AL - 11/24/98
How did you find us?: The Other Dan and Carol page
Where are you from?: Stamford, CT
Care to share one of your favorite URL's with us?:
Have you ever seen a UFO?: No
What color socks are you wearing today (quick don't look!)?: Black
Your pages are a lot of fun! Thanks for sharing them :)
Emeralds - 11/22/98 03:09:39
How did you find us?: Pioneer
Where are you from?: Michigan
Have you ever seen a UFO?: nope
What color socks are you wearing today (quick don't look!)?: none
looking good you guys keep up the good work....*hugs* happy thanksgiving....
Navy SEAL chick *doing happy "theres
new questions" dance* - 11/21/98 21:48:09
My URL:/SiliconValley/Haven/6344
How did you find us?: I was sweeping under the carpet and TADA...there
u were!
Where are you from?: I was found under a rock and my"parents"
felt bad so they kept me
Care to share one of your favorite URL's with us?:
there ya go!
Have you ever seen a UFO?: ummmmmmm.....*sees men in the white suits*
no..never! *grin*
What color socks are you wearing today (quick don't look!)?: i'm
not wearing any and my toes are freezing...oh no there that bad?
Do you have any suggestions for our page?: nope, its great...wonderful..fantabulous!
missP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! where have ya been?! haven't seen you in
like ummmm *looks at watch* long time, well ok maybe not forever
but you get the idea..I mean honestly theres been no one around to throw
forks at me and threaten my life wi h a stop being a stranger!
LOL ok I will shut up now..i am outta here *****PoOf*****I'm a hotdog!
jrmac - 11/18/98 18:59:46
How did you find us?: browsing
Where are you from?: Canada
Have you ever seen a UFO?: 3 - last night
What color socks are you wearing today (quick don't look!)?: chartreuse
You have a great site and I enjoyed visiting.If you want to attract
a huge number of visitors sign up for this totally FREE service at:
OR purchase the GOLD service for a guaranteed 10,000 visitors. Another
great FREE service is Click Thrus - to sign up go to
Dan & Carol - 11/16/98 12:29:36
How did you find us?: webcrawler
Where are you from?: Indiana
Care to share one of your favorite URL's with us?: See OUR Homepage!
Have you ever seen a UFO?: Dan said yes...He and his ex-wife did
once. It was a wierd experience..
What color socks are you wearing today (quick don't look!)?: white...Nuth'in
Do you have any suggestions for our page?: Your page is as kewl
as ours! Just keep up the good work!
We about freaked out when we scoped out your page guys. The familiarities
are somewhat uncanny! We like all the rock you like. Our page is similar
to yours. And we share the same first names! Kewl... Check us out and see
what YOU think!
Darrick Buswell - 11/06/98 12:06:01
Where are you from:: Dan's work
What did you have for breakfast:: ?????
What do you do with your spare time:: What spare time?
Ok, Dan told me I had to do this so I did. I also have a web page that
I just started at geocities.
Mekada - 10/27/98 23:59:13
My URL:/Heartland/Ridge/3808/
Where are you from:: Cleveland, Onio
What did you have for breakfast:: I didn't. lol
What do you do with your spare time:: I have no spare time. On the
RARE ocassion that I actually do have some time, I spend it on the 'net.
What was your worst nightmare:: That the internet became illegal
to have. *lmao*
Favorite TV commercial:: I don't watch TV. I've got my nose in the
internet way too much.
Favorite SEAL Chick:: The one, the only, Navy SEAL Chick, from LeCafe2.
Hey there, Auntie & Uncle! Long time no see. Where have you been??
I was surfing around and found the URL to your page again so I thought
I'd stop by and sign your guestbook. Hope to hear from you soon -- take
Billiam - 10/22/98 19:03:07
My Email:90210
Where are you from:: Long Island
What did you have for breakfast:: Eggs and Potato Stuff
What do you do with your spare time:: Midget tossing
What was your worst nightmare:: I love nightmares
Favorite TV commercial:: The one with that guy
Favorite SEAL Chick:: You know that one
This sight rocks out! Cool job man. Keep it up.
Tweety - 10/19/98 22:29:28
My URL:/SouthBeach/Breakers/2302
My Email:Princess
Where are you from:: Seattle
What did you have for breakfast:: Cracklin Oat Bran and OJ... Eating
for two you know.
What do you do with your spare time:: ummm plan for baby :)
What was your worst nightmare:: JAWS in my bedroom when I was about
10 years old
Favorite TV commercial:: ummm * scratching head* hmmmm I'll get
back to you
Favorite SEAL Chick:: hey... no fav Tweety well Sealy
pooh ofcourse
((((GUYS)))) hey long time no speak. hope all is well. Page looks great
for the HTML challenged!
don't laugh we made be silly but were incredibly hostile when embarassed
in short humor the big angry people! - 10/13/98 03:48:38
My URL:http://www.the
other white
Where are you from:: uh huh....over there -----------> :o)
:o) <----- thats us!
What did you have for breakfast:: *kurgberg: Mailman....with toast
i am not a barbarian you know *grunt* *Diamond Dallas Sealy: chocolate
chip cookies....yeah there fattening but it gives you energy for the BANG!!!!!!
*shaking with psychosis nd sugar*
What do you do with your spare time:: roll it up in balls and throw
it at people..if u get enough of it it hurts
What was your worst nightmare:: Kurgberg: "I already screwed
oprah so I don't have anything left to fear but I am still washing my mind
out with soap...ewwwwww" DDS: "kurgberg...enough said...he ate
a puppy ewwwwwwww"
Favorite TV commercial:: TV sux...oh wait wrestlings on...gotta
Favorite SEAL Chick:: The Diamond Dallas SEALy!!! get ready to feel
*cue the pyros*
*they both double team missy elliot its almost least weight
wise...kurgberg goes for the spear thats a lot of weight for the man to
move but she topples my god it looks like a jello mold in spandex DDS says
screw the formalities and DROPS THE CH IR RIGHT ON HER DOUGHY HEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
were not gonna see a diamond cutter, were not gonna see a jackhammer not
a fucking forklift could move that...match over!!!!!
Navy SEAL chick without the annoyance
of Kurgen - 09/28/98 22:17:34
My Email:hola
bonjour moshi moshi guten
Where are you from:: somewhere....*suspicious look* why do you
wanna know?! you wouldn't be sending the FBI after me would ya?! hmmmmmmmm??
I didn't think so...well for the sake of all that humane I am not telling
you where I am from...If I tell ya I would have to kill ya!
What did you have for breakfast:: ummmmmmmmmmmm..weeelllllll.....i
kind of can't tell ya that either...but let me tell damn was it
good ;o)
What do you do with your spare time:: throw forks and my brother
What was your worst nightmare:: hmmmmmmm....would love to tell ya
but can't! sheesh can't do much can I
Favorite TV commercial:: can't tell ya! lol j/k its most definitely
the one with the Hersheys Ant
Favorite SEAL Chick:: *smile*
MissP!!!!! WOW u didn't fall off the face of the planet..I was worried
there for a while! LOL but I understand about being has been
occupying my time ..alllll mytime for that matter! and it sucks! but last
year...yeah baby! then I am outta h re, gone, buh bye, see ya later! LMAO...ok
I am through with that! I'll drag my sorry ass outta here and stop ruining
your lovely guestbook! take care *hugs*
Wile E. Coyote - 09/27/98 13:51:26
Where are you from:: The big bright city in the desert
Cool Page
Jessica *Master of the Poolboys*
- 09/25/98 00:02:16
My URL:I am
their leader...which way did they go?
My Email:*blank stare*
Where are you from:: the wonderful state of
What did you have for breakfast:: A pot of coffee
What do you do with your spare time:: spare time? *snort*
What was your worst nightmare:: I was in a dumpster full of donuts...
Favorite TV commercial:: that one for the patch..."if it wasnt'd be wearing these eggs"
Favorite SEAL Chick:: Favorite? you mean the one I hate with a passion?
that would be Navy
Hola bonjour howdy Auntie n Poolboy!! Have not seen you since Moses
was an embryo...sheeeeesh!! Put that life you found back where you got
it from...have you no manners...get back on ICQ...I have no one to torture!!
:o) hope all is well and good and all hat with ya'll...see ya when winter
falls on PA
- 09/06/98 20:35:17
Where are you from:: Augustatown, Georgia
What did you have for breakfast:: Macaroni and Cheese, Barbequed
Ribs, Chicken Drumsticks, Lemon Pie, Banana Pudding, Tomato Jello, French
Bread, Coca-Cola, Corn on the Cob..
What do you do with your spare time:: I look at your webpage, non
What was your worst nightmare:: I look at your webpage, non stop..
Favorite TV commercial:: Plop Plop Fizz Fizz
Favorite SEAL Chick:: That slimy babe at Sea World
Narc Narc - 09/04/98 01:24:33
Where are you from:: Alabama USA (7th Layer of Hell)
What did you have for breakfast:: baloney (Alabama Round Steak)
What do you do with your spare time:: Play on my computer.
Favorite TV commercial:: Taco Bell
Favorite SEAL Chick:: ???
Cool site! 8)
Cue the music to masterpiece theater...Wearing
bald caps and Who's next shirts and BIG title belts (made of foil)...NSC
AND KURGEN ENTER!!!! - 09/01/98 23:05:53
My URL:http://www.hit the
My Email:humina
Where are you from:: *grabs her/him by shirt and says* Why do
U want to know *kurgen turns to SEAL* what have u told them?! YOU'VE SIGNED
What did you have for breakfast:: strippers....betcha can't eat
just one ..and who would want to...YES! *SEAL: "I know I am not related
to him"
What do you do with your spare time:: SEAL yahtzee and excuse to
throw aquatic animals around!
What was your worst nightmare:: Waking up next to Roseann Barr in
a Bikini and the Bikini didn't even flatter my shape! ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG
Favorite TV commercial:: the Blade commercial..we dig the music
and weapons and that *gay voice with heavy lisp* Cute little wesley snipes...isn't
he precious makes my nipples just stick out...rotflmao!!!! isn't he just
Favorite SEAL Chick:: Screw you guys I'm going home talking poo
is where I draw the line *kurgen grabs SEAL and smacks her* your the only
*holding up the sign of the diamond cutter SEAL and Kurgen are in the
IT IS!!!.......... THE DIAMOND CUTTER!!!!! FEEL THE BANG! oh no they can't
POSSIBLY wanna do more..DOUBLE SPEAR!! ! and OH MY GOD!!!......... THE
David R. - 09/01/98 19:38:50
My URL:/HotSprings/Spa/7713
Where are you from:: Lynn MA
What did you have for breakfast:: Tony the tiger
What do you do with your spare time:: Work on myself to get better
build my endurance.
