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Foster's Folly Genealogy

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Updated October 10, 2005

My maiden name is Virginia Lee Foster.
My family and friends call me Gigi.

My Father was born in Macon County, Smithbridge Township, North Carolina, which is right at the border of Rabun County, Georgia. This webpage background is a photograph of the Foster family farm. I started researching in 1993 with very little to go on except family stories. Thanks to other internet researchers and some on-site visits, I have been able to piece together this data on my FOSTER-GALLOWAY-McCLURE-LOUDERMILK-REID roots
mainly in Macon and Transylvania Counties, NC and Rabun Co, GA.

My Mother was born in Burlington, Des Moines County, Iowa.
Thanks to my only uncle, my mother's cousin, online research data, and on-site visits, I have data on the LEICHT, RUNDORFF, DREHER, and BUEHL families, all of German descent.

My parents met in Burlington, Iowa, and came to Gary, Lake County, Indiana, after WWII started. I live in Crown Point, Indiana, county seat of Lake County.

I use FamilyTreeMaker software. When I first started this 10 years ago, I had very little information to go on. Hoping to one day find connections, I added alot of FOSTER surnames to my database from two particular sources: Dr. Billy G. Foster, whose 30+ years of research is posted on Pamela Brown Reid's website, "Branches and Roots; North Carolina Fosters"; and various FTM user files. At the time, I did not realize that I would ever share my file with anyone else and neglected to enter source information for much of that original data. So, I especially want to thank Dr. B.G. Foster, who now resides in Kyle, Texas, author of "The Fosters of Flanders, England, and America," published in 1989.

UPDATE! That original file has over 16,000+ names in it. I have just posted a smaller revised file to Rootsweb WorldConnect that includes only my KNOWN extended family verified by my own census searches and contributions shared by family descendants I've met through the internet.

I didn't know what an obsession this would become. I had the mistaken notion that finding my ancestors would be easy! Little did I know! What a folly! I know there's more to learn, more family to meet, and welcome your questions, comments, corrections and additions. Thanks for sharing!

My Family Connections

The Georgia-North Carolina Connection

in Macon Co and Transylvania Co, NC
and Rabun Co, GA
Genealogy Reports on Samuel FOSTER, William D. GALLOWAY, Sr., and James REID

The Iowa Connection

in Burlington, Des Moines Co, IA
Genealogy Reports on Peter LEICHT and August RUNDORFF, Sr.


Index of Surnames
See my Rootsweb Page at
Foster-Galloway Family Tree

My Photograph Album

Foster Family Deeds

Macon County, NC Deeds I have transcribed

Includes deeds for: my GGGrandfather, Samuel FOSTER
GGrandparents: John and Mary Clarinda McCLURE FOSTER
Son of Samuel: Alfred FOSTER
Daughter of Samuel: Elizabeth FOSTER (James) PACK
Daughter of Samuel: Mary Ann FOSTER (Daniel) GUY
Grandson of Samuel/Grandparents: Wm. Alfred and Cora GALLOWAY FOSTER
Daughter of John: Martha FOSTER (Athan Lee) McCLURE

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My e-Mail
Email me at gigicreel@geocities.com

Other Web Pages with
Connections to My Family

Foster Genealogy Home Page (Rabun Co, GA)
Isaac Foster and Lucinda Davis Family - a possible link to my FOSTERs
Link active, but page no longer being updated.

Alexandra's Family Tree House
Shawna's Genealogy Page

John W. Andrews Family Tree

Walter-Connor-Orth-Karger Families mainly in Iowa

I belong to...

Join MountainKin

Ask for an invitation to join this wonderful Yahoo eGroup that includes AIKEN, ANDERS, BRYSON, CANTRELL, CATHEY, FISHER, GALLOWAY, GLAZENER, McCALL, MOORE, NIX, OWEN(s), PARKER, PATTERSON, REID, and WOOD cuzzins
centered around Transylvania Co, NC.


Thanks for Wonderful Graphics

I adopted a mouse named Frederick
from Vikimouse
Registration #8
You can visit him on The Iowa Connection Page

My Web Counter

View my Rootsweb Page at
Foster-Galloway Family Tree

This page created August 18, 1998.
Last update October 10, 2005.

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