Hello! Come in and browze around.....

blue bar blue bar

tammy - 11/27/00 07:09:52
My Email:buymearose_99@yahoo.com

love you bee................hugssssssss

Marilyn Hughes - 10/28/00 02:33:40
My Email:dogtraks@cwis.net
Your Researched Surnames: Scott, Marler, Hughes, Christopher
Other interests: quilting, gardening, health foods

Beautiful site.

LadyFantasy - 09/28/00 02:21:36
My Email:barb@wfeca.net
IRQ#: 8926004
IM#: FntsyUnicorn

Just wanted to let you know that I like your clouds and dove. Looks good so far, will check back often to see what you have added.

Vicki Glenn - 04/22/00 06:49:07
My Email:vsglenn@hotmail.com
Your Researched Surnames: Glenn, Draper, Rodgers
Other interests: Family and friends

This is a wonderful place. Good luck and Happy Hunting.

Connie Divine - 04/05/00 21:33:09
My Email:cdivine@ou.edu
Your Researched Surnames: Glenn/Kimbler/Divine/Reeder
Other interests: Sailing


Gilbert Balentine - 03/16/00 16:11:54
My Email:gbal@cybex.gr

Hi Becky,did you get the crest from me?

Melissa Munn - 11/14/99 07:19:47
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ma/lissaannapage/gentxt.html
My Email:LissaPoet@worldnet.att.net
Your Researched Surnames: Tucker, Adams, Davis
Other interests: Genealogy

Please go to my site and let me know if you have any links to my Tucker , Davis or Adams lines. Thanks Melissa Munn

Norma watts - 11/10/99 13:55:18
My Email:nwatts1@lawtonok.net
IRQ#: 39982745
Your Researched Surnames: Coker, Watts, Drake, McBride


Bev Lasure - 08/21/99 16:23:51
My Email:vtrealtr@sover.net
Your Researched Surnames: coker

Great page reminds me of being in a plane and looking to the clouds. Working on the line of Daniel Coker/Eunice Taylor. Does anyone have Daniel's parents?

Scott Coonce - 07/09/99 16:55:25
My Email:scottc@Alaska.net
Your Researched Surnames: Glenn

Becky, Twice I have been informed that a verication message would be sent, however I am still waiting. Guess it takes time. Thanks for the assistance. Scott

Coe William Case - 06/29/99 13:27:03
My URL:http://users/aol.com/coecase/
My Email:coecase@aol.com
Your Researched Surnames: Case, Wright, Peacock, Falwell, Coker, Buckman, Tucker, Miles, etc,
Other interests: Boating, Fishing, Golf, Travel, Timeshares

Very nice! I'm known as Bill Case, who married the Wright girl.

Joanne Rich - 06/29/99 04:27:28
My Email:jrich@rapidfire.net
Your Researched Surnames: Box/Bean/Chronister/Rich/Kirkendall/Underwood/Brooks/Maberry/Kirkland/Bilderback
Other interests: gardening

Very nice web page. I enjoyed the back porch.

Mysty McPherson - 06/28/99 17:43:36
My Email:shakerag@mtnhome.com
Your Researched Surnames: All in Marion Co. AR
Other interests: orchids, history, cooking, local fire department

Check out for more info than you can believe on Marion Co. AR - history, geneo sources, links, Turnbo's 28-volume manuscripts, researchers, obits, marriages, Historic Genealogical Society, and a ton more. It'll be wor h your time, believe me.

Karen Rega - 06/28/99 15:00:13
My Email:krega@bitstorm.net
Your Researched Surnames: Coker, Wood, Capps

Hi cousins! Was invited to join all of you by Bob Inman. I am a descendant of Strander Dudly Coker, who is probably the son of Leonard Coker ( son of William "Buck" Coker. It appears Strander and Seaborn ( Bob's line )were brothers. Am part of another group who has determined Buck's wife was Molly Lee, contrary to other published reports ( courtesy of Doyle Davies, an excellent researcher ). Am interested in Native American roots info. Happy to share my info with others. Karen

Jo Dunne - 06/24/99 19:47:32
My Email:jopet@swbell.net
Your Researched Surnames: COKER TURNER JONES

Love your pages! Especially like the dove in the clouds. Jo

Jerre Divelbiss - 06/23/99 16:33:26
My Email:jerre.divelbiss@pafb.af.mil
Your Researched Surnames: Coker/Davis


Shirley Greathouse - 06/14/99 21:41:31
My Email:WlknPeace@aol.com
Your Researched Surnames: Glenn, Robinson,Clark
Other interests: Native American culture and Language

My name is Shirley and My Mom's maiden name is Elizabeth Ann Glenn. She was born in Brooklyn New York to Jesse Lee Glenn and Alice Rita McFaul on 5/19/1929. Jesse was born in Garfield, Missouri in 2/16/1894. His parents were Leander Dryden Glenn and Nancy Mary Isobel Preston. Leander (Lee) Dryen Glenn was born in Tennesse in 3/12/1856 and Nancy (Molly) was was born in Missouri on 5/24/1866. Lee's parents names were William Robert Glenn and Sarah Louise Allison. Molly's parents were William Anderson Preston and Susan Elizabeth Hayes. This ireally all I have on the Glenn's but I do have one more bit of (something?) William Isaac Glenn is a g eat uncle and his name is in the Dawes Rolls of the Cherokee. Are we related? Shirley

Thurman Glenn - 06/03/99 21:08:22
My Email:glennroost@aol.com
Your Researched Surnames: Glenn/Tucker et. al.

