RICHARD CHURCH FIRST OF HIS LINE IN AMERICA RICHARD CHURCH was born in England in 1608, arrived in Boston, Mass. in 1630. He was admitted a freeman in 1632 and from 1633-1649 was a resident of Plymouth, Mass. On 24 January 1653 he purchased land in Hingham, Mass. and was a resident there for the remainder of his life. He married about 1636 ELIZABETH, daughter of RICHARD WARREN and ELIZABETH [Jouatt?] WARREN. Richard Warren came to Plymouth in 1620 on the "Mayflower". Richard Church died 27 December 1668 and his wife died 4 March 1670. Children:There is some discrepancy as to the number of children born to Richard and Elizabeth Church. One source names 9 and two others list 12. None of the sources give the children in the same order of birth. The following is as near as can be determined from the records: i. Elizabeth, b. at Plymouth 1636/7. ii. Joseph, b. 1638. iii. Benjamin, b. 1640. He was a Colonel and a hero in the Indian Wars. He commanded the party by which King Phillip was slain. Benjamin died in 1717/18. iv. Richard, died young v. Nathaniel, d. 1707; m. ca 1665, Sarah Barstow, dau. of William Barstow vi. CALEB, born 1643. The order of his birth is in doubt. 2 Sources list him as the 6th child and another as the 4th child. vii. Hannah viii. Abigail, b. 1647, d. 1679 ix. Charles, killed when his cart overturned in 1659. x. Sarah, married James Burross 1674 xi. Mary, died 1662 xii. Deborah CALEB CHURCH, son of Richard and Elizabeth Warren Church. He was born at Plymouth in 1643. Married 16 December 1667 Joanna Sprague born December 1645, daughter of James and Milicent Eames Sprague. There is no record of Caleb's death date. Joanna d. 11 July 1678. He m.(2) Rebecca Scotto Children: i.Hannah, b. 1668 ii.RUTH, b. 12 January 1669/70. Ruth married [2] Joseph Child. Their daughter Lydia married David Ingersoll. Lydia and David Ingersoll were the grandparents of the David Ingersoll who married Jonathan Edwards's grand- daughter Sarah Parsons. SPRAGUE WILLIAM SPRAGUE arrived in Salem, Mass. with his two brothers, Ralph and Richard in 1629. He removed to Hingham, Mass. in 1636. He married Milicent Eames in 1635, daughter of Anthony Eames. William died 26 October 1675. His wife died 8 Feb. 1695/96. Children: i. Anthony, bapt. at Charlestown, June 23, 1636. ii. John, bapt. in Hingham, Apr. 1638. iii. Samuel, bapt. May 24, 1640 iv. Jonathan, bapt. March 20, 1641/42, d. July 4, 1647 v. Persis, b. Nov. 12, 1643, m. John Doggett. vi. JOANNA, b. Dec. 1645, m. Dec. 16, 1667 to CALEB CHURCH. vii. Jonathan, b. May 28, 1648. Moved to Weymouth and then to Rhode Island. viii. William, b. July 2, 1650. ix. Mary, b. Apr. 25, 1652 x. Hannah, b. Feb. 25, 1654/55, d. Mar. 31, 1658. REFERENCES FOR "CHURCH" AND "SPRAGUE" "History of the Town of Hingham, Mass." Vol. II, 1893. pp 125-26, 163-64 Palm Beach Genealogical Society, Flagler Park Library, West Palm Beach, Fla. "New England Historical and Genealogical Register" 1857, Vol. XI, page 154 Nancy Underwood 1986