Dave L - 08/22/00 19:18:48
My Email:Dave.Lingardo@mail.sprint.com
How did you find us?: Sleepy Hollow Classmates.com
Where are you from?: You know
Care to share your favorite URL with us?: I'm working on my homepage
Have you ever seen a UFO?: ???????
What color socks are you wearing today (quick don't look!)?: Brown
Any suggestions for our page?: Great pictures
WOW! I sent an e-mail already but this is great. Your kid's, husband and you all look great! I'm married with 2 kid's and looking forward to my 20 years reunion. Drop me an e-mail and I'll fill you in on the last 14 years (that's how long I'll be married this December!)
Jane Wolfe LeClerc - 07/24/00 04:09:11
My Email:jleclerc2@aol.com
How did you find us?: Planet Alumni
Where are you from?: Ossining, NY
Care to share your favorite URL with us?: No
Have you ever seen a UFO?: No
What color socks are you wearing today (quick don't look!)?: None
Any suggestions for our page?: No
Just happened to find Sleepy Hollow High School at Planet Alumni.
Remember me?
wendy hayden - 07/16/00 12:44:40
My Email:wendy_hayden@email.com
How did you find us?: highschool finder
Where are you from?: Miami, FL (for now)
Have you ever seen a UFO?: No
What color socks are you wearing today (quick don't look!)?: never wear socks in Miami
Any suggestions for our page?: more about what your up to
I was so glad to see your new name and address in the Sleepy Hollow finder site. From your web site, it looks like everything is going great. I'm really glad. I've thought about you many times over the years and wish I had a way of getting in touch wit
Things are going really well on my end. I'm not married but I've been living with the same guy (a really great guy) for the last 10 years. We don't have kids but we have 4 cats. We moved around for work but have been in Miami the last 2 years. We love
it down here. Alot of biking and hiking with the allegators.
I hope you send me an email. I'd love to keep in touch. By the way - your picture and your family's pictures look terrific. Your kids look like little Carols.
Keep in touch.
.-=Raistlin=-. - 06/25/00 07:21:49
My Email:granarygoth@wickedmail.com
How did you find us?: Just by memory.
Where are you from?: Aberdeen Scotland
Care to share your favorite URL with us?: Too many to mention. Mainly music sites.
Have you ever seen a UFO?: Nope, but I've thrown a saucer!
What color socks are you wearing today (quick don't look!)?: Black. I always wear black clothes so that's an easy one!
Any suggestions for our page?: Free beer for every viewer?
Hello there old buddies! Remember me from the good old days in Le Cafe 2? I was just visiting some old online haunts and came across this site again. *gets all emotional* Ever hear from Navy SEAL Chick and the rest of the crazy clan? I've been rather beha
ed lately and have kept my surfing to normal stuff. I must be getting old. Anyway, it's been a nice nostalgic trip seeing this site again. Hope you are all keeping well and may all your days be groovy days! Raisty.
Daisy - 06/21/00 05:45:20
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/va2/NeoHippieChic
My Email:theladycapulet@yahoo.com
How did you find us?: linked from a cool site with a text warper
Where are you from?: Virginia
Care to share your favorite URL with us?: http://www.at-peace.com
Have you ever seen a UFO?: i think so
What color socks are you wearing today (quick don't look!)?: im barefoot
Any suggestions for our page?: its cute... just always update.. I love a new surprise when I revisit
Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments:
now I have to use the cool text warper to mercilessly promote my page as your friend suggested!
