Christmas Blessings
Hello and welcome to my Christmas Kitchen! I hope you can find something here to suit your family. Even if you choose not to use any of these dishes, it's always fun to see how other families eat at Christmas. Don't forget to visit the Thanksgiving section for more yummy ideas.

An * indicates it would be a good Tree Trimming dish

Cranberry Roast Pork
Crown Roast of Pork
Goldwasser Holiday Goose
Holiday Beef Rib Eye Roast
Holiday Stuffed Roast Pork
Pheasant a la'Orange
Racks Of Lamb With Lemon & Mint
Roast Beef with Onions and Yorkshire Pudding
Roast Mallard with Root Vegetables
* Ruby Chicken
Vegetarian Holiday Roast
Westphalian Leg of Lamb

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