In case you aren't sure where you are, you are in a very small unincorporated community on LAKE TEXOMA, 89,000 acres of lake water. The lake boasts of some of the best fishing in the United States. There are sand bass, crappie, stripers, catfish, and perch, just to name a few, and there are fishing guides everywhere, including Walnut Creek, and the C&S FISHING GUIDE over at Willis, Oklahoma, which is right across the bridge. There is a landing strip over behind those trees at CEDAR MILLS MARINA. We sit and watch those planes land and take off all day. Let me introduce everyone to you so you'll feel more welcome. This is my mom, the best friend anyone could ever hope to have. She stays busy in the "garden", diggin' up roots and in the "heavens", searching for what is past. The others are my cousins. Over here is , who was called the Web Guru by her co-workers at Microsoft, and is one of the greatest friends in the world to have. She and her husband, Mr. Bill, keep their boat right there around the bend at , where Sandy works for . Over here is , who graduated from college and works at the Oklahoma University Biological Station here on the lake. She sometimes finds time to ride her Harley that she built. It's been her baby for years, but now she and Todd have their first child, Harley. Amanda, my daughter, and her daughter, Tiarra, doesn't live very far from me. Don't get frustrated ... we don't expect ya to remember everyone's name right off the bat. Okay, now here is my neighbor and friend, Marsha, with her hubby, Shan, and grand baby, Katielyn. They live kinda catty-cornered from me. My Uncle Loren and Aunt Helen live right up the road on Hwy. 377 and they have a great fishing hole in their front yard. We can visit on just about any subject, but in case you didn't get all the hints, I'm a genealogist. Yep, you hear about them a lot lately. Please don't get offended if we start asking you a dozen questions about everyone in your family. You're welcome to just jump in and and ask us questions about our family, too! If you aren't interested, just say so, and we'll try not to ask any more questions for a few minutes so you can catch your breath. If you get a little tired of our discussion, and don't want to act rude by telling us to hush, just take a walk on down to the water's edge. Sandy will probably show you the way, since she isn't really "into genealogy". She may even take you down to what we call "The Land" or "Cuzzez Cove", and show you her boat. Or Karen may take you for a ride on her bike. You'd be in good hands with her because she can work on her own bike if it happens to break down. Afterall, she built her all by herself! But, honestly, we'd be happy to have you stay around for as long as you'd like. If you get hungry and don't want to eat with us or cook on a campfire, you might like to go eat at Cyndi's Cafe, Catfish Haven or Catfish Platter right here on Hwy. 377.