Shrek's Place

Click for Austin, Texas Forecast

Welcome to my little corner of the web.

Hello, I'm Bill "Shrek" Thater and I work for the Austin Texas Independant School District , doing Database Administration and Development for ORACLE databases. Although I've been working with ORACLE for the past 25 years, in May of 2006 I will have been programming professionally for 38 years. [Yes, Virginia, we *did* have computers back that long ago. ;-)]

You'll also have noticed by now that other than the View with Honor graphic, the weather sticker at the top of the page [provided by the people at Weather Underground ] which shows the current weather in Austin, Texas where I live and the page counter at the bottom [ provided by the nice people here at GeoCities who kindly host this page.] there aren't any fancy graphics. When Tim Berners-Lee invented HTML it was to enable the sharing of documents and putting in things that require the use of a specific browser goes against that spirit IMHO. So this page is best viewed with any browser . [I even loaded it in Lynx and it all works except the counter graphic at the bottom. ;-)]

Well, I've settled into a good job working with good people. They even are sending me to training... it's a long time since that happened. No presentations this year, maybe I'll get back to it next year.

As always this site is under construction, so stop back from time to time. You never know what you'll find. ;-)

"May the Fource be with you!"

Email: Bill Thater