Joseph Alfred Edwards was born August 20,
1816 or 1817. Another reference, "History of East
Hampton" by Hedges, lists his birthdate as 1819.
According to his obituary he was born in 1816.
He died April 13, 1903 in
Florence, Fremont, Co. He was buried
April 15, 1903 in Highland Cemetery,
Florence, Fremont, Colorado.
The obituary was sent to us by Carol Fox from Florence, Colorado:
From the Daily Tribune, Florence, Colorado, Tuesday, April 14, 1903,
Vol. II, No. 38,page 3:
Died, last night at the home of his son E. E. Edwards, the dairyman,
Joseph A. Edwards, aged 86 years. Arrangements for the funeral have not
yet been completed.
Joseph Alfred Edwards married Caroline
Snook or Snooks on January 25, 1836 in Suffolk County,
Sag Harbor, NY. Caroline Snook(s) was born
ca. 1820 in England and she died December 3, 1850. She was buried
in Salem, Iowa.
Richard Squires, a descendant of Ellis Squires and Phebe Russell,
the grandparents of Deborah Penny (the mother of Joseph A. Edwards),
has sent us a copy of a photograph of the Joseph Edwards home in Iowa.
The photograph appears in an atlas. Part of the text in the atlas
states: "A fine class of people reside here, and the farms are
generally well-improved, while the citizens are for the most part in
good circumstances."
The children of Joseph and Caroline are listed in the IGI as follows:
Mary A. Edwards 1837
William Henry Edwards 1839
John Penny Edwards 1840
Samuel D. Edwards 1842
Ellen A. Edwards 1845
Elizabeth Edwards 1848
Wesley Thomas Edwards 1850
His second wife was Lydia Ann Frazier, married Oct 10, 1851.
Click here for a report on the descendants of Joseph Edwards and Lydia Frazier based on a file sent to us by Richard Squires and also information from Carol Fox.His third wife was Mary Wright.
The three oldest sons of Joseph and Caroline
went off to war. Two of them, William Henry and his brother
Samuel D., died while in the service. Details are contained in this
letter from the Henry County Genealogical Society:
2 February 1998 Mr. Byron Drachman 220 University Drive East Lansing, Michigan 48823 In Re: Edwards, William Henry Dear Mr. Drachman: I have found the following information for you, and I hope it is the information that will answer your questions. First. 1850 Census of Jackson Twp., Henry County, Iowa 1349-1349 Joseph A.Edwards 35 Farmer b. NY Caroline 30 b. Eng. Mary A. 13 b. NY William H. 11 b. Ill John 8 b. Ia Samuel 7 b. Ia Ellen A. 5 b. Ia Eliza 3 b. Ia [note from Byron: This is not part of the letter from Doris Sharp, but click here to see a photocopy from the 1856 Iowa census sent to us by Carol Fox from Florence, Colorado. The young men William H., John, and Samuel all seemed to gain 13 years in age over a ten year period whereas the girls'(Ellen and Eliza) ages correspond correctly to the years.] 1860 Census of Jackson Twp., Henry County, Iowa 3101-2784 119-119 Jos. A. Edwards 44 Farmer b. NY Lydia 33 b. IN Wm. H. 24 b. IL Jno. P. 21 b. IA Samuel D. 20 b. IA Ellen A. 15 b. IA Eliza 12 b. IA Tho. W. 11 b. IA Ida 4 b. IA Claudius 2 b. IA Byron 2 or 3/12 b. IA Jonathan Way 54 b. NC Martha Frazier 24 Domestic b. IN It appears that Caroline Edwards (Ist wife of Joseph A.) died (and I am guessing here) in late 1850 or early 1851(maybe in Child birth, because you will notice on the 1860 Census there is a Tho. W. Edwards, 11 yrs. old which would make him as having been born in 1850 or 1851, and is the son of Joseph A & Caroline Edwards. Joseph A. Edwards then married Lydia Frazier the 10 October 1851 and they had 3 children according to the 1860 Census. Second. I was looking at the International Genealogical Index put out by Salt Lake City, and found a Marriage record whereby Joseph A. Edwards married a Caroline ? (no last name mentioned) on 25 January 1836 in Suffolk County, Sag Harbor, NY. I have not been able to find a burial for Caroline Edwards, but
since she died so early, there may not be a stone showing up in
any Cemetery for her in Henry County, Iowa. Since Jackson Township,
Henry County, Iowa, is very close to the Lee County Line, it's possible
she may have been buried in Lee County. Jackson Twp. does not have
many Cemeteries (what there is are all abandoned, and we do not have
any sort of record of names for those buried in any of those Cemeteries)
I searched another Cemeteries which we have a record of, but did not
find her in any of those.