What was your worst nightmare:: Dying
Favorite TV commercial:: The Pepsi ones
Favorite SEAL Chick:: Unknown
I would like to help people with Brain injury. So I have written some
short true stories. Please
E-Mail me back with your comments and what state you are from. Thank You
David R. - 09/01/98 19:38:03
Where are you from:: Lynn MA
What did you have for breakfast:: Tony the tiger
What do you do with your spare time:: Work on myself to get better
build my endurance.
What was your worst nightmare:: Dying
Favorite TV commercial:: The Pepsi ones
Favorite SEAL Chick:: Unknown
I would like to help people with Brain injury. So I have written some
short true stories. Please
E-Mail me back with your comments and what state you are from. Thank You
Choklit Cow!!! - 08/31/98 22:06:33
My Email:umm......69!!
Where are you from:: ~*~ Faerieland!! ~*~
What did you have for breakfast:: i don't eat.
What do you do with your spare time:: watch Blue's Clues!!!!!
What was your worst nightmare:: being chased by man-eating mosquitoes
Favorite TV commercial:: that one with the pansy-ass buff dudes
in 1-800-Collect
Favorite SEAL Chick:: *shrugs*
this page is pretty cool!! had a grand olde thyme....
MissP - 08/17/98 14:31:07
- 08/12/98 12:39:58
My Email:15x11
Where are you from:: alt.control
When I reached into the Big Bag O' Rhetorical Information, the answer I
pulled out was "Fnord." But that part was cut off.
Also, I forgot a little part of the ASCII Meow. So here it is:
___ __ ________ _____ __ __ __ /__/\ /_/|/_______/| /____/\ /_/| /_/|/_/| | \ \ / ||| ______|/ / ___ \ \ | || /\ | ||| || | \ \ / ||| ||___ / // \ \/|| || ^ \ | ||| || | |\ \ / /| ||| |/__/| | || | ||| || / \ \| ||| || | ||\ V //| ||| ____|/ | || | ||| |// ^ \ | |/| || | || \ // | ||| ||_____ | |/\___| |/ \ V //\ V // |_|/ | || V/ | ||| |/____/| \ \/__/ // \ // \ // /_/| |_|/ |_|/|_______|/ \_____// V/ V/ |_|/Arsenic - 08/12/98 12:34:09 My Email:15x11 Where are you from:: alt.control What did you have for breakfast:: What do you mean, "breakfast"? What do you do with your spare time:: Exactly what I'm doing right now: masturbate to my own entry in someone else's guestbook. What was your worst nightmare:: The one where I die and instead of going to hell, I go to your webpage. Favorite TV commercial:: Weird piece of information to ask of me. The last two words form a redundancy, and this redundancy and the first word form a contradiction. So, lemme reach into the Big Bag O' Rheto ical Information... ah, Favorite SEAL Chick:: Is Space Girl one? If so, then yeah, she's my favourite. If not, then I guess the one that signed your guestbook, because she says she's the only one.
___ __ ________ _____ __ __ __ /__/\ /_/|/_______/| /____/\ /_/| /_/|/_/| | \ \ / ||| ______|/ / ___ \ \ | || /\ | ||| || | \ \ / ||| ||___ / / \ \/|| || ^ \ | ||| || | |\ \ / /| ||| |/__/| | | | ||| || / \ \| ||| || | ||\ V //| ||| ____|/ | | | ||| |// ^ \ | |/| || | || \ // | ||| ||_____ | | | |/ \ V //\ V // |_|/ | || V/ | ||| |/____/| \ \___/ // \ // \ // /_/| |_|/ |_|/|_______|/ \_____// V/ V/ |_|/Navy SEAL chick..Hot damn dangerous Psycho Bitch from Hell - 08/10/98 12:50:00 My URL:http://www.kick~some.monkey/ Where are you from:: Anywhere I damn well please...why because I am the dangerous Psycho Bitch and is anyone gonna argue with me and live? I think not! What did you have for breakfast:: Nothing, I don't eat breakfast anymore, or lunch and only dinner if my dad makes me, I don't like food! What do you do with your spare time:: spare time? whats that? What was your worst nightmare:: Picking corn in 90 degree weather, wearing raingear when its humid out and all dry in the fields and the bugs are a pain in the ass...oh wait I already lived that nightmare! Favorite TV commercial:: any taco bell one! Favorite SEAL Chick:: lol...i am the only one so..ME!!!!!
MissP where u been? I have had so one to beat me with a spatula or fork
lately..sheesh, where u guys been? lol...I just stopped by to check out
your page to see if you guys have been up to anything mischevious! lol...and
now I gotta run again..sheesh work is never done! see you guys around!!
Holly Borowski - 08/06/98 16:34:46
My URL:/SouthBeach/Lagoon/5715
Where are you from:: Las Cruces, NM
What did you have for breakfast:: English muffin&Fruit Salad
What do you do with your spare time:: Swim and play water polo
What was your worst nightmare:: Don't have nightmares
Favorite TV commercial:: Any beer commercial
Hey, great homepage!!! It's very creative! Oh, and beer commercials are
my favorite because they're always so funny (not because I'm an alcoholic
or something!).
Holly Borowski - 08/06/98 16:33:44
Where are you from:: Las Cruces, NM
What did you have for breakfast:: English muffin&Fruit Salad
What do you do with your spare time:: Swim and play water polo
What was your worst nightmare:: Don't have nightmares
Favorite TV commercial:: Any beer commercial
Hey, great homepage!!! It's very creative! Oh, and beer commercials are
my favorite because they're always so funny (not because I'm an alcoholic
or something!).
Jesca - 08/05/98 16:35:48
My Email:??
Where are you from:: Missouri
What did you have for breakfast:: Rice Crispy Treats!
What do you do with your spare time:: Ride horses
What was your worst nightmare:: Uhhh.........
Favorite TV commercial:: Uhhhmmmm....dunno
Favorite SEAL Chick:: whats a SEAL Chick?
Hey I like your page it is perty good. Ya ought to see my page sometime.
It is crap but I like it anyway. jesca
*~Jessica~* - 08/03/98 06:57:32
My URL:MRS.Robert Plant
thank you very much...
My Email:umm....where
can I find that?
Where are you from:: Pittsburgh...after a month in Hawaii I am ready
What did you have for breakfast:: peanut butter on a spoon...mmmm....
What do you do with your spare time:: entertain my husband...hehe
What was your worst nightmare:: That I would be stuck in Hawaii with no
pooter forever
Favorite TV commercial:: That one for the no smoking gum...about "if
it didnt work you'd be wearing these eggs"
Favorite SEAL Chick:: My fellow Psycho Bitch From Hell
Wooo hooo!! My favorite Net Nuts are outdoing themselves again!! Gee talk
about long time no see!! How have you been?? I never see your ICQ on...not
even on N/A...*feels unloved* *sniff* For being the master of poolboys
I sure get treated like dirt!! LOL ..I miss you guys!
*V* - 07/25/98 20:48:24
Where are you from:: planet *V*
What did you have for breakfast:: multi-grain cheerios
What do you do with your spare time:: think, watch comedy central, zone
on psychedelia, write
What was your worst nightmare:: there were zillions of flat tires chasing
me and i couldn't get away
Favorite TV commercial:: milk commercial from a few years ago -- the little
cartoon characters that were a cookie, apple, etc., holding up an "intermission"
sign and singing, "let's go back to the kitchen, and have ourselves
a snack!", also the 70s style isuzu "amigo! amigo! it's fun for
a girl and a boy!"
Favorite SEAL Chick:: seal?
cha cha! i loooooove yer web site! it's so perdy! :D you two sound like
really groovy hip ppl .... i'd like to talk to you! watch out for me on
icq .... ;) in any case, you might like my web site -- check it out! ta
ta for now!
The Mighty Balloo - 07/24/98 11:07:04
Where are you from:: aavf3
What did you have for breakfast:: coffee iv run past my eyeball straight
into my brain
What do you do with your spare time:: sign your guestbook
What was your worst nightmare:: signing your guestbook
Favorite TV commercial:: the one where I sign your guestbook
Favorite SEAL Chick:: SEAL Chick? Like the one that signed your guestbook?
Where are the BAMs?
![]() alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk |
.-=Raistlin=-. - 07/23/98 15:51:06
My URL:/soho/coffeehouse/5546
Where are you from:: Well, I started life as a little egg..(A pink
fluffy one)..and then one day...out popped Moi! (That's the story mum used
to tell me anyway.)
What did you have for breakfast:: I had a cheese and onion toastie.
What do you do with your spare time:: Erm...squander it in the pub with
my mates.
What was your worst nightmare:: All my dreams are happy ones...especially
the one where I thought I was Ed Gein!
Favorite TV commercial:: I kinda like that car ad where Claudia Shiffer
does a strip!..(I only like it for the car though..*ahem*)
Favorite SEAL Chick:: *Blush*
Hellooooooo again my old NAM buddies..Oops..damn those flashbacks!..heck..I'm
not even American!! I gotta go easy on those cheese toasties! I'm back
again! (Contain the excitement!) Looking forward to hearing from you again..cos
well...I missed you eally I did...Dammit I really did..especially
when I was sunning it up in a Boston bar/café!...See you in chatland
do i look stupid - 07/19/98 02:41:51
My URL:http://www.angelfire.con/ok/zippy23
My Email:screw you
Where are you from:: bull shit
What did you have for breakfast:: up yours
What do you do with your spare time:: what do you think fat ass
What was your worst nightmare:: your face
Favorite TV commercial:: i hate ads
Favorite SEAL Chick:: what the hell
do i look stupid - 07/19/98 02:39:48
My URL:http://www.angelfire.con/ok/zippy23
My Email:screw you
Where are you from:: bull shit
What did you have for breakfast:: up yours
What do you do with your spare time:: what do you think fat ass
What was your worst nightmare:: your face
Favorite TV commercial:: i hate ads
Favorite SEAL Chick:: what the hell
Navy SEAL chick...yes it is really
me online!! *gasp shock* - 07/18/98 23:53:18
My URL:/SiliconValley/Haven/6344
My Email:that
is classified are on a need to know basis and you don't
need to know
Where are you from:: ove there *points to a carboard box with an extension
cord for the computer*
What did you have for breakfast:: raw corn! yeah baby!! hey what else is
there to eat at 4 am in a cornfield? its not like i can have breakfast
in bed or anything one comes out and serves me...but damn it
they should I am the SEAL chick! br> What do you do with your spare
time:: sleep! i used to have a life and go out but now I just sleep! forgot
what it was like!
