06/20/00 04:33:28
Name: Loretta M. | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Are You a Mom: Yes | Are You a Christian: Yes | Want More FAS/FAE Info: No |
Want More YA Info: No |
Great site! I'll be back to read more; haven't had a chance to go through it all yet. See ya at Moms Online, Solely the Bible!!
04/05/00 14:07:07
Name: Kris | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Are You a Mom: Yes |
Are You a Christian: Yes |
Thank you for your email. I have an appointment today with my pediatrician. I've printed off some internet information about FAS with description of Dysmorphic Features of FAS and information as to the importance of early diagnosis. I will give this to he
along with a letter I've written and an early photo of Cameron. I have a lot of questions and will email after this appointment. AGAIN! THANK YOU FOR THE SUPPORT!!!! Also, since researching all three of our new adoptions special needs on the internet,
have found that the most useful resources and support have been from Christians. We have always known the hand of God was on our children's lives. Psalms 139: 15 and 16.
Kris B
01/10/00 18:53:22
Name: Trisha Ross | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Are You a Mom: yes | Are You a Christian: yes | Want More FAS/FAE Info: yes |
Want More YA Info: yes |
I am a recovering alcoholic, 13 years now, with 4 sons, the youngest now 14, and have suspected for years he has FAS. He struggles with school, attention span issues, building friendships, low self-esteem, and now into puberty, anger outbursts, easily fru
trated, difficulty in getting staying organized. I am looking for help for him in any type of program that boosts self-esteem, as well as help for me to help him. He is a loving, sensitive young man, attractive too! I am scared for him. Please give me any
help you can! Thanks much,
12/15/99 22:00:00
Name: Tammie Griffin | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Are You a Mom: yes | Are You a Christian: yes | Want More FAS/FAE Info: no thanks |
Want More YA Info: no thanks |
Hi, i have really enjoyed your website! I was searching for some info about a Birthday Cake for Jesus, and came across you story. if you don't mind, may I link to it?
Again, it was so nice visiting your we site. God Bless!
10/18/99 05:54:35
Name: grandview | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Are You a Mom: Yes | Are You a Christian: Yes | Want More FAS/FAE Info: Yes |
Want More YA Info: No |
I'll be back to look some more. No more time tonight...I'm tired! This is wonderful, Arkhick! Grandview
10/03/99 01:37:31
Name: Dianne O'Connor | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Are You a Mom: yes |
Are You a Christian: I believe in God | Want More FAS/FAE Info: always |
Thanks for the site. There is just some much info, I'll be back several times to get thrugh it all.
09/26/99 21:52:06
Name: Marjimom | My URL: Visit Me |
Are You a Mom: Yup | Are You a Christian: Absolutely |
I liked your page, but the links were so dark that I had to highlight them to even read them. Could you make them a little lighter in color?
Got your page URL from fasfamilies. Good links, glad I came to look.
09/25/99 14:27:25
Name: Ahavia Lavana | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Are You a Mom: YES | Are You a Christian: YES | Want More FAS/FAE Info: have it. |
Want More YA Info: ??? what is YA |
Great web site. I cried when I read Baby Girl's story. But I cry easy. Thank you for loving your little girl so much. Shante's MOM.
09/25/99 13:36:43
Name: sue | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Are You a Mom: yes-2living fas daughters & 2 fas angel sons and grandma | Are You a Christian: yes | Want More FAS/FAE Info: not necessary |
Want More YA Info: no |
ida, nice site. thank you for sharing. keep up the great work.
09/25/99 03:14:58
Name: Karla | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Are You a Mom: yep | Are You a Christian: yep | Want More FAS/FAE Info: nope |
Want More YA Info: huh |
Hiya, glad to see your web up and running..looks great:o)
But I dont think your counter is working as it says 000 :o(
God bless,
07/05/99 17:34:24
Name: daddy | My URL: Visit Me |
Are You a Mom: no | Are You a Christian: yes |
I love you
05/28/99 22:46:27
Name: Roberta | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Are You a Mom: Yes |
Are You a Christian: Yes |
I really liked your site, but I've got to go to work, So I'll be back later to finish looking around!!
05/28/99 22:46:18
Name: Roberta | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Are You a Mom: Yes |
Are You a Christian: Yes |
I really liked your site, but I've got to go to work, So I'll be back later to finish looking around!!