I also did not find any Estate probated for Caroline Edwards in Henry
County, Iowa.
John P. Edwards, and Samuel Edwards were also in the Civil Star. Samuel
Edwards died of Pneumonia 26 Jan. 1862, Benton Barracks, St. Louis,
MO. I am not sure where he is buried. There is a Civil War Marker
for Samuel Edwards, Co. D - 14th Iowa Inf. in the Salem South Cemetery,
Salem Twp., Henry County, Iowa. Also John P. Edwards is buried
in Friends Cemetery, Salem Twp., Henry County, Iowa. He was born 11 May
l840, and died 14 March 1916 in Henry County, Iowa. Enclosed is a Copy of
his Obituary stating that he was the son of Joseph A. Edwards. and
Caroline Snook (and here is the mother's maiden name)
John P. Edwards married Martha Ellen Joy, 25 August 1864 in Henry
County, lowa. She died in 1928.
It appears to me that William Henry Edwards, John P. Edwards, and Samuel D.
Edwards were brothers and all enlisted in the Civil War in the same Infantry
Division and same Company. Company "D" 14th Infantry Division.
I am enclosing a Copy of the names of those 3 men that are shown in the
Book "Roster and Record of IOWA SOLDIERS in the WAR OF THE REBELLION, VOL.II
Hope this helps you out. It appears that these men were all sons of Joseph
A. Edwards (whose middle name may be Alfred), but I have no proof, because
I believe they moved out of Henry County, Iowa sometime between 1860 and 1870.
I did not find them (Joseph A. & Lydia) on the 1870 Census of Henry County,
I hope this information helps you out some. Let me know if you come to pretty
much the same conclusion as I did on this Family.
Yours very truly,
Doris A. Sharp, Corr. Sec'y
Henry County Genealogical Society
207 S. Elm St.
New London, Iowa 52645-1617
(319) 367-5576
The enclosed obituary:
John P. Edwards, son of Joseph A.
and Caroline Snook Edwards, was
born three miles east of Salem, Iowa,
May 11, 1840. Departed this life
March 14, 1916.
He enlisted in Company D, Four-
teenth Iowa Infantry, in the fall of
1861 and was honorably discharged
March 3, 1863
Was united in marriage to Martha
Ellen Joy August 25, 1864. To them
were born seven children, all living
except Edna who died in 1884 at the
age of two years. The surviving
children are: Mrs. Nora B. Mulkins,
Fairfleld, Ia.; W. S., Paonia, Colo.;
Mrs. Sarah Oldt, Johnson, Neb.;
Frank J., Fairfield, Ia.; C. A., Salem,
Ia.; Mrs. Florence C. Almond, Salem,
Ia. He leaves fourteen grandchildren
and two great-grandcbildren. The
children were all present except Will
S. of Paonia, Colo., who sent his son
Raymond in his place.
Funeral services were held Thurs-
day at 2:00 p. m. at the home, con-
ducted by Rev. R. W. Luce of the
M.E. church. Interment being made
in the Friends cemetery.
[note from Byron. Click on the button [Long Island Ancestors] on the home page for an ancestor chart and other information about the ancestors of Joseph Edwards
[Note from Byron: I got the following file from the Family History
Center of LDS. We now know there are some errors in this file.]
