"My Humble Little Home On the Web!"
Greetings From Our House To Yours! My name is Lois Jean Hayes aka Dandy Girl. I'm glad you took the time to stop by. I have a lot of pages and I hope you will take the time to view them...I think you will enjoy them. I am always updating them so please come back again soon. I have a site map on this page, so scroll down the page, and find where you want to go, and "click" GO! Please don't forget to sign my guestbook!
My interests are: sports, crafts, landscaping, decorating, and surfing the web.
Where do you want to go?
To go to my links below,
scroll down my list, click on the link you wish to go, to then click on "GO" to the right.
Visit My Message Board:
Message Board
PLEASE TAKE THE TIME TO SIGN MY GUESTBOOK! I love to read the entries and your comments are very important to me!!!

Email me with your suggestions or comments... you are always welcome here, so
please come back and visit again soon.

I wish to thank "Angie's Graphics" and "Renee's Graphics" for the use of these graphics, and "Country Hideaway Graphics" for the use of these backgrounds. There is a link to them on my links page.
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