03/01/99 00:13:36
Name: Tina |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Hey Ida. Trying to reach you. icq me your new email address. Mom said she received a card but lost it before it made it to me. Hope we can hook up. Tina R.
01/21/99 04:11:37
Name: Vicki aka ßlackrat | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Are You a Mom: no |
Are You a Christian: yes |
great page. keep up the good work. take care, and hope to see you on chat soon. Please visit my site and sign the guestbook as well. God bless †
12/16/98 02:22:56
Name: Valerie B | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Are You a Mom: Not yet |
Are You a Christian: yes | Want More FAS/FAE Info: sure |
I just love your page . I am a new Army wife trying
to get all the info I can get my hands on. your page will be a great resource for me. I will visit often. and would appreciate any info anyone can
give :o) Thanks for caring so much, it can get
real lonely.
11/02/98 20:09:17
Name: valerie boone | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Are You a Mom: yes |
Are You a Christian: yes | Want More FAS/FAE Info: yes |
10/04/98 11:47:10
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
08/14/98 19:25:48
Name: Peg Boarman | My URL: Visit Me |
Are You a Mom: yes | Are You a Christian: yes |
I am in Oklahoma and just stopped in to say
"Hi". Please call Brenda to remind her of Jacob's meeting with YA Saturday as she may
forget. Thanks, see ya sometime!!
Love, Peg Boarman
Hi: I enjoyed your site!!! Louise Calaway
(Peg's sister in OK.)
06/21/98 13:16:00
Name: Sharon | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Are You a Mom: Yes |
Are You a Christian: Yes |
Your site is wonderful, I really enjoyed my visit. Thank you for teaching me a few new things, especially about FAS/FAE. I will share your site with all my friends. Keep writing those stories, I will be checking back again.
05/27/98 19:13:05
Name: Mariam |
My URL: Visit Me |
Are You a Mom: Yes |
Hey, I was surprised & flattered that you paid us a visit. Thanks! And thanks for checking out the things & letting me know 'bout it. I appreciate it. You're bookmarked & I'll sure come by soon.
05/23/98 05:46:53
Name: Stitchalot | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Are You a Mom: yes | Are You a Christian: yes | Want More FAS/FAE Info: no thank you |
Want More YA Info: no thank you |
When you tried to sign my book it rang a bell. I remember when I had been here I forgot to sign yours. Sorry!! You've done a great job and I really have enjoyed your page. Miss talking to you! Take care
05/22/98 13:23:43
Name: Debbie | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Are You a Mom: sahm |
Hello! I really enjoyed my visit here. You've added such humor to your pages! The hicks page was a riot! I also enjoyed your mommy page. Being a sahm myself, I could really appreciate leaving the house to use the bathroom alone!!! My site is also for
moms, stop by and visit me sometime.
Mommies on the Web
05/21/98 11:18:12
Name: Christy | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Are You a Mom: Yeppers!!! |
Hi Arkhick!!! Thanks so much for stopping by my site,,,,thought I'd return the favor!! Looking gooood girly!!!! You've done a groovy job. I just absolutely love your Mom Day idee-er!!! hehehehe Gonna have to put dh on Daddy detail a little more often
!! LOL Hope to see ya soon. I don't go to MOL very much anymore,,,,,but feel free to email me ANY TIME!!! Smooches!!!!
05/20/98 04:57:00
Name: Tricia | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Are You a Mom: yes |
Hi, Thanks for coming by my site. I enjoyed your site alot. Especially the Mommy page. Thanks for the comment about my index page. I try to keep the pages at a minimum, but I have just started making graphics and I do not know all the tricks about keep
ng them small and fast loading. I will keep practicing. :o)
05/09/98 04:40:25
Name: Julie | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Are You a Mom: yes!!!!!!! | Are You a Christian: no | Want More FAS/FAE Info: no thank you |
Want More YA Info: no thank you |
Hi, I was visiting the other Online Moms Web Ring members. Your page is really nice, and you have a great sense of humor!!! I love the idea of MOMS DAY!!!!!! Please visit my family....