============================================================================================================================== HUSBAND: Joseph Alfred EDWARDS (AFN:1QMS-86) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BORN: 20 Aug 1816/1817 PLACE: Sag Harbor, Suffolk, NY DIED: 13 Apr 1903 PLACE: Florence, Fremont, CO BUR.: 15 Apr 1903 PLACE: Highland Cemetery, Florence, Fremont, CO MAR.: 25 Jan 1836 PLACE: Sag Harbor, Suffolk, NY FATHER: John EDWARDS (AFN:BFGQ-RN) MOTHER: Deborah PENNY (AFN:BFGQ-ST) OTHER WIVES: Lydia Ann FRAZIER (AFN:1QMS-9C) and 1 Others ============================================================================================================================== WIFE: Caroline SNOOKS (AFN:BFGQ-T1) BORN: Abt 1820 PLACE: England DIED: 3 Dec 1850 PLACE: Mt. Pleasant, Henry, IA BUR.: Dec 1850 PLACE: Salem, Henry, IA Sex CHILDREN ============================================================================================================================== 1. NAME: Mary A EDWARDS (AFN:P761-D1) ---- BORN: 1837 PLACE: NY F CHR.: PLACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. NAME: William Henry EDWARDS (AFN:P761-GC) ---- BORN: 1839 PLACE: Oquawka, Henderson, IL M CHR.: PLACE: DIED: 28 Mar 1862 PLACE: BUR.: PLACE: SPOUSE: Lucinda ROBERTS (AFN:P761-QQ) MAR.: 26 Jun 1859 PLACE: Rock Creek, Nemeha, Kansas Territory ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. NAME: John Penny EDWARDS (AFN:P761-HJ) ---- BORN: 11 May 1840 PLACE: Jackson Twp, Henry, IA M CHR.: PLACE: DIED: 14 Mar 1916 PLACE: Salem, Henry, IA SPOUSE: Martha Ellen JOY (AFN:P761-PK) MAR.: 25 Aug 1864 PLACE: Salem, Henry, IA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. NAME: Samuel D EDWARDS (AFN:P761-JP) ---- BORN: 10 Oct 1842 PLACE: Jackson Twp, Henry, IA M CHR.: PLACE: DIED: 26 Jan 1862 PLACE: Benton Barracks Near St. Louis,, MO ============================================================================================================================== 5. NAME: Ellen A. EDWARDS (AFN:P761-KV) ---- BORN: 1845 PLACE: Jackson Twp., Henry, IA F CHR.: PLACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6. NAME: Elizabeth EDWARDS (AFN:P761-L2) ---- BORN: 1848 PLACE: Jackson Twp., Henry, IA F CHR.: PLACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7. NAME: Wesley Thomas EDWARDS (AFN:P761-M7) ---- BORN: 1850 PLACE: Jackson Twp., Henry, IA M CHR.: PLACE: SPOUSE: Cora DYE (AFN:P761-ND) MAR.: 27 Oct 1885 PLACE: Hays, Ellis, KS OTHER MARRIAGES ============================================================================================================================== HUSBAND: Joseph Alfred EDWARDS (AFN:1QMS-86) SPOUSE: Lydia Ann FRAZIER (AFN:1QMS-9C) MAR.: 10 Oct 1851 PLACE: , Henry County, IA SPOUSE: Mary WRIGHT (AFN:BFGQ-V6) MAR.: PLACE: ============================================================================================================================== HUSBAND: John EDWARDS (AFN:BFGQ-RN) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BORN: 9 Nov 1790 PLACE: Southampton, Suffolk, NY CHR.: PLACE: DIED: 22 Dec 1885 PLACE: Sag Harbor, Suffolk, NY BUR.: Dec 1885 PLACE: Sag Harbor, Suffolk, NY MAR.: 21 Jan 1814 PLACE: Sag Harbor, Suffolk, NY FATHER: John EDWARDS (AFN:CRZW-RM) MOTHER: Mercy VAN SCOY (AFN:CRZW-SS) OTHER WIVES: ============================================================================================================================== WIFE: Deborah PENNY (AFN:BFGQ-ST) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BORN: 21 Dec 1790 PLACE: Bridgehampton, Suffolk, NY DIED: 8 Jan 1877 PLACE: Sag Harbor, Suffolk, NY BUR.: Jan 1877 PLACE: Sag Harbor, Suffolk, NY ============================================================================================================================== Sex CHILDREN ============================================================================================================================== 1. NAME: Deborah Carolina EDWARDS (AFN:P761-S3) ---- BORN: 26 Oct 1814 PLACE: Sag Harbor, Suffolk, NY F CHR.: PLACE: DIED: 7 May 1900 PLACE: SPOUSE: Henry SNOOK (AFN:P762-BS) MAR.: 1835 PLACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. NAME: Joseph Alfred EDWARDS (AFN:1QMS-86) ---- BORN: 20 Aug 1816/1817 PLACE: Sag Harbor, Suffolk, NY M CHR.: PLACE: DIED: 13 Apr 1903 PLACE: Florence, Fremont, CO BUR.: 15 Apr 1903 PLACE: Highland Cemetery, Florence, Fremont, CO SPOUSE: Caroline SNOOKS (AFN:BFGQ-T1) and 2 Others MAR.: 25 Jan 1836 PLACE: Sag Harbor, Suffolk, NY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. NAME: Mary Jane EDWARDS (AFN:P761-T8) ---- BORN: 15 May 1819 PLACE: Sag Harbor, Suffolk, NY F CHR.: PLACE: DIED: 26 May 1893 PLACE: SPOUSE: Henry B TUTHILL (AFN:P762-9M) MAR.: 1838 PLACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. NAME: Loderic Herman EDWARDS (AFN:P761-VF) ---- BORN: 10 Mar 1820 PLACE: Sag Harbor, Suffolk, NY M CHR.: PLACE: DIED: 3 Sep 1849 PLACE: SPOUSE: Lucy AVERY (AFN:P762-8G) ============================================================================================================================== 5. NAME: Frances Sage EDWARDS (AFN:P761-WL) ---- BORN: 15 Mar 1823 PLACE: Sag Harbor, Suffolk, NY F CHR.: PLACE: DIED: 29 Jul 1892 PLACE: Sag Harbor, Suffolk, NY SPOUSE: Atwater HALE (AFN:P762-79) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6. NAME: Hannah EDWARDS (AFN:P761-XR) ---- BORN: 12 Apr 1825 PLACE: Sag Harbor, Suffolk, NY F CHR.: PLACE: SPOUSE: William WHITE (AFN:P762-64) MAR.: PLACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7. NAME: Charlottia Marie EDWARDS (AFN:P761-ZX) ---- BORN: 13 Feb 1827 PLACE: Sag Harbor, Suffolk, NY F CHR.: PLACE: SPOUSE: Samuel POLLEY (AFN:P762-5X) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8. NAME: John Penny EDWARDS (AFN:P762-03) ---- BORN: 3 Jan 1830 PLACE: Sag Harbor, Suffolk, NY M CHR.: PLACE: SPOUSE: Sarah HAYES (AFN:P762-4R) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9. NAME: Austin EDWARDS (AFN:P762-18) ---- BORN: 1 Mar 1832 PLACE: Sag Harbor, Suffolk, NY M CHR.: PLACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10. NAME: Henrietta EDWARDS (AFN:P762-2F) ---- BORN: 16 Jul 1835 PLACE: Sag Harbor, Suffolk, NY F CHR.: PLACE: SPOUSE: Charles DOUGLAS (AFN:P762-3L) MAR.: PLACE: ============================================================================================================================== OTHER MARRIAGES ============================================================================================================================== CHILD 2: Joseph Alfred EDWARDS (AFN:1QMS-86) SPOUSE: Lydia Ann FRAZIER (AFN:1QMS-9C) MAR.: 10 Oct 1851 PLACE: , Henry County, IA SPOUSE: Mary WRIGHT (AFN:BFGQ-V6) ============================================================================================================================== HUSBAND: John EDWARDS (AFN:CRZW-RM) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BORN: 1749 PLACE: , Sag Harbor, Suffolk County, New York CHR.: PLACE: DIED: 1829 PLACE: BUR.: PLACE: MAR.: 1774 PLACE: East Hampton, Long Island, New York FATHER: John EDWARDS (AFN:N63W-Z4) MOTHER: Mehetable RUSSELL (AFN:N63W-NK) OTHER WIVES: Mercy EDWARDS (AFN:93GV-SN) ============================================================================================================================== WIFE: Mercy VAN SCOY (AFN:CRZW-SS) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BORN: Abt 1759 PLACE: Southampton, Long Island, Or East Hampton, Suffolk, New York CHR.: PLACE: DIED: 1834 PLACE: Southampton, Long Island, New York ============================================================================================================================== Sex CHILDREN ============================================================================================================================== 1. NAME: Isaac EDWARDS (AFN:P1NL-C7) ---- BORN: <1777> PLACE: Southampton, Long Island, New York M CHR.: PLACE: DIED: 1846 PLACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. NAME: Russell EDWARDS (AFN:4NNN-W0) ---- BORN: 1779 PLACE: Southampton, Suffolk, NY M CHR.: PLACE: DIED: 1836 PLACE: BUR.: PLACE: SPOUSE: Temperance HOWELL (AFN:4NNN-X5) MAR.: 1801 PLACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. NAME: Patience EDWARDS (AFN:P1NL-GQ) ---- BORN: <1783> PLACE: Southampton, Long Island, New York F CHR.: PLACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. NAME: Matsie EDWARDS (AFN:P1NL-HW) ---- BORN: <1785> PLACE: Southampton, Long Island, New York F CHR.: PLACE: ============================================================================================================================== HUSBAND: John EDWARDS (AFN:CRZW-RM) BORN: 1749 WIFE: Mercy VAN SCOY (AFN:CRZW-SS) BORN: Abt 1759 ============================================================================================================================== Sex