Military Page
I am the wife of a
Sergeant in the U.S. Army, so I have heard every line and then
some from various and assundry military sources as well as those
who provide services to military families. I know what it is to
be without my husband when a 1st Sergeant or Captain, looking for
brownie points, says, "let's play". Such is the life we
lead in the service of this wonderful country we call our own.
I am also a Mom, which means that I stretch our military pay to meet the needs of a family of five. And let me assure those of you who are not in the military, we enlisted folks are usually broke because our pay is not all that you hear bragged on in the news. It is for this reason I am a tightwad by every stretch of the imagination.
I firmly believe that the United States of America is lucky to have the men and women who serve in the various branches of military, and that we take them for granted too often. And even though their jobs may not always be pretty they are not expendable, cheap or unfeeling blobs that beat their spouses and children and waste tax payers money as seems to be the view today.
Just remember while you sleep in your bed tonight safe and warm ... yesterday, today and again American soldiers died for you to have that freedom ... and we're taxpayers too.
Here are a few useful links for military, government sites:
Department of the Army
Department of Finance (DFAS...Gov't Pay)
Military City Online's
Fort Eustis, VA's
The White House
A Government Sites
Search Engine
The Library of Congress
Websites for locating real estate if you're relocating:
Realtor.Com Homes.Com
Cyberhomes Search Engine Digital City to find most US metro areas
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