What was your worst nightmare:: getting up at 4 am, when its already 80
degrees out and having to pick almost 300 bags of corn...thats hell!
Favorite TV commercial:: tv? whats that?
Favorite SEAL Chick:: moi!
hey missP, I actually have 5 minutes of free time so I figured I would
harass...ermmm stop by an say hi! LOL well times up already got more work
to do, then get to baby sit the terrors...aka my baby bro and sis..gotta
love them! well see you guys around! iss you all!
Annie - 07/14/98 20:24:39
My URL:/SoHo/Gallery/6106/
Where are you from:: Washington State
What did you have for breakfast:: Slim Fast (on a diet) hehehe
What do you do with your spare time:: Play on my PC
What was your worst nightmare:: I dreamed once that i killed someone and
buried him in my yard
Favorite TV commercial:: the Gap commercials
Favorite SEAL Chick:: whats a SEAL chick?
Kewl site come visit mine
Paco - 07/10/98 22:46:29
Where are you from:: Mars
What did you have for breakfast:: bread and water
What do you do with your spare time:: ummmmmmmm......
What was your worst nightmare:: too horrible to describe
Favorite TV commercial:: Nike comercial with ROANLDO
pretty cool colors and pictures, visit my site sometime, also in the ring
Mekada - 07/10/98 21:57:16
Where are you from:: Some say Mars, but I'm actually from Ohio.
What did you have for breakfast:: I didn't have anything. I'm "kitchen
What do you do with your spare time:: Spare time? Doh, I haven't had that
for 5 months!
What was your worst nightmare:: Where someone took my 'puter...LOL
Favorite TV commercial:: TV? If it doesn't involve gigabytes, I don't watch
Favorite SEAL Chick:: This question is sort of redundent
Hi there! It's been quite a while since I was at your page! You've been
updating like crazy :-) Looking good, guys! Keep up the great work, I'll
stop back again soon!
KEVIN P. HARRIS - 07/10/98 12:29:58
Where are you from:: OUTERSPACE
KEVIN P. HARRIS - 07/10/98 12:27:58
Trent...aka Toxic!!! - 07/09/98 05:48:56
My Email:5674993002993-093940934
Where are you from:: I come and go....
What did you have for breakfast:: nothin...couldn't be bothered eating
What do you do with your spare time:: HEY! that's personal
What was your worst nightmare:: WAS my worst nightmare to wake
up without a penis but seeing as that's nearly already happened i dunno
let me think of another one..... (no, that's not true so leave my genitalia
Favorite TV commercial:: The Wedding SInger.....i said hip hop a hippatothehippatothehiphiphop
you don't stop the rock.....
Favorite SEAL Chick:: hhmmm....well, seeing as I only know one...but surely
that one is the know who u r, remember that night beside
the lagoon where we swapped guns and went on a shooting rampage? magic
*sniff sniff* it was pure magi
WELL WHAT AN IMPROVEMENT!! This is coming onto my fave list...... and you
say YOU are HTML challenged? If you want an HTML challenged page go to
MY website everyone (don't forget to sign the guestbook :o) ) LUVYAGUYS!!!
who knows what will happen next?? THE SHADOW KNOWS!
rich fiori - 07/07/98 02:54:14
My Email:393-1678
Where are you from:: my moms vagina
What did you have for breakfast:: my wifes vagina
What do you do with your spare time:: see above item
What was your worst nightmare:: see third item above
Favorite TV commercial:: wheres the beef?
Favorite SEAL Chick:: the one with the big tatas
hey guys, im making up for lost time. talk to yuo soon
Navy SEAL chick *no fancy title today*
- 07/06/98 05:14:23
Where are you from:: hehehe...*keeping mouth shut on nasty remark for
that question* ok since I can't say what I want to say i am going to pout
severly, throw a temper tantrum and stomp off to the next question..hmmppphhh!
take that!
What did you have for breakfast:: ooh you would have to ask! ok I didn't
have breakfast cause I was to hungover from the 4th of July party we had
and by the time I crawled out of bed it was dinner time and now I can't
sleep and I am gonna be all me sed up when I have to go to work..sheesh!
I never claimed to be smart so don't say anything!!!
What do you do with your spare time:: ummm nothing...wait thats to boring,
I um....*thinking of something interesting* oh hell with it...i don't do
anything except waste all my free time on the computer coming up with tasteless
pages for my webpage
What was your worst nightmare:: erm....had a few! but lets not go into
those :)
Favorite TV commercial:: the new taco bell one!!!! Its soooooo cute! "bless
you taco bell"
Favorite SEAL Chick:: the one who can't spell!!! LOL...that would be me
for all of you who have no idea what I am talking about! LOL
missP!!!!!! *puts hands up* I come in peace...put the spatula down! ok
good missP...leave the spatula where I can see it! that I don't
have to worry about a slight case of death (that really ruins my day)i
can get on with what i was saying! gla you enjoyed the poem...didn't mean
to make ya cry but it has that effect on some people..but its all good
:) well just stopped in to sign your guestbook and ummm...*hiding fork..innocent
grin* *sees missP reaching for the spatula* oh nothing
really missP *sees missP coming after her with the spatula* uh-oh...uhh
want a taco missP? *gets smacked with the spatula* OWW...I guess not *SMACK
SMACK SMACK* OW quit it OW quit it OW quit it! *runs out of page* I'll
be back missP..i mean it, a d next time your in a LOT of trouble MUHAHAHAHAHAHA
*gets hit in head with flying spatula* owwww *runs off crying*
Amy - 07/06/98 04:12:35
Where are you from:: Moses Lake, Wa
What did you have for breakfast:: cake
What do you do with your spare time:: crafts and html
What was your worst nightmare:: my first husband
Favorite TV commercial:: do be do penguins
Favorite SEAL Chick:: dunno
cool page! really good for your first time at it!
In a blast of dust the scroched cock
pit of a once mighty apache chopper turns upright...BOING! SEAL and Kurgen
eject into the ceiling! thats us :o) - 06/27/98 00:05:11
My Email:1+1
is 2, 2+2 is nebraska...YES! lets see that again!
Where are you from:: *point at the busted cock pit of the apache and
both rub achy heads* owww! *wim er*
What did you have for breakfast:: kurgen: "cheerleaders"...SEAL:"toast
u twisted fuck"
What do you do with your spare time:: what do we do with our spare time?
ummm...*kurgen holds up sword and giggles* SEAL.."Oh yes...that"
alrighty then!
What was your worst nightmare:: that Roseanne Barr would dominate the world...thank
god disney did! I didn't say that...u never heard this *both grab .45 autos*
right? u never heard a damn thing!
Favorite TV commercial:: i'm sorry we tinkle during the commercials...or
was that on them? can never remember! apache crashes don't help much...I
mean honestly!
*sneaking through the halls...with large caliber weapons with many useless
attachments, SEAL and Kurgen approach the Spice Girls..Kurgen to SEAL*
"you know our orders", SEAL :" yes terminate with extreme
prejudice" hoo yah! *2 canisters hit the ground exp oding into a smokey
abyss, the crack of machine gun fire, and near orgasmic screams as five
silicon inflated bodies slap the ground when the smoke clears SEAL and
Kurgen look at each other, don the bald caps and championship belts and
start booying as the hum the Stone Cold theme!*
Navy SEAL chick - 06/26/98 14:25:55
Where are you from:: erm....*looks around suspiciously* I can't tell you
that! why? because...then the feds would know where i was! and we don't
want that now do we? hey stop disagreeing with me! LOL
What did you have for breakfast:: vanilla frappucchino and something chocolate...hoo-yah
caffeine baby!
What do you do with your spare time:: chase my brother with a spatula
What was your worst nightmare:: my brother chasing me with a spatula!
Favorite TV commercial:: the new taco bell one with the corditas song with
the chihuahua...bless u taco bell! ooh now I miss my doggy! stupid vet...figures
they would lose my dog :(
welllllllllll...hello missP and mrT...miss me? I didn't think so, sooooooooooooo...wheres
your little rebel friends now? HUH? tell me..wheres the money? not gonna
talk eh? ve hav our vays ov dealing vith u! ack...i'm not german! why am
I talking like that .thats it I don't have to take this I'm leaving!
Kathleen - 06/25/98 23:19:10
Where are you from:: Washington state, USA
What did you have for breakfast:: I don't eat breakfast.
What do you do with your spare time:: Work on my webpage.
What was your worst nightmare:: I dreamed I was a Borg (like in Star Trek).
Favorite TV commercial:: Those Huggies diaper commercials with the cute
Favorite SEAL Chick:: What's a SEAL chick?!?
Your page is cute and I can tell that you are having a lot of fun with
Jimbob - 06/25/98 13:51:16
My URL:Captain Caveman
My Email:uhh...froot
Where are you from:: now thats an interesting one...i was told from
dat stork carring the babies around to expecting moms..but i dont believe
t!! uhh and im from a dump called Jersey...soon to be from Florida though!!!!!!!!!!1
What did you have for breakfast:: uhh i havent eaten yet...guess it was
coffee , thats what i normally have-coffee n cigges
What do you do with your spare time:: uhhh nothing , oh wait...all my time
is spare time , or i do nothing all the not sure...
What was your worst nightmare:: uhhhh god...i dunno...waking up and realising
that for all these years id been a girl and id never once realised so i
didnt get to play with myself ( hey, perverted maybe...but u asked ) :)
Favorite TV commercial:: uhhhh...that one with vic reeves n bob mortimer
when he falls off the bike at the end...i have no idea what its an advert
for though...but its fucking hillarious!!! :) ( hope im allowed to cuss
in here cause i think i hav done already a few times..)
Favorite SEAL Chick:: uhh i only know
kick ass !!!!! :o) it just gets better and better everytime im here, and
u put that lil dude runnin round the room in too :) there wasnt a favourite
quote bit in this guestbook tho...i enjoyed that one last time.. but damn
its a small gripe and who listens to me anyways....i know i dont
.-=Raistlin=-. - 06/23/98 07:27:37
My Email:Ewwww.....
