This page is dedicated to our friend C-Toad, because he is cool
and he just has such good taste! :-}

We hail from Lancaster, PA.....land of the Amish.
You may have noticed the song playing.....
....it's Wierd Al's song, Amish Paradise (a take off on Gangsta Paradise).
If you have no idea what Amish means.....well,
I guess you missed the joke! Or....click here to find out. LOL

Name: Dan and Carol
Age: 34 and 33
Hometown: Lancaster, Pennsylvania USA
Kids: Trevor, Patrick and Elise
Pets: 2 dogs, 2 cats, a turtle and a goldfish
Favorite food: Mexican and Mac'n'Cheese
Favorite quote: "If the women don't find you handsome....they should at least find you handy!" and "When all else fails...play dead!"
Favorite word: Huh? Sheesh! and Gooberhead
Favorite music: Alternative and Rock...OLP, AIC, Jerry Cantrell, PRIMUS, Pink Floyd, Lynyrd Skynrd, Stevie Ray Vaughn (Dan's hero!), Tom Petty, RHCP, etc. (and any thing Dan hasn't played a million times)
Favorite Muppet: Animal
Favorite Southpark kid: Kenny!!!

We'll add more later...

Now you have to sign our guestbook and tell us stuff about you so......
go back to our page and sign it already!

Amish Paradise

<bg sound src="amish.mid" loop=infinite>