My Photograph Album

Hi! My name is Gigi Foster Creel
(nee Virginia Lee Foster.)
I live in NW Indiana, where I was born.
Here are the current links to the pages of my family album.
New! Photo of my GGGGrandfather, Jimmie (James) GALLOWAY
My Parents - James Milton FOSTER and Virginia Viola LEICHT
My Grandfather - William Alfred FOSTER
My Grandmother - Cora GALLOWAY FOSTER
New!My GGG Grandfather - Jimmie (James)GALLOWAY
and my Dad - Alfred Byron "J.M." FOSTER
My Great Grandparents - Peter LEICHT and Caroline (Lena)RUNDORFF
My Great Grandparents - Joseph BUEHL and Anna BUSCH-SCHULTZ
My Great-Great Grandparents - The Frederick LEICHT and Anna DREHER Family
My Great-Great Grandparents - The August RUNDORFF and Rosetta FOSBENDER Family
Named Frederick
Registration #8
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