Where are you from:: My mums belly!
What did you have for breakfast:: A cup of Oilrig coffee and a mild cigarette.
(If I'm not killed by the cigarette, the coffee will do it for sure!)
What do you do with your spare time:: Spare time?? I wish... Nah..on my
2 weeks off I hit my local pub and meet all the guys, play my drums and
empty my dustbin now and again.
What was your worst nightmare:: I dreamt I had turned into a pig once (This
is true!) My mum had to calm me down as i was screaming..."Look at
my trotters!! Waaaaaaa!"
Favorite TV commercial:: I like the Renault ad with Vic Reeves and Bob
mortimer....This might just be a Brit ad...I dunno.
Favorite SEAL Chick:: My gorgeously sexy Navy SEAL Chick...She can melt
a guys heart at 100 paces!
Congratulations!! You've sorted out the whole site.....erm...can you do
mine for me now? I love the stick man death theater...really appeals to
my sicko humour!...*Tempted to press the 'Weenie' button*..Shall I..Shan't
I? You'll never know!!! Muh ha ha h haaaarrrr!! Once again I'm pround to
wander through the corridors of N-Troop. Hey, did you know I've just become
an uncle? My sis just dropped a little Gothette...gotta get some black
baby-grows and stuff. I feel almost as proud as the dad. Anyway...See a
in Le Cafe 2 ... Your 'ol buddy .-=Raistlin=-.
*~Jessica~* - 06/23/98 03:24:51
My URL:Umm.........General?
My Email:*looks*
ohh that's a long number!!
Where are you from:: Pittsburgh...from now on referred to as Hell
What did you have for breakfast:: Umm....boy that was a long time ago....ohhh
yeah!! applesauce, pepperoni and life cereal..and YES it was mixed together
What do you do with your spare time:: loathe
What was your worst nightmare:: Poolboy and I went fishing and he fell
overboard...and this big shark with the face of Chucky got him *shudder*
Favorite TV commercial:: Commercials...I live in a cave remember? NO T.V.!!
Favorite SEAL Chick:: SEALY boodles...*sees nose grow 2 feet...damn they
caught me in another lie*
*falls into newly updated guestbook on face* ouchies...hehe...hey where
have my favorite net nuts been? I miss our silly little ICQ chats! Page
looks Grrrrrreaaaaaat!! Keep up the good work...!!
Navy SEAL chick and Kurgen - 06/21/98
My Email:FYU69384828756
Where are you from:: over there *points in the corner*
What did you have for breakfast:: *insane giggle...suddenly stop with serious
look on face* toast ya sick fuck what do ya think i am a pervert? <--Kurgen
*smacks kurgen with a frying pan* sorry about that missP...he gets carried
away sometime!
What do you do with your spare time:: we attempt to drive gerbils, nothing
like a good nine iron and a for hours!
What was your worst nightmare:: that disney rules the world...DOH! already
happened...nooooooooooooooooooo mickey get away from me!!!!! ahhhhhh u
sadistic bastards...nooooooo...THEY GOT JOHNNY!!!!!!!!!! who the fuck is
johnny? *shrugs* i dunno
Favorite TV commercial:: the one where Kathy Lee Gifford gets choke slammed
by NSC....ooh wait...umm...ahhh...ooh hell...time to flee the country...You'll
never prove it was me copper!!! *Kurgen smacks SEAL with a big fish* ommpphhh...owww
Kurgen " uiet you" ...SEAL "yes sir" *kicks kurgen
in the nuts and runs like a spotted ass ape*
Favorite SEAL Chick:: the one with like the guns and who blows shit up...yeah
thats her!
Why is Jerry Springer being carried to the middle of the ring by Kurgen?
OH NO...NOT THAT...Kurgen "YES...that!" TOMBSTONE!!!!!!!!!! wheres
the SEAL? my god shes suspended from the ceiling...she cuts the chord...HUMONGOUS
elbow!! springers not getting up rom that! Does the Kurgen need that steel
chair now? kurgen "yes" as he flies off the top rope...the rest
of these comments have been censored because there isn't enough bleach
or spic and span to clean them up...or springer for that matter...hehehehe
*gi gling like mental patients* we're clever! *displaying championship
belts* OH HELL YEAH!!!! gotta love them belts covered in tin foil!!!
Navy SEAL chick *totally full of herself
today* - 06/19/98 18:44:28
My URL:http://www.I am
My Email:I
am the coolest aren't I@worship
Where are you from:: the planet thrakamazog...what? its thrakamazog
not 4 yaks and a dog...what? not zacks and a pog its thrak mazog...susan?
oh now your doing it on purpose!
What did you have for breakfast:: I didn't have breakfast stressed
out about a chemistry final that I failed if I ate breakfast
I probably could of passed!
What do you do with your spare time:: throw things at my brother and get
in trouble! hey I am the SEAL chick what do you expect something like helping
children and planting gardens? as If i am always causing trouble! LOL
What was your worst nightmare:: well I have a few but one is definitely
all the chocolate in the world dissapearing...that would be hell, then
I would have to whoop some serious ass!
Favorite TV commercial:: the slice commercial where u see this kid burning
a bug with a magnifying glass then u see the kid burning and u see this
HUGE hand with a magnifying glass burning the theres a taste
of something twisted!
Favorite SEAL Chick:: *look in a mirror* the cute one right there! isn't
she just the cutest little thing you've ever seen...oh my..i think i am
gonna vomit..i can't believe i said that!
hey missP and mrT I am back....again for the umteenth time to sign your
book and why I keep coming back...I have no while I ponder this
question in life i'll leave you alone! see ya l8r!
Navy SEAL chick *puts sunglasses on*
Hail to the Queen baby! - 06/14/98 20:19:32
My Email:**********CLASSIFIED**********
Where are you from:: somewhere...*suspicious look* why do you want
to know? hmmm...its some sort of evil conspiracy isn't it...ISN'T IT????
admit t, your all out to get me...come one say it "I am out to get
the NSC" well...I'm waiting...say it...*gets fork* SAY IT!!!!!
What did you have for breakfast:: mmmmmm...waffles...with real maple syrup!
yummmmmmmmmm...and you can't have any nah nah nah nah its all mine! I ate
it all!! hehehe...ooh I don't feel so good!
What do you do with your spare time:: ummmmmmm...well besides stare at
the wall for hours I harass missP and mrT...thats always great fun! then
lately I have been trying to fix my comp that I smart am I!!!
What was your worst nightmare:: I already lived it! 3 days with NO computer!
AHHHHHHHHHH *gasp shock horror* I had to turn to my other best friend television
then we had a major thunderstorm and the cable went out!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHH
No computer or t was awful! I was going through withdrawls! ooh so
hot so hot...ooh so cold so cold...need the computer! WHY GOD WHY!!!!!
why do you deny me my computer! its not my fault I know nothing about OS'
but hey I figured it out and I have my computer back! hugs computer* never
leave me again!
Favorite TV commercial:: I hate commercials !! they waste my time! they
always show up in the middle of a REALLY good part of the show and it pisses
me off! I am glad I leave all heavy projectile objects far away from myself
when I watch tv!
Favorite SEAL Chick:: me!! I fixed my comp *does happy dance* I am so smart
I am so smart ! SMRT I mean SMART!
hola missP and mrT! I am back!!!!! muhahahahaha! you got lucky...I managed
to break my comp and I was offline for 3 days...oh god the humanity! it
was awful! and no tv...even worse! anyways! *still suffering from withdrawl
symptoms* any plans for world do ination yet? oops wasn't suppose to say
that out loud...great everyones gonna know now...ok plan B...we take them
all out *gets .45 autos* lock and load..OH HELL YEAH!!! and thats the bottom
PrincessSHE-RA - 06/14/98 02:31:04
My Email:um......yeah.... lol
Where are you from:: Michigan...woo hoo go wings!
What did you have for breakfast:: a pizza pocket...darn thing was tooo
scalding hot and dripped on my knee and burnt joke!(hmmmmmmm maybe
i should sue??) lol
What do you do with your spare time::
to on so on..
What was your worst nightmare:: I have a few..but I'll tell you the funny was when I dreamt that a rat climbed through the window while I
was sleeping and it bit my toe! thing is..I woke up and thought it really
happened.. so I was running around my house yellin for my dad to get the
rat and screaming that my toe hurt! =)
Favorite TV commercial:: yo quiero taco bell!
Favorite SEAL Chick:: the one that looks all queenly like sittin in her
humvee and wearin her groovy sunglasses!
Hey missplaced! ya visited my page..and I thought I'd visit yours =) WOW
looks great! hows everyone know ya? you chat in lecafe a lot? I've heard
your names..just havent really spoken ta ya I dont think...Anyways....GREAT
PAGE! It was fun visitin.. 'll be back *wink*
sidney - 06/10/98 19:26:08
Where are you from:: virginia
What did you have for breakfast:: i didn't get up until lunch
What do you do with your spare time:: anything my parents don't want me
What was your worst nightmare:: being shot at school
Favorite TV commercial:: i hate commercials in general
your page is so cool that i bookmarked it immediately!! btw, i got here
from the psychedelic hippy freakout page.
Aquila - 06/08/98 03:23:07
My Email:serialnumber???
Where are you from:: Australia
What did you have for breakfast:: hmmm I dont eat
What do you do with your spare time:: lots of things
What was your worst nightmare:: well ... I guess I dont have one...
Favorite TV commercial:: the sprite commercial with the toughy bball players
doing a commercial then there is a take & they talk normally but they're
real voices are posh.. its funnee!
Favorite SEAL Chick:: gee I guess its Navy..
I like this page guys, thanks for putting my link up, rock on. good luck
with the page!
Stone Cold Navy SEAL chick and Stone
Cold Kurgen...*brandishing beer and title belts* - 06/04/98 22:42:46
My Email:uhhhh...grrr?
Where are you from:: Long or short version?
What did you have for breakfast:: cat and side of decon...yummy! *grinning
like mental patients*
What do you do with your spare time:: fling rats against the wood
for hours!!
What was your worst nightmare:: well u see it starts with kathy lee gifford
*cringes in fetal position* its...jjjust awful...i can't do it....noooooooooooooooooo
they got johnny *jumping out of a window and hits tree* owwwwwwwwwwww....thats
gonna l ave a bruise!!!
