Foster's Folly Genealogy

The Georgia-North Carolina Connection
known to be
in Macon Co & Transylvania Co, NC
and Rabun Co, GA;
Updated March 21, 2005
The FOSTER ancestor is Samuel FOSTER
View the FOSTER Genealogy Report
Samuel FOSTER was born in either NC/SC/GA, between 1801-1805, depending on the census records. Most likely he was born in GA, since his children show their father born there. Have long suspected that Samuel FOSTER could be related to Isaac FOSTER b 1809 m Lucinda DAVIS b 1810. Have found no proof.
Samuel's wife was Polly UNKNOWN, born abt 1803 in NC. They owned property and lived in Macon Co, NC; both are buried at Head of Tennessee Baptist Church cemetery in Dillard, Rabun Co, GA. Polly is buried next to Revolutionary Solider, John DILLARD.
John FOSTER was born November 15, 1829 in GA, d February 4, 1914, buried in Macon Co, NC in the Foster Cemetery, Line Hill off Hwy 441. The Foster Cemetery is located on the Macon Co, NC and Rabun Co, NC border. It is listed as a Rabun Co, GA cemetery, but is actually in Macon Co, NC.
Samuel and Polly's other children include:
Elizabeth was born abt 1825, m James W. PACK
Mary Ann was born in 1831, m Daniel N. GUY
Alfred, was born abt 1833, m Mary (Polly A.)WELBORN b abt 1840.
John married...
The McCLURE ancestor Mary Clarinda McCLURE
Clarinda's father believed to be Peter McCLURE who died in Cherokee CO, NC in 1847; mother was Margaret(Peggy)LOUDERMILK, daughter of George LOUDERMILK and Charity Patience IRONS. Peggy McCLURE (age 27)listed as head of home in 1850 Census of Union Co, GA with Clarinda age 12; McDuffe age 6, and Charity age 4 (m Joseph JACKSON, Blount Co, TN). In 1854, Margaret married Morten/Martin SANDERS/SAUNDERS in Union Co, GA. Census records show them in Towns Co, GA for 1860, 1870, and 1880. The 1860 records list surnames of McDuffe and Charity (Charlotte) as SANDERS/SAUNDERS, not McCLURE.
Mary Clarinda was born on August 31, 1838 in NC, and married John FOSTER on February 15,1855 in Towns Co, GA. She is buried in the Foster Cemetery in Macon Co, NC (listed on Rabun Co, GA cemetery list.)
John and Mary Clarinda had 7 children:
1. Margaret A. b abt 1859 m John M.DILLARD, no children
2. John Franklin b 1861 d 1883 buried in FOSTER Cemetery
3. Martha C. b abt 1863 NC m Athan Lee McCLURE
4. Julius M. be abt 1866 NC m Adelia DICKERSON
5. Samuel Dock b 1868 d 1883 buried in FOSTER Cemetery
6. Andrew Priestly b 1869 d 1890 m Margaret Alice PATTERSON and
*7. William Alfred (my Grandfather)b September 8, 1873 d 1927
(1) Fannie COBB in 1894
m (2) Cora GALLOWAY (my Grandmother) October 29,1899 daughter of Rufus Justice GALLOWAY and Hester Ann REID of Transylvania Co,NC
*William Alfred and Cora had one son, my father. When Alfred died in 1927 he was buried in the FOSTER Cemetery on Hwy 441, but was exhumed and reburied when the highway went through the property (in the 1950's?). William Alfred and Cora Galloway Foster are buried at Toxaway Lakeside Cemetery in Transylvania Co, NC.

View Photo of William Alfred FOSTER

View Photo of Cora GALLOWAY FOSTER
The GALLOWAY Ancestor is William D. Galloway, Sr. His son, Jimmie GALLOWAY, is my GGGGrandfather.
View the GALLOWAY Genealogy Report
(See Links to Other GALLOWAY Researchers on HOME Page)
The REID Ancestor is James Reid. He is my GGGGGrandfather.
View the REID Genealogy Report
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