Daisy's Groovy Positive NeoHippie Headquarters
Visit it to
ont>day at http://www.a
cem - 05/06/00 19:19:50
My Email:cemkala@yahoo.com
How did you find us?: icq interest groups of formula1
Where are you from?: Turkey
Have you ever seen a UFO?: no
What color socks are you wearing today (quick don't look!)?: white, but why? :-))
Any suggestions for our page?: it's a good page and funny.congrulations
Will Moores - 04/11/00 04:42:35
My URL:http://members.home.net/will.moores
My Email:will_moores@yahoo.com
How did you find us?: random icq webring
Where are you from?: London, on
Care to share your favorite URL with us?: http://members.home.net/will.moores
Have you ever seen a UFO?: never
What color socks are you wearing today (quick don't look!)?: i'm bare foot
Any suggestions for our page?: maybe no music, people hate it
Hey there. Nice page, keep it up
D - 04/03/00 00:22:47
My URL:http://community.webtv.net/SilntPartnr/SilntPartnrsPlace
My Email:SilntPartnr@webtv.net
How did you find us?: From the other Dan & Carol
Where are you from?: Midwest
Have you ever seen a UFO?: Yup
What color socks are you wearing today (quick don't look!)?: Black. I thru all the rest of the colors away so the would all match
Any suggestions for our page?: nope
Hey Cool Place
I'll be Back to check it out more.
Jennifer Vandever - 02/20/00 02:25:47
My Email:jav826@texasisp
How did you find us?: through another website (landgren.net/rainbow/)
Where are you from?: TEXAS
Care to share your favorite URL with us?: freakzone.ab.ca
Have you ever seen a UFO?: YES once when I was...(nevermind)
What color socks are you wearing today (quick don't look!)?: striped (multicolor toe socks)
WOW!!!!! This site is sooooo cool. It looks like something I would design to trip out my teachers. I absolutely love it!!!!
The Great Celetrial WeeSaul - 12/17/99 20:05:51
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/pa/anticrust/
My Email:mhm15x5@iname.com
How did you find us?: I have been stalking you for years!
Where are you from?: Why do you ask?
Care to share your favorite URL with us?: Nope...
Have you ever seen a UFO?: Yep...
What color socks are you wearing today (quick don't look!)?: Magenta
Any suggestions for our page?: Doughnuts
Corey & Malissa - 10/19/99 05:12:00
My Email:cholder@gateway.net
How did you find us?: surfing the net
Where are you from?: Largo, Fl
What color socks are you wearing today (quick don't look!)?: black
Any suggestions for our page?: nope
We really enjoyed your website. I (Corey) was a little down today and reading through the different quotes and advice sort of picked me up. It's little things that make the difference, and it is nice to see that there are still people out there that belie
e in giving even though we don't all receive back. Keep up the good work...
Rachel - 10/08/99 04:23:59
My Email:rachelc64@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Australia(Melbourne)
Have you ever seen a UFO?: no
What color socks are you wearing today (quick don't look!)?: white
Any suggestions for our page?: nope
great page love the dancing bare
Ginny - 10/04/99 00:00:34
My Email:SkyCat89@aol.com
How did you find us?: yahoo
Where are you from?: Alabama
Care to share your favorite URL with us?: umm.............no!
Have you ever seen a UFO?: Nope :(
What color socks are you wearing today (quick don't look!)?: I'm not wearing any! lol
Any suggestions for our page?: Umm.......no I think it is great but change it a bit more that would be great.
I think that your page is very.......umm.....whats the word? Super? Anyway I think it is cool and I look forward coming to it every time I look in my favorites to come here.Thats all.
Kristen - 09/25/99 23:22:59
My URL:http://community.webtv.net/Tom_Green_Rocks/KristensCrazyTom
My Email:Tom_Green_Rocks@webtv.net
How did you find us?: webring
Where are you from?: Mass
Care to share your favorite URL with us?: http://www.tomgreen.com
Have you ever seen a UFO?: yes!!!
What color socks are you wearing today (quick don't look!)?: I'm not wearing any socks
Any suggestions for our page?: HMM!!
Cool site!!!
Brittany - 09/23/99 23:07:27
My Email:tweet74595
How did you find us?: my friend
Where are you from?: alabama
Care to share your favorite URL with us?: no
Have you ever seen a UFO?: no
What color socks are you wearing today (quick don't look!)?: white
Any suggestions for our page?: cool
this is a cool place
Ginny - 09/22/99 20:55:00
Alan Taylor - 07/13/99 16:56:52
My Email:007maniac@hbzmail.com
How did you find us?: On the web
Where are you from?: Huntsville Al.