CHILDREN (Continued) ============================================================================================================================== 5. NAME: John EDWARDS (AFN:BFGQ-RN) ---- BORN: 9 Nov 1790 PLACE: Southampton, Suffolk, NY M CHR.: PLACE: DIED: 22 Dec 1885 PLACE: Sag Harbor, Suffolk, NY BUR.: Dec 1885 PLACE: Sag Harbor, Suffolk, NY SPOUSE: Deborah PENNY (AFN:BFGQ-ST) MAR.: 21 Jan 1814 PLACE: Sag Harbor, Suffolk, NY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6. NAME: Abraham EDWARDS (AFN:P1NL-FK) ---- BORN: 1795 PLACE: Southampton, Long Island, New York M CHR.: PLACE: DIED: 1856 PLACE: ============================================================================================================================== HUSBAND: John EDWARDS (AFN:CRZW-RM) BORN: 1749 WIFE: Mercy VAN SCOY (AFN:CRZW-SS) BORN: Abt 1759 ============================================================================================================================== OTHER MARRIAGES ============================================================================================================================== HUSBAND: John EDWARDS (AFN:CRZW-RM) SPOUSE: Mercy EDWARDS (AFN:93GV-SN) MAR.: PLACE: Wethersfield, Hartford, Connecticut ============================================================================================================================== HUSBAND: John EDWARDS (AFN:N63W-Z4) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BORN: 1701 PLACE: , , Suffolk County, New York CHR.: 1701 PLACE: East Hampton, Long Island, New York DIED: 1727 PLACE: , , Suffolk County, New York BUR.: 1727 PLACE: FATHER: John EDWARDS (AFN:N63Z-H0) MOTHER: Ann Mrs EDWARDS (AFN:N63W-XX) OTHER WIVES: ============================================================================================================================== WIFE: Mehetable RUSSELL (AFN:N63W-NK) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BORN: Abt 1730 PLACE: , Southampton, Suffolk County, New York ============================================================================================================================== Sex CHILDREN ============================================================================================================================== 1. NAME: John EDWARDS (AFN:CRZW-RM) ---- BORN: 1749 PLACE: , Sag Harbor, Suffolk County, New York M CHR.: PLACE: DIED: 1829 PLACE: BUR.: PLACE: SPOUSE: Mercy VAN SCOY (AFN:CRZW-SS) and 1 Others MAR.: 1774 PLACE: East Hampton, Long Island, New York ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. NAME: Silas EDWARDS (AFN:N63W-QW) ---- BORN: <1751> PLACE: , , Suffolk County, New York M CHR.: PLACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. NAME: Ann EDWARDS (AFN:N63W-R3) ---- BORN: <1753> PLACE: , , Suffolk County, New York F CHR.: PLACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. NAME: Phebe EDWARDS (AFN:N63W-S8) ---- BORN: <1755> PLACE: , , Suffolk County, New York F CHR.: PLACE: ============================================================================================================================== 5. NAME: Lucretta EDWARDS (AFN:N63W-TF) ---- BORN: <1757> PLACE: , , Suffolk County, New York F CHR.: PLACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6. NAME: Jemina EDWARDS (AFN:N63W-VL) ---- BORN: <1759> PLACE: , , Suffolk County, New York F CHR.: PLACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ============================================================================================================================== HUSBAND: John EDWARDS (AFN:N63W-Z4) BORN: 1701 WIFE: Mehetable RUSSELL (AFN:N63W-NK) BORN: Abt 1730 ============================================================================================================================== OTHER MARRIAGES ============================================================================================================================== CHILD 1: John EDWARDS (AFN:CRZW-RM) SPOUSE: Mercy EDWARDS (AFN:93GV-SN) MAR.: PLACE: Wethersfield, Hartford, Connecticut ============================================================================================================================== HUSBAND: John EDWARDS (AFN:N63Z-H0) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BORN: 1678 PLACE: , East Hampton, Suffolk County, New York DIED: 20 Nov 1728 PLACE: , New York City, New York County, New York BUR.: Nov 1728 PLACE: FATHER: John EDWARDS (AFN:93GV-W6) MOTHER: Mary