Favorite TV commercial:: the one with the chick with the excessive clevage...u
know that sex based one...hehehe
Favorite SEAL Chick:: me you f***ing idiot! LOL
*SEAL meets kathy lee gifford* CHOKE SLAM!!!!!!!! as Kurgen grabs Regis
Philbin TOMBSTONE PILEDRIVER!!!!! there anyway we could
get Oprah in that ring? OOH HELL YEAH!!!!!
Goldeneye 007 - 06/01/98 17:37:30
My URL:Uh....uh....what
does this one mean,my site?
My Email:no friggen clue
Where are you from:: PHX,AZ
What did you have for breakfast:: A bowl of crispix
What do you do with your spare time:: Go on the net
What was your worst nightmare:: One time,some guy took away all of my guns!What
a nightmare!!!
Favorite TV commercial:: Get your monkeys,INSTANTLY,with instant monkeys
alive!(Was from a Mystery Science Theater.It's not a real commercial)
Favorite SEAL Chick:: The Navy Variety
Hey Miss Placed and Mr. Twister!Your page rules,as usual!Hope you have
good luck in the future
yavN LAES kcihc - 05/31/98 13:52:55
Where are you from:: eht dnal fo lanrete deb gnittew
What did you have for breakfast:: selffaw....!!!!!mmmmmmmuuuyyyy
What do you do with your spare time:: etirw sgniht sdrawkcab ot yonna pssim
What was your worst nightmare:: nehw gnihtyreve si lla sdrawkcab...!!!!!!!hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhha
Favorite TV commercial:: enon I etah vt
Favorite SEAL Chick:: mmmhhhhhhh...stad a hgouth eno! lol
good luck reading that missp and mrt...if u can read it you have a choice
of prizes..a medal or a cookie! or a metal cookie...u choose! LOL ok I
am done wasting you valuable time besides i see you 2 reaching for the
Navy SEAL chick *back again to violate
the guestbooks* - 05/27/98 18:58:53
My URL:its a secret...shhhhhhhhhhhh
My Email:666-69 *ooh my bad*
Where are you from:: I am from over there -----------> I sleep in
a drawer!
What did you have for breakfast:: I had steamed toast and an elephant egg
What do you do with your spare time:: I harass MissP and MrT with my annoying
comments, while violating there personal space and over staying my welcome...when
I am not doing that I am usually harassing .-=Raistlin=-. in pc
What was your worst nightmare:: MissP screaming like a girl while chasing
me with a spatula *cringes at the thought*
Favorite TV commercial:: ooooohhhh...ummmmmm...anything cherry coke...there
so stupid and meaningless...just like something I would make up!!!
Favorite SEAL Chick:: awwwwwwww...I am back here...again! :o) *puts fork
away* thanx missP and mrT
I'm back!!!!!!!! ooh love the remodeling you did to the guestbook!!! well
guess what I am not feeling clever and witty at the moment so I am gonna
see my way outta here while i write up my plans for world domination....errr
i mean do my homework *innocent grin*
Navy SEAL chick *with to much free
time on her hands and the fabricator...teller of mistruths!* - 05/27/98
My Email:hey...whats
that behind you? ewwwwwww its slimy better look quick...*sneaks off to
next question*
Where are you fr m?: hehehehe I was found under a rock....I sleep in
a drawer!!!
What's new?: I got my hand stuck in the toaster again *pout*
What do you do for fun?: stab missP wih forks while avoiding the flying
spatulas of Doom thrown by MissP and mrT
Do you have a favorite link you'd like to share?: With you? as if!
to the hand the face don't wanna hear it! LOL
Make a wish (we have special wish-granting powers!):: I wish I wish I hadn't
killed that fish!
Any suggestions for our page?: nothing a little c4 and a chainsaw wouldn't
take care of! LOL
MissP and MrT...guess whos back??? muhahahaha...huh? no not the easter
bunny, no not santa either...tooth fairy? are you nucking futs...hello
genius'...its me...i'm the one who's back...what do you mean "oh its
only you thought it was someone important" heesh! love u too! LOL
and missP i do not make up stories...admit it I don't make them up you
know there true...say it *gets fork* SAY IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *sees the flying
spatulas of doom come at her head* oooh no not again! you can't do this
to me...I'm B tman...really I'm batman...robin...TO THE BAT CAVE!!! *batman
music plays as SEAL jumps out the window and runs head first into a tree*
ooooooowwwwwwwwwww thats gonna leave a mark!
*as the f-15 fighter comes to a screeching
halt after hitting a tree...Navy SEAL chick and Kurgen eject straight through
the tree screaming "YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lets see that again"* -
05/24/98 22:05:33
My Email:stoplooking@me.fork
Where are you from?: my mother and father getting drunk....ooh dats
bad! *hang head in Kurgen giggles*
What's new?: well i have these boils...nevermind... NSC:" i got my
hand stuck in the toaster again *dumb proud grin*
What do you do for fun?: take a belt sander to the belly of an ape, wiggly
screaming fun for hours! YES!!! lets see that again!!
Do you have a favorite link you'd like to share?: i like the whole chain
in itself...we don't play favorites!
Make a wish (we have special wish-granting powers!):: I wished it but ginger
spice is still alive...SHIT!!!!
Any suggestions for our page?: hang ginger spice from it *cute grin*
HAHAHAHAHA missP and mrT I brought reinforcements this time!!
your all in a lot of trouble *puts on anti-fork punishment suit and puts
pot on head to save her from flying spatulas* well whatcha gonna do now?
*kurgen picking up 5 foo german beating spoon* ooh someone is in a lot
of trouble *looks at missP and mrT* and I think i know who!! he he he *sadistic
grin...kurgen standing in cross eyed furry*
Queen of Fork Punishment! - 05/24/98
My URL:http://www.quit-peeking/I~might-be/
My Email:*cringes*
keep it away from me!
Where are you from?: ooh I have a REALLY rude comment for that question
but being the cute and lovable Navy SEAL chick that I am, I am not going
to say it because I have a reputation to uphold here, I can't have people
thinking I am this mean, ass kicking chick that is cruel and vulgar...nahh
we can't have that...what? No I will not shut shut up...ok fine
I'll shut, I am not someone that ill keep talking after there told to shut
up, no sir, not me...when someone tells me to shut up I shut up I don't
keep talking and talking like some people, I just sit there and be quiet,
i shut up when I am told to shut up!
What's new?: hmmmmmmm...I finally got my hand out of the toaster!!...then
I traveled back in time to the land of the dinosaurs (via the magic toaster)
then I stepped on this fish, then I was zapped back to my time where I
was the size of an ant and my brother tried to step on me...ooh I wish
I wish I hadn't killed that fish
What do you do for fun?: stick my hands in toasters and step on fish, while
changing the course of history! hey its quit picking on me!
Do you have a favorite link you'd like to share?: yes...www.dont/hate~me/because~I/
Make a wish (we have special wish-granting powers!):: I wish i had a giant
snail I could ride to school...yeah that would be the coolest...giddyup
Any suggestions for our page?: hmmmmm...well lets see, if that
won't work...add the that won't work either...if you fix up the...wait,
that doesn't work either...awww hell...its fine as it is...remember it
if ain't fixed...break it.. or something like that *walks to next question
with confused look on face*
missP and mrT!!! I'm back....once again...I am here to violate your personal
space, and overstay my welcome...hope thats alright with you *sees both
smile and hidding spatulas behind there back* ummm...whats behind your
back? nothing...ok good I though u ere gonna beat me senseless with a spatula
or something...silly me, you guys are to nice to do that...right? *sees
both grinning evilly* i am right? aren't I? why are u 2 grinning like sadistic
school teachers? *both pull out spatulas* UHOH...mommy *runs ike hell*
I am calling my lawyer...assault and battery...u can't do this to me! I
have rights u know *gets hit in head with flying spatula* OWWWW...thats
gonna leave a bump...I mean honestly who throws a spatula? *sees another
spatula come flying at her h ad*...ok good answer!! *thinks she better
get outta here before they grab the forks* thats it....I am gonna learn
you 2 a lesson or five..I am gonna...gonna...scream like a girl and flail
my arms wildy...i mean it, i'll do it...i will...thats it *runs out of
the page screaming like a girl while flailing her arms wildly*
The almighty Navy SEAL chick *puts
sunglasses on* hail to the Queen of Fork Punishment baby!!!! - 05/23/98
My URL:/SiliconValley/haven/6344
My Email:eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.....Don't
scare me like that!
Where are you from?: this funky little town no one has heard of even
though they pass through it everyday!
What's new?: RAISTLINS back!!!!!! *does happy dance* and my secret plans
for world domination...hey MissP you want in on these?
What do you do for fun?: a lot! lets see....I rollerblade, have supersoaker
fights with my brother, talk to raistlin (as much as possible), work on
my webpage (which I am getting sick of), around the new dune
buggy my dad made (holy he l that thing is fast)...ooh yeah then theres
my x-men mural i am working on, and this summer my friend and I are making
many trips to the beach, and I think that just about covers my life....OOH
WAIT theres one more, I sit and stare at the wall for hours!!!
Do you have a favorite link you'd like to share?:
Make a wish (we have special wish-granting powers!):: I wish Raistlin was
here in MA so I could ....ooh wait better not type that here in case little
kids are watching! LOL
Any suggestions for our page?: hmmm...well I think you should have a picture
on the northwall and that couch just TOTALLY clashes with the rug...but
that lamp is pretty cool, now the entertainment system needs a little more
bass and about 15 more s need em! LOL
*peeks into webpage* hello? anyone home? *sees MissP with spatula*
wasn't me it was the one armed man...really, honestly!!! *innocent look..covers
horns and hides tail* wouldn't hurt cute little ol' me MissP would
u? What? n the hellhound won't do it for you, he works for way
MissP...*see's missP get cats to bribe hellhound* ooh hell, i am screwed...i
better get my ass outta here before its lunch for the hellhound! I will
be bacl missP...oh yes...i will muhahahahahah haha *makes like a tree and
leaves* <~~~ ooh that was bad *hangs head in shame as the door hits
her in the ass on the way out*
.-=Raistlin=-. - 05/22/98 17:45:14
My URL:http://You got me!
Where are you from?: Scotland....Aberdeen to be precise....come and
What's new?: My latest piercing
What do you do for fun?: I wear womens clothes and ....Oops!
Do you have a favorite link you'd like to share?: Hmmmm...I think you've
got them all......except my fave xxx links!