Care to share your favorite URL with us?: Head Bone Zone
Have you ever seen a UFO?: No,but I'd love to.
What color socks are you wearing today (quick don't look!)?: none
Any suggestions for our page?: You need some "Chef" music
Was fun! Will come back again soon.
- 06/14/99 14:30:41
My Email:stonedfoo@yahoo.com
How did you find us?: Was smokin' a reefer n just accidentally stumbled on to yers n decided to check it out.
Where are you from?: Eastern Finland.....yeh.....woah
Care to share your favorite URL with us?: hrm....this is alright: fly.to/juhana
Have you ever seen a UFO?: thought I saw one once, but was told it was merely an optical illusion or a hallucination *sigh*
What color socks are you wearing today (quick don't look!)?: not wearin' any, 'tis really hot
Any suggestions for our page?: Wouldn't change nada....cept maybe I wouldn't have dark blue text with a black background, cos it's kinda nasty to read :-P
Brianna - 05/31/99 09:35:09
How did you find us?: I was promised a phsycadelic-something-or-other tour, and i found your page
Where are you from?: Australia
Have you ever seen a UFO?: never
What color socks are you wearing today (quick don't look!)?: blue & red ( ha! I looked)
Any suggestions for our page?: some games would be good, but it's pretty cool.
Great page! I love the writing.
Brianna - 05/31/99 09:34:56
How did you find us?: I was promised a phsycadelic-something-or-other tour, and i found your page
Where are you from?: Australia
Have you ever seen a UFO?: never
What color socks are you wearing today (quick don't look!)?: blue & red ( ha! I looked)
Any suggestions for our page?: some games would be good, but it's pretty cool.
Great page! I love the writing.
James Francisco - 05/27/99 23:18:23
My Email:jafranc@hotmail.com
How did you find us?: ICQ
Where are you from?: duh...NY
Care to share your favorite URL with us?: This
Have you ever seen a UFO?: Yup...new house:-)
What color socks are you wearing today (quick don't look!)?: uh,uh...white?
Any suggestions for our page?: cool
James Francisco - 05/27/99 23:18:15
My Email:jafranc@hotmail.com
How did you find us?: ICQ
Where are you from?: duh...NY
Care to share your favorite URL with us?: This
Have you ever seen a UFO?: Yup...new house:-)
What color socks are you wearing today (quick don't look!)?: uh,uh...white?
Any suggestions for our page?: cool
Tweety - 05/27/99 17:15:29
My URL:.SouthBeach/Breakers/2302
My Email:tweetypie101@hotmail.com
How did you find us?: Originally in Le Cafe
Where are you from?: Seattle Washington
Care to share your favorite URL with us?: ummm... mine :) http://www.geocities.com.SouthBeach/Breakers/2302
Have you ever seen a UFO?: I thought so once, but ya never know
What color socks are you wearing today (quick don't look!)?: Im not wearing any! Its like 85 degress today
Any suggestions for our page?: I havent been here for awhile, You guys have done so much!
Remember me?? * hugs * Hey guys, how the heck have ya been? Havent been online much lately, stop by Le Cafe every now and then. Getting ready to be a mom ( in like 5 days ) so Ive
been super busy. Hope things are going well in MissPlaced and Mr Twister world :)
Christin - 05/23/99 23:48:52
How did you find us?: through a psychodelic link.
Where are you from?: Texas
Have you ever seen a UFO?: I say "yes!"
What color socks are you wearing today (quick don't look!)?: rainbow
Any suggestions for our page?: Try adding games. Not that ot osn't good already.
