehe.. so you'll just have to go yourself!

*~~Click on the little pics to see the big ones~~*
We also went to Paris! Heheh... it's the newest casino in Vegas... I bought a new travel bag from them... here's the little stub from the bag.. and a pic I took. I just about laid on the ground to take this pic! Also, a pic of Pat and I in front of the fountain, and a picture of the Arch. It was so beautiful inside. The ride up the Eiffel Tower was great... not much room on the observation deck. It's a half scale model, so it was kind of dinky up there. We then went to the Bellagio for the Art Gallery. How AWESOME! Beautiful paintings by some of my favorite artists. *happy sigh* Here is one of my favorites (different from the others, which is why it's one of my favorites) and one of Pat's . It was stunning to view the paintings so close and vivid. We'd gone to the exhibit in Seattle for the Impressionists, which was terrific, so this was an added bonus. Many paintings by van Gogh I'd not seen before.

Since we were on a roll, we continued on with the Venetian. We met some friends! I hung out with some of my favorites and got pics. Pat had a few of his own groupies that wanted to chat with him. Did I mention that the Venetian houses Madame Tussaud's Celebrity Encounter? *grin*
Here are some pictures of us at the various places. The Bellagio had this GORGEOUS atrium with all these flowers in bloom! The ceiling inside was covered in glass artwork that I tried to get a picture of, but couldn't. Trust me, it was awesome.

The Venetian had huge pools in the back and lush gardens surrounding it and inside the whole place resembled Venice with the open courtyards and canals. There were operetta and mini concerts going on all around. It was such a beautiful time. I loved every minute of it. Going back in June! Yay!

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