wine glass

David Rosengarten

   I had the complete honor of seeing one of my favorite television chef's, David Rosengarten, film a new show for the Food Network . "Taste Test" is based on the poorly rated "Pressure Cooker", however with a much better host and format. It resembles "Jeopardy" a little bit in it's style.

    Mr. Rosengarten is just like you see on television...very knowledgeable about the field and a perfectionist. I can't say that I blame him on wanting everything just perfect, with this being his first time as "game show host".

    The stage is absolutely wonderful and just so HIM. It has a very elegant feel about it... almost like dining in a fabulous restaurant, but with a Host.

    Although the wait in between shots was long, the very lovely "voice" of the show, Mary, kept us on our toes. She would quiz the audience for token candies and tiramisu, giving us a very big sugar high.

    My son Thomas was made to feel at home by Mary and the surrounding guests as they made him feel special (and the only child in the audience). He lucked out to sit next to one of the very intelligent contestant's daughters who happens to have something in common with my son...math. He was in awe of this woman spouting all this "math stuff" and had a great time all around. She claimed she was a "geek", but there was nothing "geeky" about her at all. Being a math major at NYU shows not only is she intelligent in math but in her choices of colleges as well. I hope to use her in the future as my son's math tutor as I feel there is alot he can learn from her. There was also one audience member that was lucky enough to see 3 tapings of "Emeril Live"!

    I hope this show does better then the poorly received "Pressure Cooker", and I have no question it will. Mr. Rosengarten has quite a following and that will no doubt help the ratings.

    I have invited Mr. Rosengarten to be my guest to one of my food chats via his staff. If he ever gets the invitation it will be a thrill alone! I will keep you updated on my progress as getting him on as a "guest speaker".

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