I love how you have your music setup and the
colors you use.
cat - 05/10/99 02:32:55
My Email:bendixonsexy@hotmail.com
How did you find us?: just checkin out hippy sites & found yours
Where are you from?: melbourne australia
Care to share your favorite URL with us?: any afl sites
Have you ever seen a UFO?: nah
What color socks are you wearing today (quick don't look!)?: blue
Any suggestions for our page?: nah its cool
rtarvin - 04/20/99 01:57:15
My Email:*******@***.***
How did you find us?: surfing
Where are you from?: alabama
Have you ever seen a UFO?: to many
What color socks are you wearing today (quick don't look!)?: lime green
Any suggestions for our page?: very good page!
Ketti - 04/19/99 19:39:24
My Email:special_k@givepeaceachance.com
How did you find us?: search
Where are you from?: my mama
Care to share your favorite URL with us?: I still haven't figured out what a url is
Have you ever seen a UFO?: on the X-Files
What color socks are you wearing today (quick don't look!)?: not wearing socks
Any suggestions for our page?: its cool like it is
Hey this is a pretty cool page I happened to stumble upon! Are you hippies or something? (you also have pretty good tast in music too!)
Ken Normile - 03/28/99 19:05:24
My Email:KPNORM@CS.com
How did you find us?: you told me
Where are you from?: originally Chicago
Have you ever seen a UFO?: yes but they erased my memory of it
What color socks are you wearing today (quick don't look!)?: white
Any suggestions for our page?: monkeys
The Daileys - 03/28/99 03:15:23
My Email:dlysmtn@aol.com
Your page looks great. I like the music!
Angel - 03/25/99 05:07:38
My Email:jastoldt@yahoo.com
How did you find us?: key word "hippy"
Where are you from?: Deltona, FL
Have you ever seen a UFO?: husband has
What color socks are you wearing today (quick don't look!)?: none
I enjoyed visiting your site. Thank You!
doug - 03/21/99 16:39:12
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~doug28/index.html
My Email:dthekid@hotmail.com
How did you find us?: icq webring
Where are you from?: Michigan
Care to share your favorite URL with us?: dont really have one
Have you ever seen a UFO?: no
What color socks are you wearing today (quick don't look!)?: white LOL
Any suggestions for our page?: kepp it up
YOu have a awasome page I didnt get a chance to check it all out and all of the links too but i will .. I just hope that youkeep up the great work .. take care keep rockin
Navy SEAL chick - 03/20/99 06:26:49
My URL:http://www.I_am_getting_a_new_one_soon.com
My Email:Deadmage69@aol.com
How did you find us?: lol....geeeeeez what you think I forgot about ya even though I haven't talked to ya in months?
Where are you from?: I sleep in a drawer
Care to share your favorite URL with us?: ummmm www.holy_flirking_schnit.com
Have you ever seen a UFO?: ummmmmmmmm nope
What color socks are you wearing today (quick don't look!)?: i am not wearing socks! lol
Any suggestions for our page?: nope nope looks great
hiya miss P and mr T haven't seen you guys in like ummmmmm forever, figured I would drop by your page and make sure u 2 are staying outta trouble! (pfft like that'll happen)lol anyways if you stop by the chat room my new names in there are either Shattere
Dreams or Hungarian Flying Rat..lol don't ask how I came up with that one! i gotta make like a tree and leave now..take care u 2 *hugs* PE@CE *****PoOf*****I'm a hotdog!
your big sis - 03/06/99 04:45:12
My Email:cefvlf@wpe.com
How did you find us?: bragging
Where are you from?: up where we just got outhouses
Have you ever seen a UFO?: no but would love to
What color socks are you wearing today (quick don't look!)?: green green and green
Any suggestions for our page?: keep up the terrific work
I really love your page!!! your pictures and ideas are terrific!!
Kristin, dude. - 03/01/99 23:57:28
My URL:http://....what?
My Email:No, I'm female.
How did you find us?: I don't remember...
Where are you from?: Huh?
Care to share your favorite URL with us?: Nah dude.
Have you ever seen a UFO?: Hell yeah, homes...