Make a wish (we have special wish-granting powers!):: I wish I was living
in MA so I could vist Navy SEAL Chick every day! :)
Any suggestions for our page?: An animated hedgehog on rollerskates would
be nice to see.
Hello again. I had to just drop in and pay you a visit. I'm back at work
on my rusty old rig so it's laughs a plenty with my old chums and chumesses!(Is
that a word??? It is now!) Looking forwrd to seeing you in chat...because
if I look backwards all I can see is this big woman with latex gear on
holding this big whip........ See ya, .-=Raist=-.
Celt - 05/21/98 04:51:56
My URL:http://im
out there somewhere in civil war land - look under antietam 135th - i'm
the guy in blue
My Email:no
no no i dont do e-mail even when i get it i just delete it before i read
Where are you from?: Home of the "O's" hey even To onto has
us beat - hope the Caps go all the way - er - sorry your NJ Devils fans
- poor kids - maybe you'll get over it.
What's new?: New VW Beetle is back -
What do you do for fun?: Civil War reenactor - Irish Brigade/ WWI - Irish
Guards/Rev War (hopefully) Morgains Rifles - got to keep all the history
Do you have a favorite link you'd like to share?:
Make a wish (we have special wish-granting powers!):: May the blood of
our nation not be spilled in our cities. May the smile of a child remain
in our thoughts. May green places remain green and cement sprout weeds.
Any suggestions for our page?: Nice page lots of music - keep up the good
Surfing around tonight - last page before bed time. Nice place to end todays
cyber journey. When the moon smiled on the child - her face beamed - making
the sun envious of her beauty. An old man caught the smile. Placed it near
his heart for warmth against winter's age.
Jessica..hey wait..this doesn't look
like yer guestbook...hmmm.... - 05/20/98 01:29:58
My URL:http://www.Athens/Aegean/7699
My Email:Why
does everyone insist on asking me for that?? As if anyone was worthy of
my email....*scoff*
Where are you from?: /b> Pittsburgh....wheres times are tough and
taxes are high
What's new?: Woo hoo one month 8 days and counting until MissP and I leave
for Hawaii....those poolboys better have the lotion and fans ready!! Ohh
and I am on a NO peanut butter diet....what's next...NO Zepp??
What do you do for fun?: be a pain in a certain body part
Do you have a favorite link you'd like to share?:
Make a wish (we have special wish-granting powers!):: hmm....I want the
Steelers to beat the Cowboys in the Super Bowl this year...and I want to
get to Hawaii any way but by plane....and I want fat free peanut
I only get 1 wish *sigh* Misers!!!
Any suggestions for our page?: Wheres the fishin stuff poolboy??? no's those midi's!!
Comments:'s me, back to deface your new guestbook. Anywho...looking great...spiffy
message board thingy ma jigger...just...umm....*feels like a bink* umm.err
what the heck is it???
and Older Brother Kurgen *its better to burn out then fade away* - 05/19/98
My Email:yeah your mom!
Where are you from?: NSC:"I sleep in a drawer" Kurgen:"I
am immortal *jumping on chair*"
What's new?: Well one time i knew this kid *SEAL gets slapped by Kurgen*
OWWWWWW..take off the metal glove when u do that!! *gets .45 autos..see's
bro grab fork* ooh hell...I am outta here i am not that stupid *runs to
next question*
What do you do for fun?: NSC:"I sit and pick my nose for hours..i
really hate it when it bleeds for hours" kurgen:"I
stand around grocery stored demanding info on products from clerks with
a for hours!"
Do you have a favorite link you'd like to share?: yeah its part of my cat-o-nine
tails made of chain! OUCHIES!!!!
Make a wish (we have special wish-granting powers!):: We hope Hanson finds
a pube then pisses out of it ruining there selfesteem...YES!!! lets see
that again!!
Any suggestions for our page?: More fork punishment!! YES...lets see that
NSC:" MissP I'm back MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA *wearing anti-fork punishment
armor* aka Tinfoil...but hey use whatever works!...Now u will never get
rid of me!!! *sees missP grab a spoon* ooh hell I never win, always foiling
my plans...aww hell...*puts sun lasses on* I'll be back!" Kurgen:"I
believe it would be best if u added recreational redneck beatings to your
page, family fun and great education. I myself prefer not to go a day without
burying my foot in some rednecks filthy piehole.MUHAHAHAHA" BOTH:
"YES!!! lets see that again! *jumping on chairs, and screaming about
shin injuries when we fall*"
James Stump - 05/18/98 01:10:00
Where are you from?: Lebanon,PA.
What's new?: New York-New Jersey (LOL)
What do you do for fun?: Camping,Golfing,Computer Stuff
Do you have a favorite link you'd like to share?: no
Make a wish (we have special wish-granting powers!):: none
Any suggestions for our page?: no
Love the page,lots of fun.We like the graphics and the stories.You need
a better picture of Elise though.You have great looking kids.I got here
from your signing my guestbook.24th. Virginia Infantry! Keep up the great
Trish - 05/17/98 15:39:38
Where are you from?: Pensacola , Florida
What's new?: currently working on a new Life. Jeezzz i need one . LOL
What do you do for fun?: Paint oils, read, music, dance, BEACH!!!
Do you have a favorite link you'd like to share?: have to give it later
, OK
Make a wish (we have special wish-granting powers!):: Happiness
Any suggestions for our page?: Love it, it is wonderful
Chris Mills - 05/17/98 14:21:22
Where are you from?: Cape Cod
What's new?: Its actually sunny here today. :-)
What do you do for fun?: Visit home pages as pathetic as my own. ;-)
Do you have a favorite link you'd like to share?:
Make a wish (we have special wish-granting powers!):: I wish for a six
pack ( Hey, I'm easy )
Any suggestions for our page?: Change some of the font colors. The blue
can be hard to read.
When someone has the courtesy to sign my guestbook, the least I can do
is recipricate, and check out their page. Keep up the good work. :-)
Navy SEAL chick *puts sunglasses on*
hail to the queen baby 'cos I am the coolest!!! - 05/17/98 01:33:33
Where are you from?: I sleep in a drawer!
What's new?: ummm....The monkeys play polo for sport? umm...I am drunk
typing this and I have sunburn...woo-hoo I rule!!!!!!
What do you do for fun?: right now...a new martial art...lots of fun!!!
Do you have a favorite link you'd like to share?: with you?! i
better not!!
Make a wish (we have special wish-granting powers!):: ummmmmmm..hmmmm....ooh
I got it!!! oh wait I can't tell you or it won't come true!
Yeah!! my wish came true! *does happy dance* i am we
meet for the first time for the last time...ooh wait i've been here before
aww hell ruin my cool entrance...thats it i am outta here! LOL
Super1 - 05/14/98 20:59:28
My URL:would if i could
but i can't so i won't
Where are you from?: South Texas
What do you do for fun?: listen to music, like to play golf when i have
time, watch sports, chat on computers, eat...
Do you have a favorite link you'd like to share?: for
those of you who like to have fun with song lyrics...
Any suggestions for our page?: Uncle...get over it and update your sports
page...I'm watching you!!!
I really enjoy your page....bulletin board is a great idea...sports page
rocks....(not so much hockey though....I know I know...Devils Rock....)
Helen - 05/13/98 13:46:58
Where are you from?: Seoul, Korea -> Toronto, Canada
What's new?: Nothing... Except for my banners...
What do you do for fun?: Bug my boyfriend with my bullsh#t... (Hehehe~!)
Do you have a favorite link you'd like to share?:
Make a wish (we have special wish-granting powers!):: Only nice things
will happen on May 29! (My b/f and my anniversary~)
Any suggestions for our page?: It doesn't suck at all!!! =)
MissPlace~! Thank you for visiting my homepage
and signing my guestbook... (See, I've been upset with my friends because
they hardly sign it although they DO visit a lot!) I'm very happy to see
another cool homepage on the net... Oh well, I've started wor ing on another
homepage - it's for my friends... It'll be a lot different than my personal
homepage... Don't expect it to be "available" soon, though...
Hahaha... I'm too much of a lazy girlie... Anyways, thanks again and keep
up the great work! And I hop you're enjoying your life with your husband
and your kids - let me tell ya, they're so CUTE!!! =)
MrTwister - 05/13/98 00:14:12
My URL:http://here
Where are you from?: here
What's new?: this
What do you do for fun?: this
Do you have a favorite link you'd like to share?: this
Make a wish (we have special wish-granting powers!):: :-)
Any suggestions for our page?: the wheel is still turnin'
OK...OK I know its kinda wierd to sign yer own page but....what the hell
I've signed everyone elses (<~~~~ is that a word?) luv ya'll ...Twister
Navy SEAL chick *puts sunglasses on*
Hail to the Queen baby !!!! - 05/13/98 00:09:02
My Email:ummmmmmmmm....let
me think about...... NOT A CHANCE IN HELL!!!!!!!!
Where are you from?: I am from the land of one people
we h ve no TP...bunghole is nothing to be ashamed of....bungholio!! AHAHAHA
....YOU WILL GET ME TP FOR MY BUNGHOLE!!!!! I am the great cornholio...are
you threatening me?
What's new?: My underwear!!!!!!!! ooh wait, i am still wearing the same
pair i was 3 years i guess in that case nothing in new
What do you do for fun?: hmmm...nothing i am rather boring, i like to sit
and stare at the wall all day, and torment my brother with a
for hours!
Do you have a favorite link you'd like to share?: lets ask the magic 8
ball *shak shake shake* magic 8 ball says "ask again later"
Make a wish (we have special wish-granting powers!):: *makes a wish* there
i did...ok missP wheres my double chocolate triple fudge brownie sundae?
Any suggestions for our page?: yeah one...stop making it better than mine!!!!!!!!!!!!!
j/k it looks great!
well well well missP look who theres no one behind me...its
me silly...sheesh...*looks around page* cool...more useless stuff, begining
to look like my page now...your almost as cool as me!! *sees missP get
a fork, after taking offense to the last statement* ooh no...I'm sorry
missP i meant it in the nicest possible way...PLEASE don't fork me!!!!
