to Jani's Humble Outpost in Cyberspace

"The Lord, the Lord God is merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abounding in goodness and in truth." Exodus 34:6

~~ PEACE ~~


~~or write to me~~

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SPECIAL NOTICE : CHAMELEON a k a Rumour VII . . . . from Richard ...
Around 1976, Richard initiated a subscription campaign for funds to record a solo LP, Rumour VII. . .

Dear friends.

My home.
Summerland of the Okanagan
Photocast - Summerland Views
Visit the Okanagan - Locations - Summerland

One of the most comprehensive Canadian Sites List on the web.

Welcome to my web page! Inside this website can be found more information about me than surely a person would ever want to know. You can read my curriculum vitae, see my first applet attempt, or visit some of my favourite sites. Why would anyone want to know all this stuff about me? Well, I don't know but I myself enjoy reading about other people and their thoughts and experiences on the World Wide Web.

I love and treasure Jesus, angels, wisdom and beautiful things. I love to hunt and find treasures in every sense. I believe in manners and in being gracious until given no other alternative. I think that no matter who you are or what you do you should strive to be the best - or at least do the best you can do. I am continually amazed at the kind and generous individuals I meet in this world. I have a loving family, and loyal friends, for which above all things I consider myself a blessed woman. I have celebrated my 46th birthday and have seen many wondrous things and been to some interesting places so far in my life.

Oh, yeah, I'm a geek. Not in the coke bottle glasses or pocket protector sense of the word but in the common usage of today's digital generation. I enjoy astronomy, poetry, art, discussing philosophy or Fermat's theory with friends over dinner and get excited about the newest releases of software applications, web tools, design and multimedia. I enjoy listening to anyone who is excited about something. I forgo sleep to resolve challenging computer problems or to navigate unknown corners of cyberspace.

I am also very romantic and old fashioned. I enjoy domestic tasks, and see life as a bit of a grand opera. I love gardening, canning and cooking, sewing, beading, embroidery and mending things. I love children, the theatre, music and literature. At times I am a little too altruistic for my own good but I really don't mind. Life is short and it is for joy and laughter. I have experienced many losses in my life including the use of my own body to a large extent. I live with chronic pain but gratefully, my spirit is positive and like Candide I try to always look at the bright side, as there always is one. I enjoy my sense of humour and a good game of backgammon.

Putting up this webpage is my own small step towards making cyberspace a truly "human" medium. We all hear what the politicians, journalists, religious authorities, celebrities, and "experts" have to say; I am curious to hear what you have to say and I would like to share with you what I think and see. In this spirit, I encourage you to make your own webpages. I greatly enjoy creating this website through a thousand careful modifications and additions. I have received a few awards and am a member of the Messages with Meaning Webring.

As Bertrand Russell's last lines written for public consumption, written three days before his death, claim: "There is an artist imprisoned in each one of us. Let him loose to spread joy everywhere!" Partake in the joy of creation and make something beautiful where before there was nothing.

I am constantly updating and adding to this site. So enjoy your tour and return to see whats new. I have created an Index of all my pages for your convenience. I wish all readers of this website peace, happiness, freedom, and many blessings in their life's journey!

Love is patient and kind, love does not boast or envy, it is not proud or provoked: love does not keep a record of wrongs, love is not happy with evil, but is pleased with truth. Love never gives up, its faith, hope and patience never fail. 1Corinthians 13

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