05/03/98 22:19:43
Name: tina | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Are You a Mom: yes |
Are You a Christian: yes |
hey girl...just check on you every couple of weeks.. Miss ya lots.... Tina
04/25/98 07:26:39
Name: M from MOL | My URL: Visit Me |
Are You a Mom: Yep | Are You a Christian: I believe Jesus God's Prophet. Does that count? LOL |
Want More FAS/FAE Info: No | Want More YA Info: No |
Hey!!!! Arky!! What a superswell page you have, you Chickenwhiz you! I was overwhelmed to read about David. Alcohol is wrong, preggers or not! Period! Makes me mad, the suffering of the innocent! God bless will bless him well, dontcha worry. (psst...I rea
everything even WITH the pictures ROFL) Love ya, see ya at MOL!
04/23/98 01:55:14
Name: sashi | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Are You a Mom: yes | Are You a Christian: yes | Want More FAS/FAE Info: no |
Want More YA Info: no |
You have a wonderful homepage. I love it its terriffic. Keep up the hard work...
04/19/98 06:40:06
Name: Loni Voorhis
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
Are You a Mom: Yes
Are You a Christian: No
Want More FAS/FAE Info: No
Want More YA Info: No
Hi! I came in through the mom's online webring. Very nice page you have here. :o)
04/11/98 18:30:46
Name: Gail
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
Are You a Mom: Yep!
Are You a Christian: You bet!
Hey Ark baby!!! Your homepage is sooooo cute! I loved it! And I have to agree with ya! I can't wait for St Peter to say, "Yall get in da truck, we's goen on up to da big house now!" LOL!!!!! Love ya!
04/11/98 16:28:48
Name: Susan Locke
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
Are You a Mom: yes
Are You a Christian: yes
I'm Amy Girimont's sister. She gave me your URL and I just wanted to stop by. We are in the process of creating a website for Granby St. here in Norfolk, and as soon as it is up and running, I'll send you the URL.
Great website!
04/09/98 05:05:43
Name: Wendy Partida
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
Are You a Mom: Yessssss
Are You a Christian: com se com sa
04/09/98 04:31:11
Name: amiloo
My URL: Visit Me
Are You a Mom: yes
Are You a Christian: yes
This looks great, and the improvements keep coming! My admiration for all your work knows no bounds, both with this website and your YA leadership. I'll be checking back here regularly, especially to find more mommy things, and stories too!
04/06/98 05:17:50
Name: amy
My URL: Visit Me
Are You a Mom: Yes
Are You a Christian: Yes
Great site, Ida! Just need to explore a little more. Here's a great big attagirl!
04/04/98 04:28:47
Name: Debbykay
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
Are You a Mom: yes
Are You a Christian: yes
I sure love your homepage its really cute and
Have not looked at all of it but i will be
back and finish looking at the entire pages.
Loves and Hugs
03/30/98 23:57:39
Name: ibbz
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
Are You a Mom: yes
Are You a Christian: yes
Hi! Very nice page. Lots of interesting links. You sound very encouraging about your son. Good Luck!
(Where's the chickens?) LOL!
03/18/98 23:16:13
Name: Mkate1
My URL: Visit Me
Are You a Mom: no
Are You a Christian: yes
you have a great page Ark..I'll come back often.
03/18/98 18:55:04
Name: Card1987 (Kim)
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
Are You a Mom: yes (2 girls 5&3)
Are You a Christian: yes - attend Church of the Nazarene
Want More FAS/FAE Info: no thank you :-)
Want More YA Info: no thank you :-)
Hi Ark!
Great pages here - enjoyed everyone of them :-)
Sounds like you keep yourself very busy! I know exactly what you mean when you say your 2 yr old is the "boss" LOL Come see me sometime - would love to "hear" from you sometime :-)
Take care and hope to catch you in chat!
03/18/98 12:53:11
Name: Kathy Pate
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
ark you have done a wonderful job on your page. I found the information and links to FAS to be great and informative. Love you bunches... and wish your family the best
03/18/98 05:52:11
Name: teenwolfsmom
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
Are You a Mom: yes
Are You a Christian: yes
What a wonderful homepage. Look forward to seeing you at MOMSONLINE. The best place for moms or any caregiver of kids to be! Best wishes to you.
03/18/98 00:14:26
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
Are You a Mom: i dont think so
Are You a Christian: try to be
You have done a great job with your web site
but wheres the pictures?LOL--David sounds like
a wonderful young man.(((((HUGS))))) love ya...EC