Revolutionary War Records
of ancestors of
George B. Williams

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HOWELL, Phillip. Approximately 1776, Phillip resided in Orange County, North Carolina and he enlisted at the age of 16 into the Revolutionary War. He was in the Battle of Brewers Mill and the Battle of Brush Creek under Capt. William Douglas and Gen. Butler (or Baylor) in the North Carolina line. He lived in Orange County, North Carolina during this war. Listed in DAR Book of Patriots.
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KERBO, Joseph. Served the Revolution, though it is not known in what capacity.
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CHAPMAN, John (Jack). Served the Revolution, as did his father. Listed in DAR Book of Patriots.
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CHAPMAN, John Sr. Served the Revolution, as did his son. Listed in DAR Book of Patriots.
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FOSTER, William "Billy". Billy, at the age of 22 on 20 May 1777, joined the 8th Virginia Continental Line. He was a 2nd Lieutenant until 14 Apr 1779, then he transferred to the 3rd Virginia Regiment, Continental Line. He was promoted to 1st Lieutenant. He resigned 2 Jul 1779 and the Revolutionary War ended in 1781 and a treaty was signed in 1783. Listed in DAR Book of Patriots.
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WINGO, William. William Wingo applied for a Revolutionary War pension. He enlisted in Amelia County, Virginia on 20 Apr 1779. He was a private under Samuel Booker, and was in the seige of Savannah and was taken prisoner 30 Apr 1781 at Jamestown, Virginia. He was discharged in Jul 1781 by Capt Parker. He settled on Jorden's Creek of the North Tyger River. Listed in DAR Book of Patriots.
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HARLESS, Henry). Reportedly served the Revolutionin in an as yet undefined capacity.
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George Williams