STANBOROUGH (AFN:93GV-XC) OTHER WIVES: Mary CONKLING (AFN:N63Z-J5) and 1 Others ============================================================================================================================== WIFE: Ann Mrs EDWARDS (AFN:N63W-XX) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BORN: <1682> PLACE: <, East Hampton, Suffolk County, New York> ============================================================================================================================== Sex CHILDREN ============================================================================================================================== 1. NAME: Anne EDWARDS (AFN:P1N9-Z3) ---- BORN: Abt 1682 PLACE: East Hampton, Long Island, New York F CHR.: PLACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. NAME: Timothy EDWARDS (AFN:P1NB-07) ---- BORN: <1684> PLACE: East Hampton, Long Island, New York M CHR.: PLACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. NAME: Henry EDWARDS (AFN:P1NB-1D) ---- BORN: <1686> PLACE: East Hampton, Long Island, New York M CHR.: PLACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. NAME: John EDWARDS (AFN:N63W-Z4) ---- BORN: 1701 PLACE: , , Suffolk County, New York M CHR.: 1701 PLACE: East Hampton, Long Island, New York DIED: 1727 PLACE: , , Suffolk County, New York BUR.: 1727 PLACE: SPOUSE: Mehetable RUSSELL (AFN:N63W-NK) MAR.: PLACE: ============================================================================================================================== 5. NAME: Ann EDWARDS (AFN:N63X-08) ---- BORN: <1703> PLACE: , , Suffolk County, New York F CHR.: PLACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6. NAME: Elishaba EDWARDS (AFN:N63X-1F) ---- BORN: <1705> PLACE: , , Suffolk County, New York F CHR.: PLACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7. NAME: Frances EDWARDS (AFN:N63X-2L) ---- BORN: <1707> PLACE: , , Suffolk County, New York F CHR.: PLACE: DIED: 1722 PLACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8. NAME: Elizabeth EDWARDS (AFN:P1NB-2K) ---- BORN: Abt 1714 PLACE: East Hampton, Long Island, New York F CHR.: PLACE: DIED: 1722 PLACE: East Hampton, Long Island, New York BUR.: 1722 PLACE: East Hampton, Long Island, New York ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9. NAME: Frances EDWARDS (AFN:P1NB-3Q) ---- BORN: Abt 1716 PLACE: East Hampton, Long Island, New York F CHR.: PLACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10. NAME: Phebe EDWARDS (AFN:N63X-3R) ---- BORN: 1718 PLACE: , , Suffolk County, New York F CHR.: PLACE: DIED: 13 Jul 1738 PLACE: East Hampton, Long Island, New York BUR.: Jul 1738 PLACE: ============================================================================================================================== 11. NAME: Esther EDWARDS (AFN:N63X-4X) ---- BORN: Abt 1720 PLACE: , , Suffolk County, New York F CHR.: PLACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12. NAME: Jerusha EDWARDS (AFN:N63X-54) ---- BORN: <1722> PLACE: , , Suffolk County, New York F CHR.: PLACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13. NAME: Jerusha EDWARDS (AFN:P1NB-4W) ---- BORN: Abt 1722 PLACE: East Hampton, Long Island, New York M CHR.: PLACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14. NAME: Elizabeth EDWARDS (AFN:N63X-69) ---- BORN: PLACE: , , Suffolk County, New York F CHR.: 1726 PLACE: East Hampton, Long Island, New York DIED: 1737 PLACE: BUR.: 1737 PLACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15. NAME: Timothy EDWARDS (AFN:N63X-7G) ---- BORN: <1726> PLACE: , , Suffolk County, New York M CHR.: PLACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16. NAME: Henry EDWARDS (AFN:N63X-9S) ---- BORN: <1729> PLACE: , , Suffolk County, New York M CHR.: PLACE: ============================================================================================================================== HUSBAND: John EDWARDS (AFN:N63Z-H0) BORN: 1678 WIFE: Ann Mrs EDWARDS (AFN:N63W-XX) BORN: <1682> ============================================================================================================================== OTHER MARRIAGES ============================================================================================================================== HUSBAND: John EDWARDS (AFN:N63Z-H0) SPOUSE: Mary CONKLING (AFN:N63Z-J5) SPOUSE: Anna (AFN:19W0-3ZX) Copyright (c) 1987, July 1996 by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. All rights reserved.