Submission Guidelines

Submit your writing by email to

You may include the writing as text in the email or attach a document or point me to a URL where you have your writing.

I'll move your writing onto the web pages.

Please leave your comments on other writings in the guestbook.

From time to time I will move comments from the guest book and include them with the writing on the web page.


Guest Book Comments

Please apply the Golden Rule to your guest book comments and criticism of other people's writing.

Matthew 7:12 So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you

No personal attacks.

No name-calling.

Don't get too stirred up the contents of other peoples writings, comment on technique or creativity.

Be helpful to others and it is more likely that they will be helpful for you.

Provide honest criticism. Please comment on your overall impression, strong points, weak points and what you think they should do to improve their writing.

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