What color socks are you wearing today (quick don't look!)?: Whoa...trails...
Any suggestions for our page?: Nope.
Trippin' Tip:
1. When you're trippin' turn on your strobe light and move your head around a lot. It's pretty cool, dude.
2. Also remember that not "everyone is against you and trying to get you."
3. Try looking a plaid shit...
*~Jessica~* - 02/27/99 02:07:45
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Aegean/7699
My Email:you mean you don't member? *sniff sniff*
How did you find us?: well...I USED to know you, but then you got classified as MIA
Where are you from?: Pittsburgh...whoohoo go Steelers!!
Care to share your favorite URL with us?: I'm URL challenged
Have you ever seen a UFO?: **classified**
What color socks are you wearing today (quick don't look!)?: none...my toes are cold : (
Any suggestions for our page?: nope, it looks great : )
well heck poolboy and missp, I figured I better stop in and say howdy before ya'll forgot about me... : ( drop me a line in my guestbook and let me know how things are going - hope everything is well!
C-Toad - 02/13/99 04:05:02
My URL:nothing there so it doesn't matter
My Email:ask me and I'll tell ya
How did you find us?: You told me
Where are you from?: ootaw
Care to share your favorite URL with us?: www.dumb.com All the dum stuff you could ever want
Have you ever seen a UFO?: Some British lady with an umbrella
What color socks are you wearing today (quick don't look!)?: Gray
Any suggestions for our page?: Well, you mention me more than once so, nope
I love this page! Keep updating! You mentioned me, dedicated a page to me, and put the Beavis picture up! I feel so loved! Thanks guys! *big ole hugs n tisses* See ya!
SmOKe DrAGoN - 01/23/99 21:00:39
How did you find us?: A small voice made me do it
Where are you from?: The outer world
Have you ever seen a UFO?: Im evil not crazy
What color socks are you wearing today (quick don't look!)?: socks ?
Any suggestions for our page?: keep doing what your doing
Love the sight you must of spent a lot of time. Our site is small but growing come by and critic away. Hell is more fun than you think!
White Ice - 01/23/99 20:51:27
My Email:whiteice@cgocable.com
How did you find us?: The darkside told me about you
Where are you from?: Zone13
Care to share your favorite URL with us?: You Will See The Sign
Have you ever seen a UFO?: Maybe on Drugs
What color socks are you wearing today (quick don't look!)?: Black
Any suggestions for our page?: Never GiveUp
Hope can calm the SOUL
White Ice - 01/23/99 20:43:01
- 01/14/99 05:45:41
- 01/14/99 05:45:41
Jody - 01/12/99 04:31:03
My Email:jody@is-1.net.au
How did you find us?: surfed in
Where are you from?: Australia
Have you ever seen a UFO?: not lately
What color socks are you wearing today (quick don't look!)?: pink
Any suggestions for our page?: nope
I thought your homepage was really good....
you have put a lot of time and effort into it...
CAROL MARKS - 01/07/99 23:24:58
How did you find us?: I GOT LOST.
Where are you from?: YR. PANTS.
Care to share your favorite URL with us?: EARL THE URL.
Have you ever seen a UFO?: WHAT DRUGS ARE YOU ON.
What color socks are you wearing today (quick don't look!)?: BLACK
Any suggestions for our page?: CHANGE IT.
Lil - 12/30/98 17:55:45
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/on/LuxurysLoft/
My Email:lleith@netinc.ca
How did you find us?: From the other 'Dan and Carol'
Where are you from?: Ontario, Canada
Care to share your favorite URL with us?: I have so many I can't pick~!!!
Have you ever seen a UFO?: Once, but no one believes me... ;-(
What color socks are you wearing today (quick don't look!)?: Black
Any suggestions for our page?: ummm...I'll think about it.
