My mom and dad met
just after WWII. He joined the Marines just a little too late for
the war, but did his part anyway. After a while, he joined the reserves,
thinking it would be easy money! Guess what? Right after that,
the Korean Conflict broke out, and the reserves were the first to be sent
out! He went to a place called the Chosin Reservoir. So many
men died, not only from combat wounds, but also from freezing to death. There were subzero
temperatures and the men that survived have injuries the government is
just now recognizing. The men from that area
have formed a group
called "The Chosin Few".
Here is the memorial at the Washington State Capitol grounds in Olympia.
It is an emotionally stirring tribute to the men who served in that war.
I love my father very much, and his wounds have not yet healed. *HUGS*
to my
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