Born 17 weeks premature on October 16, 1995
Weight:  1 and 1/2 pounds          Length:  11 and 3/4 inches

We welcome you to our web page about our Very Important Preemie! We hope that you will enjoy reading about our journey. It has been a difficult one, but as you can see by this picture (see left) taken of Sammy when he was three years old, we have been blessed beyond measure. In fact, the blessings continued with the birth of Sam's fraternal twin Stuart who was born, with the help of embryo cryostorage and our wonderful infertility team, almost five years after Sam.

In the picture of the two boys to the right, Sam is the one on the right doing what he loves to do best - READ! Sam is eight years old in this picture taken Christmas, 2003. Stuart is the one on the left, doing what he loves to do best - LAUGH! Stuart was three at the time, and we didn't realize how much he looked like Sam at this age, until we uploaded this picture and saw it next to the one of Sam at age three. You can see that they both have smiles that light up the room!

This picture of Sam and Stuart (see left) was taken on 9/7/04, Sam's first day of third grade! Reading still remains a tremendous interest and gift that he has. He also is quite the thespian, having had large roles in our church's kids musicals. Our family sings together quite often, and he has wonderful rhythm and pitch, and will often make up harmony. Sam has started taking piano lessons this year, and after two lessons had sounded out the beginning of Tocatta & Fugue! Stuart has just turned four and is the most active kid that I know! Always a bundle of energy and strong-willed joy! It is amazing how two boys could look so much alike, and be so completely different in temperment and gifts. We are so blessed to have them as our sons.

If you have come to this page because you or someone you love has just given birth to a preemie, we recommend that you click on the button entitled "Learning to Touch a Preemie." In it we have shared what we have learned about touching a preemie without overstimulation, and a wonderful technique called "kangaroo care." Also check out the "Advice on Lactation" and other preemie-related links. You may want to protect your baby by making a cover for the isolette if your hospital does not provide these.

If your child is manifesting signs of a weakened immune system, we would recommend that you read the section on immunodeficiency. We also would like to share information about having a central line with other parents who are facing this challenge.

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COPYRIGHT 1998 Susan Warren. The original story, pictures, art, isolette cover pattern and tiny feet background contained in the web site are not to be copied which is prohibited by law.

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