Hi Dan and Carol; (typing that seems familiar..LOL)
I got to you from the 'other' Dan and Carol's page. Great work you guys. Your motto is the same as a friend of mine who lives in PA also. He loves Red Green. Actually Red Green lives in the same city as me (Hamilton, Ontario, Canada). I'm not a big fan my
elf...though I could think of a few good uses for duck tape...*Grin"...LOL. Anyways, I'll be back to check out the rest of your page, it's off to work I go. Have a Happy New Year~!
Randie - 12/30/98 01:48:07
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~sunflower58/index.html
My Email:sunflower_58@webtv.net
How did you find us?: from the "other" Dan & Carol
Where are you from?: Bangor, ME
Care to share your favorite URL with us?: of course it's mine (see above)
Have you ever seen a UFO?: not until I flew in one
What color socks are you wearing today (quick don't look!)?: on which foot?
Any suggestions for our page?: keep up the good work!
I enjoyed the page and my visit. For being html challenged, you did well! That was what caught my eye too, I'm a cyberdummy so a page, though I've only just begun, is a huge accomplishment. It's looking good and I'll check back to see what's new!
Jim Martens - 12/21/98 00:38:15
My Email:waren1543@aol.com
How did you find us?: carol
Where are you from?: pa
Have you ever seen a UFO?: no
What color socks are you wearing today (quick don't look!)?: none
Any suggestions for our page?: no
Jim Martens - 12/21/98 00:38:03
My Email:waren1543@aol.com
How did you find us?: carol
Where are you from?: pa
Have you ever seen a UFO?: no
What color socks are you wearing today (quick don't look!)?: none
Any suggestions for our page?: no
Dan & Carol(the others!) - 12/18/98 12:13:30
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/siliconvalley/grid/5910/
My Email:Dan_n_Carol@usa.net
How did you find us?: We wonder(?)
Where are you from?: Indi(the pit)ana
Care to share your favorite URL with us?: http://www.geocities.com/siliconvalley/grid/5910/
Have you ever seen a UFO?: All the frigg'in time! Their everywhere man!
What color socks are you wearing today (quick don't look!)?: They are the color of the the brightest corner of one's mind.....
Any suggestions for our page?: Hey, you all have it going just fine to be so html challenged! I mean really!
Just thought we would check out our counterparts and make sure they were doing okay in the wild world of cyberland! Thanks for parking us on the front page! How cool of you! Hey, one (?). You all don't mind when we send or rather forward along neat and in
eresting things to you do you? Hope not, but if you all would rather we didn't then we can stop. Just let us know! See Ya' in Cyber!!
Kev - 12/17/98 10:40:28
My URL:lost in space
How did you find us?: Useless Page link from site on a "Psychedelic" search through Yahoo
Where are you from?: NY & MA
Care to share your favorite URL with us?: No. but check out bcr.babson.edu. Campus radio on th web
Have you ever seen a UFO?: yes
What color socks are you wearing today (quick don't look!)?: white
Any suggestions for our page?: Haven't looked at all of it. Nice family page.
Merry holiday time
Kev - 12/17/98 10:39:04
My URL:lost in space
How did you find us?: Useless Page link from site on a "Psychedelic" search through Yahoo
Where are you from?: NY & MA
Care to share your favorite URL with us?: No. but check out bcr.babson.edu. Campus radio on th web
Have you ever seen a UFO?: yes
What color socks are you wearing today (quick don't look!)?: white
Any suggestions for our page?: Haven't looked at all of it. Nice family page.
Merry holiday time
Carol - 12/13/98 15:43:34
My URL:http://www.here.com
My Email:umyeah@naught.net
How did you find us?: it wasn't hard...
Where are you from?: here
Care to share your favorite URL with us?: this, of course
Have you ever seen a UFO?: no
What color socks are you wearing today (quick don't look!)?: none
Any suggestions for our page?: yeah, Dan should update his sportspage and put some x-mas music on the index page for cryin out loud!
Well....since nobody has signed this since I fixed
it, I'm signin it to see if it works right.
Hey, it keeps me out of trouble! :-}