*gets up and runs away* i'll be back...i mean it...i will...stop doubting
me...ooh *pout* fine be that way! LOL
Nightmare17m - 05/12/98 22:49:44
Where are you from?: Buffalo ny
What's new?: yep
What do you do for fun?: that
Do you have a favorite link you'd like to share?: sure why not,
(not for children or sick people, well maybe sick people if you know what
i mean)
Make a wish (we have special wish-granting powers!):: i wanna be one day
as good as steve vai
Any suggestions for our page?: put the midis at the top of the pages, by
the time i got to the midis, i was done reading that page
hey, ive seen you guys in the cafe, but weve never offically met, maybe
next time. thanx for visitin my page, yours is pretty cool, that colorful
writing thing will come in handy too. <
Sam & Jim - 05/12/98 02:58:03
Your favorite food: double stuff
Your favorite word to say: OOOOORRRRRAH!
Your favorite quote: School is an irratating & time wasting nesance
which I hate and despise- By T. Lawarence
Your favorite thing to do....other than that!: water ski on our heads
Your favorite music: Kountry
Your favorite SEAL chick: John Wayne (Navy SEALS's are punks)
STOP! READ THIS! Your bank account is being held hostage by a group of
Islamic Fundamentalists - Proceed to Boone NC or feel the wrath of Allah.
The one, The only...Almighty Navy SEAL
chick ....Hail to the Queen baby :o) - 05/10/98 01:59:03
said eh?
Your favorite food: ughhhhhhhhh food...if i see one more mention of
food i am gonna puke i swear!! *pout* I can't eat sweets anymore.. sheesh
stupid diet....i hate I love it...but i hate it...ahh
Your favorite word to say: one has a fricken clue
what it means
Your favorite quote: "I wish I was a lobster" why i say that?
fucked if i know!!! it just sounds cool in a sick and twisted way!
Your favorite thing to do....other than that!: what would THAT be anyways?
THAT could be anything u know so I can't really answer that question....lets
consult the magic 8 ball *shake shake shake* magic 8 ball says "ask
again later"...on to the nex question
Your favorite music: the musicy kind silly...sheesh u know the kind that
makes noise...yeah the groovy kind that u can make up stupid dances to!!!!
but i really love anything with a LOT of bass that shatters the windows
and my eardrums now thats mu ic!!!
Your favorite SEAL chick: moi...for i am the only one...gotta love me..or
else i will inflict bodily harm upon you!
MissP...I'm baaaaaaaaaackkkkkkkk!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA miss me? of course not..well
anyways I am back to make fun of your page and avoid fork punishment
as usual!!!! *sees missP ready to ambush her with a fork* ooh no...caught
off guard!!!! screw thi I am outta here i am not getting poked to death...till
next time missP...muuhahahahahahahahahaha
.-=Raistlin=-. - 05/07/98 06:56:05
Your favorite food: Lasagne
Your favorite word to say: 'Froob' in I'm a bit of a Froob!
Your favorite quote: 'Call me Plissken!' .... Snake Plissken..Escape from
New York. My fave all time film.
Your favorite thing to do....other than that!: Pulling that gunky stuff
out of my eyes!
Your favorite music: Goth!
Your favorite SEAL chick: My sweet and innocent bomb chucking Chick!
Thanks for visiting my site again. I've just had a good old nosey through
yours! I love the 'Amityville' music for the Fort piccy! I'm off-line for
2 weeks, Chick will explain. I'll be back, updating like mad when I return.
Stay Peachy!! .-=Raist.=-.
Ron Horst - 05/06/98 22:54:00
Your favorite food: T&T Pies
Your favorite word to say: left a tenth
Your favorite thing to do....other than that!: that
Your favorite music: WJTL
The one and only Navy SEAL chick *puts
sunglasses on* Hail to the queen baby!! - 05/03/98 00:50:02
don't u understand?!?!?!?!
My Email:DON'T
EVEN THINK ABOUT IT!!!!! I hate da stuff u send it to me I will personally
poke u with a fork repeatedly< a>
Your favorite food: Turnips...there fullof turnippy goodness!
Your favorite word to say: Tsimize...u figure it out!
Your favorite quote: *puts colander on head* You will never take my
can have my freedon BUT not my spatula!
Your favorite thing to do....other than that!: still staring at that wall...i
told ya its fun for hours!!!!
Your favorite music: brother singing in the shower
Your favorite SEAL chick: ME!!!!!!!!!!!! MEMEMEMEMEMEMEME...get the point?
you can all the donations to Navy SEAL chick c/o .....oooh nevermind!
I'm BACK!!!! HAHAHAHAHA *sees MissP and MrTwister both have forks* ooh
no...*drops to knees and begs for forgivness* I'm sorry...I didn't mean
to insult your page (to you knowledge anyways!! ) oh the humanity......
*starts kissing ass* this is the best pa e ever...WAY better than mine...1000
times better than mine, hell even 1,000,000,000 times better *sneaks away
towards door* HAHAHHAHAHA I was j/k it sucks!! *sees them run after her
with forks* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...*runs like hell* I will be bacl u canno
stop me! ever!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA *hops the next plane out of the country*
*puts sunglasses on and in her best terminator voice* I'll be back!
SEXY - 05/01/98 01:50:25
Your favorite food: CHINESE
Your favorite word to say: YIPPY
Your favorite thing to do....other than that!: SHOP
Your favorite music: R&B
Your favorite SEAL chick: UMMMMM I HAVE NO IDEA... LMAO
Mrs .-=Raistlin=-. .....Navy SEAL chick
to you though! - 04/30/98 23:39:43
My Email:yeah
as if....i get enoug junk mail as it is...if u REALLY want it you can ask
me for it personally! of course then I'll tell ya to go to hell and
maybe your better off just not knowing!
Your favorite food: raistlin...DOH...i mean ...uhhh...err.....ummmm...
.chocolate!!! yeah thats it *hopes they believed that*
Your favorite word to say: bloody hell..........just sounds cool...especially
in the middle of english class your sitting htere then u get up and scream"AHH
BLOODY HELL...damn writters block....why me god? WHY!!!! then proceed to
slam your head int the desk repratedly until unconscious!.....sounds like
fun eh?
Your favorite quote: does your face hurt? no...well its killing me!
Your favorite thing to do....other than that!: run off to a nice dark room
with raistlin said other than that...well in that case
I like to sit stare at the for hours!
Your favorite music: this is a trick question isn't it? hmmmmm...theres
a hidden subliminal message there i know it! natas si ruoy retsam <---------
see subliminal message from satan I knew it ...BUSTED missP!!!!
Your favorite SEAL chick: me of course *big egotistical smile* yes yes
please no applause i know i am wonderful!! please throw $100 bills!!
ahhhhh this page sucks! you go to hell, you go to hell and you die...errr
*looks around room* ahh shit wrong page to insult...sheesh...i never get
this right *thinks she better start kissing ass real quick* my this is
the best page i have ever seen...this page puts mine to shame...*kiss kiss
kiss* *sees missP coming after her with a fork* ooh no.. i meant it really...mommy!!!
*runs away* I'll be back nothing can stop me!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA
.-=Raistlin=-. - 04/30/98 12:07:05
Your favorite food: Lasagne....Garfield and I just lurve it!
Your favorite word to say: Frunkin' Hork!
Your favorite quote: 'You're just a bundle of bones wrapped up in skin
you know!
Your favorite thing to do....other than that!: Get my body pierced.
Your favorite music: Goth goth goth..........Did I mention goth?
Your favorite SEAL chick: My honey bunny Seal Chicky wicky.
I'm not worthy of such a cool
Goldeneye 007 - 04/26/98 19:09:56
This is the last one.....for now!!!Mwa haa haa!!!!
Goldeneye 007 - 04/26/98 19:08:40
One more to go!!!!!
Goldeneye 007(NOTE:I will have more
entries than all of you!!!! - 04/26/98 19:08:10
I'm gonna keep signing it!
Navy SEAL chick ...on a roll with
signing guest books! - 04/25/98 05:33:55
My URL:http://
My Email:I
told ya once...I told ya a million times...I DON'T WANT IT!!! HAHAHAHA
ooh yeah and theres no such th ng as Santa !!
Your favorite food: the yummy kind with chocolate and cheese....and
i am NOT pregnant!
Your favorite word to say: Shmoo...only cause its a bad word in the Land
of dinosaurs
Your favorite quote: MoooooOOOOOO HAHAHAHAHAHA moo moo HAHAHAHA mooooooooooo
Your favorite thing to do....other than that!: that? whats that? oooh you
mean THAT?? gotcha *wink wink nudge nudge* we all know that ...THAT is
baking cookies!! LOL
Your favorite music: the noisy kind that drives adults the
point where they want to climb into a bell tower with an automatic weapon
and pick off every last little punk looking teenager that walks the face
of the earth!! HAHAHAHAHA
Your favorite SEAL chick: Dat would be me! only because I am the onlyone
so u got a problem with that? I didn't think so!
Well I am back....again! this is not the last of the Navy SEAL chick...I
will have the most entries on all these pages...why? because i have no
life and nothing better to all those who oppose me with feel the
wrath of the SEAL chick and her almigh fork punishment!! HAHAHAHA...ooh
yeah and I still love this page it rocks!!
Goldeneye 007 - 04/25/98 01:36:29
Your favorite food: sugar
Your favorite word to say: *Whisper*Chicken*Hee hee*
Your favorite quote: "My dog ate it!"
Your favorite thing to do....other than that!:
Your favorite music: er...uhh...that one...
Your favorite SEAL chick: The Navy SEAL Chick
NICE page!I will be adding it to my collection(in other words:I will be
putting a link to your page on mine).See you around!
- 04/22/98 17:27:40
LUCIFER - 04/22/98 16:09:02
Your favorite food: has to be pizza......then again it could be donar
kababs.....mmmmmmmmmm kababs
Your favorite word to say: yummy
Your favorite quote: has to be from South Park(has to be mentioned) "They
killed Kenny! You B"£$%^&s!"so funny
Your favorite thing to do....other than that!: seeing films and bowling
something else as well but i forget
Your favorite music: anything except classical and rave
Your favorite SEAL chick: definetly NavySEALchick!!!! Am i right or am
i right
Nice page could do with some improvements(kidding). Also, the pictures
of MissPlaced/Auntie were nice as well *wink, wink, nudge, nudge* lol Miss
was the one with the chocolate on her wasn't it lololol Well ive visited
the page and am impressed well done to Auntie and whoever else helped her
Tiger - 04/18/98 18:01:41
Your favorite food: PIZZA!!!
Your favorite word to say: ummm.....i dunno...
