<BGSOUND SRC="/corsantim/dreams1.mid">
In Loving Memory
of my  daughters
My name is Gail, I am the Mom of 3 beautiful adopted kids. I have 2 daughters who are angels and a son. First I will
tell you about Sandy-Beth (Born May 27, 1979-Died October 19,1991). Sandy-Beth came to me in Sept. 1981. She
had Spina Bifida and Hyrocephalus.  She was a happy little child with beautiful long, long eyelashes. The kind us
gals would love to have! Sandy-Beth  also had Epilepsy and Arnold Chairi Syndrome. Her seizures were pretty much
under control for a while. Sandy-Beth went to school for few years and then when she was having more problems with skin breakdown and stuff, she became more fragile and required home instruction. This was fine as I already had a special education teacher coming to the house to teach Sandy-Beth's  sister and brother. In October 1991 the three  kids had sore throats and upper respitory infections. The doctor had them on antibiodics. Sandy-Beth seemed to be improving,  or at least I thought she was, She told me she didn't feel good and wanted to take a nap. I put her down for a nap and she slept for a couple of hours. I made macaroni  and cheese for supper (here favorite) and being she was  already in bed. I gave supper in there. She was laughing  and said she felt better. That night she was very  restless and I thought it was because she had taken a nap and wasn''t sleepy. Well, I told her to go to sleep. She asked me to put a light on. The light was on. Then I put her on her side and gave her tylenol because she said her head hurt. I came out to kitchen and poured a cup coffee. I only drank  a little bit  and something told me to go check Sandy-Beth and when I looked in the bedroom she was having a bad seizure I called 911 and by the time they came she was okay ( I thought). They took her to the hospital for routine check. Sandy-Beth was alert and talking all the way to hospital. She was being observed in the ER when something went wrong and her lungs collapsed. They put a tube down and  were waiting to transport her to a larger hospital. Her  heart stopped, they hit her with the paddles and got it going and they told me she was okay. Well, within the  next five minutes she had another seizure and pulled all the tubes out. They worked on her but couldn''t bring  her back this time. So on October 19, 1991 at 11:31 AM my Sandy-Beth became an angel.
Next I will tell you about Cory-Sue (Born August 8,1975-Died April 25,1994). Cory-Sue came to  me in July 1978. Cory-Sue had Cystic Fibrosis, Vascular disordeand ,Juvenile A rthritis.she was also Blind and  Hearing Imparied. She was a very tiny child. She also had a malabsoption problem due partly to the CF. She was fed thru a G-tube as well as by mouth. Cory-Sue was a very brave little girl she lost her eyesight at age 9 and also her hearing. She could hear some with her hearing aids. Cory-Sue was also developmentally delayed. The school when they tested her and said she would never learn to read. Well;.Ha Ha, not only did .she read braille and wrote a little book about herself.  Infections were very hard on her body and in Dec. of 93 she had her second GI bleed. It was at that time I        learned she was in renal and liver failure. The doctor told me just take her home, love her and enjoy her. Cory-Sue     was a fighter all the way till the end. She lasted 4 months after the doctor told me she was dying. It was the worst four months of my life. Not being able to make her better, not being able to fix it. I thought Mommies could fix anything ..Not So! Cory-Sue gave me a gift as she went to meet Jesus. There was no way medically that  she should have  had the strength to sit up. Cory-Sue went  from the top of her bed to the bottom where I was and  took her oxygen off and hugged me and took her last  breath as I told her it was time. I feel she loved me that much and the Lord gave her the strength to let me know. So on April 25, 1994 at 4:44 AM Cory-Sue became an angel.
I miss my girls so very much as anyone who has lost a child can only understand. I still  have my son Timmy. He misses his sisters too. It is he that gives me the strength to carry on.
Cory-Sue's page
Sandy-Beth's page
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