My Stories Page
Just a place where I write short stories about life in My World, which usually resembles the picture to the left.

Here you may find stories posted from time to time about Mommy's Life, my son, FAS/FAE, what it is like being a military spouse, tightwaddery etc.
Basically, anything I decide to write about at the time ;-) I hope you enjoy them.

"The Pole vs. The Two Year Old" - one of those lessons in being a mommy

"Jesus Must Have Birthday Cake" - my son's bright idea that stuck

"Hey, Can You Choke a Flower" - one of those things kids come up with ;-)

"How Much Do I Love Thee" - my experience as the mom of a joint-custody-kid

One tightwad laundry tip: To get dingy out of anything and to remove some of those hard stains use equal parts of dishwasher detergent and all fabric bleach (3/4 to 1 cup) in a load of laundry, agitate for a few minutes then let it sit for an hour up to over night. This won't discolor most fabrics and works great (some liquid all fabric bleaches don't work, you want the "Purex" or "Clorox 2" stuff and "Sunlight" dishwasher detergent doesn't work, I use "Cascade" or "Electrosol")

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