Your favorite quote: bend over and...umm...nevermind...lmao
Your favorite thing to do....other than that!: go to movies and go bowling
Your favorite music: anything but what Dan listens to...lmao
Your favorite SEAL chick: ummm....hmmm....tough one...hmmm...i dunno....maybe
This is the honorable Tiger, one of whom this page was dedicated to. I
showed Miss Placed and Mr. Twister the art of being a pain in the butt
online. I love this page! It's great! (and as you can tell, Miss Placed
is a blonde, and she did do this page) lm o...bye :o) *waving to aunty*
The Almighty SEAL chick - 04/17/98
My Email:eeeeeeee....mail
I hate da stuff
Your favorite food: fish heads....j/ is my fave!! mmmmmmm
Your favorite word to say: right now its: groovy ...but changes weekly!
Your favorite quote: why do u need a drivers license to by liquor when
u can't even drink and drive?
Your favorite thing to do....other than that!: hmmm...definitely shoot
assault rifles! and no not at cats for all of you who were thinking that!
Your favorite music: heavy metal! ooh yeah!! pantera, NIN, KoRn, white
zombie, m.manson!!
Your favorite SEAL chick: I am quite popular I see...on about 4 pages I
think....very flattering! yes yes i know i am great *ego inflates* please
don't throw flowers, money is greatly accepted!
I love this page...very cool! but like I told C-Toad this page better not
get better than mine! *gets baseball bat* understand? LMAO...j/k its great!
keep up the groovy (fave word) page!
cj - 04/16/98 19:47:04
My URL:http://www.don't got
Your favorite food: anything edible !
Your favorite word to say: "yikes"
Your favorite quote: "anything is possible"
Your favorite thing to do....other than that!: hmmmm ice fishing...spending
time with the family!
Your favorite music: classic rock
Your favorite SEAL chick: there is only one SEAL !
Great Site you guys! What a super looking family! *thinking maybe I should
do something like this.......
gooberhead - 04/15/98 12:13:13
My URL:http://there
Your favorite food: tacos
Your favorite word to say: yadda yadda
Your favorite quote: nuthin'
Your favorite thing to do....other than that!: nuthin'
Your favorite music: AIC
Your favorite SEAL chick: uuuummmmm
hiya...gooberette !
choosy - 04/14/98 19:05:17
My Email:yea.right
Your favorite food: anything mexican
Your favorite word to say: sheesh
Your favorite quote: ask me..I know
Your favorite thing to do....other than that!: think of that..
Your favorite music: old school of course
Your favorite SEAL chick: hmmm thats a toughie...hehe
wowie this is really two have done a splendid job!!! *hugs*
auntie and uncle...keep up the good work!!!
Susan - 04/13/98 14:53:55
My Email:ICQ#10276719
Your favorite food: chinese
Your favorite word to say: Oh Shit (2 words)
Your favorite quote: N/A yet I'll get back to you on that
Your favorite thing to do....other than that!: Chat with my Cyber buddies
Your favorite music: Country
Your favorite SEAL chick: NSC of course she's the best
You did and awesome job on your web page congrats guys *golf clap* by the
way I love jimbobs kitten !!!! Well, good luck and I will keep checking!!!!
Brat - 04/12/98 01:37:25
My URL:http://kiss.this
Your favorite food: Pizza!!(cheese)
Your favorite word to say: jiggy essence
Your favorite quote: *gettin jiggy wit it*
Your favorite thing to do....other than that!: gee what an intelligent
question lol
Your favorite music: Alternative, rap(im picky about that)
Your favorite SEAL chick: oh wow, another intelligent question j/k
Hey peeps! I dunno if u remember me, but i think u do. Anyways u did a
great job on the page (better than i could ever do) lol U need to get the
pics up of u and ur kids! See ya later! Love, Brat
khalan - 04/10/98 07:44:10
Your favorite food: pasta
Your favorite word to say: it's sad, but i have none!
Your favorite quote: if you want your dreams to come true you can't oversleep
Your favorite thing to do....other than that!: read
Your favorite music: classic rock, alternative
Your favorite SEAL chick: she of the NAVY type
Love the page! Get those pics working - or is this some cruel joke upon
us to keep us coming back? lol
Tweety - 04/10/98 04:20:15
Your favorite food: umm Pizza
Your favorite word to say: cutie patootie ( ok so its two words)
Your favorite quote: "Kyle's mom's a bitch"
Your favorite thing to do....other than that!: Play volleyball
Your favorite music: Country.. YEHAW
Your favorite SEAL chick: lol.. umm where did you get this question...
you mean whos your favorite Tweety...j/k
Mr Twister and Miss Placed.. ((((huggies))))) you are doing great so far.
keep up the good work.. thanks for the link. Take care and see ya in chat
Jessica - 04/09/98 21:24:46
My URL:Im the cute one on SEALs
My Email:Nobody
sends me any anyway...*pout*
Your favorite food: mmmm...meanut putter...and poolboy
Your favorite word to say: bink!!!!
Your favorite quote: "ohhh on N/A again eh auntie?!"
Your favorite thing to do....other than that!: Dance the hoochie mama dance!!!
Your favorite music: Classic rock and nothing but
Your favorite SEAL chick: Sheesh auntie....making me think here...umm..oh
yeah!! *duh* SEALY!!!
Woo hoo yummy yummy!! Is that the almighty pool boy that I see? Indeed
it is!! *dancing super de duper happy hoochie mama drooling over pool boy
eating meanut putter sammiches with Polly Prozac Popper cause Auntie makes
meatloaf *gag* dance out the door* ipppeeee!! Great page auntie and uncle...sheesh
that dance tired me out...keep it up!!! *mumu hugs*
Burp Girl - 04/08/98 21:22:47
Your favorite food: none
Your favorite word to say: peachy keen
Your favorite quote: woopers
Your favorite thing to do....other than that!: talk
Your favorite music: none
Your favorite SEAL chick: ummmmm this is a hard one DUH! SEAL!
neat-o page!
Super1 - 04/08/98 01:26:06
Your favorite food: Mexican food or Steak
Your favorite word to say: We win!!!!!!!
Your favorite quote: Winning isn't the everything, but putting forth the
effort to win is!
Your favorite thing to do....other than that!: oh...gee....what do I like
to do best?.....hmmmmm......Going to sporting events.....Traveling.....(don't
get to much though)...listenning to music.....oh that's more than one...oh
well....i cheated...L L
Your favorite music: Country and Western
Your favorite SEAL chick: I only know one!
You people who have the guts to do one of these things amaze me....these
web sites are really cool and I will be checking back to see your pics...Keep
up the good work.
Kaye - 04/08/98 00:57:01
- hehe *snicker*
Your favorite food: Pasta & sprite (wanted to include my favorite
Your favorite word to say: "You think?!!!!" "yuh,huh"
Your favorite quote: You never saw a fish hung on the wall with it's mouth
Your favorite thing to do....other than that!: Well....umm...err.....?
Your favorite music: Most music except RAP *blech* and not really heavy
Your favorite SEAL chick: I wonder who that could be? Hmmmmmm.....NSC?
Yeah...that's it!
Hey you two! This is cool and thank you for letting me come! I will be
back to see if you have anything about me on here! J/K! Looks good!!!!
Clueless30 - 04/07/98 19:21:58
Your favorite food: PIZZA
Your favorite word to say: ROFLMAO
Your favorite quote: words become wishes..wishes become dreams and dreams
become reality!
Your favorite thing to do....other than that!: Well other rhan chatt....hhmmnnnn...not
Your favorite music: anything but country
Hello guys Thanks for the visit to my page. I love when new ppl drop in
for a visit! Your page is very nice! These things can be a pain to make
but they are a lot of fun and i learn something new every one I make. Keep
up the good work! Clueless30
Kim - 04/03/98 15:48:43
Your favorite food: shrimp
Your favorite music: 80s music
I enjoyed my visit.
Horndog - 04/03/98 15:30:43
Your favorite food: Beer
Your favorite word to say: anything nasty lol
Your favorite quote: same shit different day
Your favorite thing to do....other than that!: Sex and computer
Your favorite music: classic rock and metal
Your favorite SEAL chick: her herself of course
Cool!!! keep up the good work . maybe someday ill do one if i get off my
ass lol see you in chat;o) ((((((((((((((((mr.twister and Missplaced))))))))))))
Emeralds - 04/03/98 15:03:57
Your favorite food: pizza
Your favorite word to say: sheeeesh
Your favorite quote: if ya gotta be bad be good at it...
Your favorite thing to do....other than that!: talking on the phone...
Your favorite music: like all music
Your favorite SEAL chick: Navy Seal Chic..
looks most excellent...keep up the good work..
Jessica - 04/03/98 04:23:26
My URL:I am the cute psycho
on SEALS page...
thanks...too many words
Your favorite food: Pickles and peanut butter
Your favorite word to say: Frumpy.....bink....
Your favorite quote: I am not crazy...everyone else is...
Your favorite thing to do....other than that!: torture people with my sick
humor and anti-socialist views
Your favorite music: Robert and Zepp of course....and you can't make me
listen to anything else
Your favorite SEAL chick: Now, don't quote me on this...but I think it's
SEALY..sure hope I am right...
Wow, for being 'newbies' you have a nifty page...One thing that is missing...a
poolboy page!!! You can not have a page without the poolboy! *mumu hugs*
Great page auntie...
Jimbob - 04/02/98 11:15:41
My Email:that'd be telling to
Your favorite food: Eccles cakes
Your favorite word to say: sillybuggers
Your favorite quote: "fuckoff"
Your favorite thing to do....other than that!: be with the one i love
Your favorite music: Finley Quaye (background music on my page when its
Your favorite SEAL chick: umm......ummmm.....hmmmm.....
wow looks a hell of a lot better than my efforts lol keep it up thanx for
the dedy, i love it!!!!!! *beaming*
C-Toad - 03/31/98 23:51:48
My URL:http://theres
a link on their home page duh!
My Email:CROAK@sait.toad
Your favorite food: PIZZA!!!!
Your favorite word to say: Buggerbeans
Your favorite quote: Damnit Beavis!
Your favorite thing to do....other than that!: Damn! You took away my favorite
thing! jk lol
Your favorite music: Alternative, good stuff that you guys like =o)
Your favorite SEAL chick: Ummmm, uhhhh, ummmm, duhhhhh, lemme think!
Awesome page you guys! Woo hoo! Ill make a link on my page to yours, as
soon as I get the time and the energy! lol. See ya laters!