Hi there! My name is Bev (who would've thought it)?? I want to welcome you to my little part of the world. I live with my daughter, Heather, my "better half", Rich and the "family cat", Moose, in Latrobe,PA home of the banana split, Mister Rogers and Arnold Palmer. The summer training camp of the Pittsburgh
Steelers is located at St. Vincent College and we have various other businesses located here such as: Kennametal and the Arnold Palmer Regional Airport...just to name a couple. Historic Ligonier is just a few miles away and is a beautiful little town to visit and if I'm in the mood to have some family fun, I can always visit Idlewild Park.
I work for the Westmoreland-Fayette Boy Scout Council as a financial secretary. I enjoy reading, cross-stitching, crocheting, gardening and spending time with my family and friends. I LOVE unicorns (betcha guessed that already), country music and Garfield. I enjoy spending time at Slingo playing games and chatting with other players. I also chat using
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