You know me! Great to know you. Kepp up the good work. Love, Thurman

renee preston - 06/01/99 12:44:36
My Email:renee_p@hotmail.com
Your Researched Surnames: sogge
Other interests: football,family,bowling

My grandfather was Victor Sogge. I am having a hard time finding info on his father John. i would be interested in any info you would have on Sogge's. Thanks Renee

Gurney E. Tucker - 05/31/99 01:25:20
My Email:GTucker@united.net
Your Researched Surnames: Tucker, Kelley, Bailey, Boyd, Barb, Stancel, Dillard, Lewis, Gillespie, & Inman
Other interests: Genealogy, Genealogy, & Genealogy

Nice Page.

Gurney E. Tucker - 05/31/99 01:25:10
My Email:GTucker@united.net
Your Researched Surnames: Tucker, Kelley, Bailey, Boyd, Barb, Stancel, Dillard, Lewis, Gillespie, & Inman
Other interests: Genealogy, Genealogy, & Genealogy

Nice Page.

Gurney E. Tucker - 05/31/99 01:25:00
My Email:GTucker@united.net
Your Researched Surnames: Tucker, Kelley, Bailey, Boyd, Barb, Stancel, Dillard, Lewis, Gillespie, & Inman
Other interests: Genealogy, Genealogy, & Genealogy

Nice Page.

Gurney E. Tucker - 05/31/99 01:24:26
My Email:GTucker@united.net
Your Researched Surnames: Tucker, Kelley, Bailey, Boyd, Barb, Stancel, Dillard, Lewis, Gillespie, & Inman
Other interests: Genealogy, Genealogy, & Genealogy

Nice Page.

Gurney E. Tucker - 05/31/99 01:23:51
My Email:GTucker@united.net
Your Researched Surnames: Tucker, Kelley, Bailey, Boyd, Barb, Stancel, Dillard, Lewis, Gillespie, & Inman
Other interests: Genealogy, Genealogy, & Genealogy

Nice Page.

Ben Spencer - 05/28/99 19:30:51
My Email:baspencer@worldnet.att.net
Your Researched Surnames: Elder,Lindsey,Shortt,Tucker,Parrett,Scott,Clark


Steve Graddy - 05/24/99 02:15:49
My Email:sgraddy@clandjop.com

Hi My son relayed the message sent regarding Graddy's and William's. I have two aunts who married William's. They resided in Piggott, Ark along with my other Graddy relatives. I am visiting my father over the Memorial day weekend. I will pass the questio regarding the specific names mentioned in your previous email. I have to admit the lady's name is not familiar to me but might be to my dad? Thanks for your email, it has perked my interest. Have a great week, Steve

Patrick Deuel - 05/20/99 06:19:56
My URL:/Heartland/Valley/7395
My Email:deuelsearch@kearney.net
IRQ#: 11027751
IM#: TheDeuels
Your Researched Surnames: Deuel/Hyatt/Devol/Tripp/Otte/Edson
Other interests: Computers, Bible Study

Sure liked your page. Hyatt looks like only name we have in common. Stop over at my page and see what you can find!

Dortha Heathcoat Gamel - 05/11/99 00:46:13
My Email:dgamel@cei.net
Other interests: Reading,sewing,

Hi Rebecca, You are doing a great page, wish I had the nerve to set one up. Dortha

Josephine - 05/03/99 23:56:20
My Email:jobob@gila.net
Your Researched Surnames: Glenn, Goldsborough, Nowlin
Other interests: GrandKids, gardening, church

Becky, You have outdone yourself! Youv'e got a great home page. I'm glad I got to meet you at the reunion. Jo

TJMoore - 05/03/99 02:44:02
My Email:tjmoore@airmail.net

Enjoyed all that I have seen so far--anxious for additional info

Tom Basinger - 04/29/99 02:49:39
My Email:tbasinger@acc-net.com

Hang in there gal, you are doing great. Tom

Fred Raymond Balentine - 04/19/99 03:01:05
My Email:fredrb@adams.net
IRQ#: 34271487
IM#: fredrb99
Your Researched Surnames: Balentin,Chapman,Griggs,Lynch,Henery,Steltz,Kelley
Other interests: Electronics,Grandkids

HI CUZ , Love your web page,looks good, I have one but don't know the address. I guess I should write it down.Not much on it yet.

Judi Gallia - 04/17/99 15:41:21
My Email:GabbyGal@bigfoot.com
IRQ#: 5492003
IM#: JudiGallia
Other interests: Computers & Grandkids

Hi Becky. I guess I am gonna have to do me a home page. This is really neat. You are gonna have to tell me how to start tho. Love ya, Judi

Steve Striley - 04/09/99 11:52:29
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Villages/2797
My Email:Rdneckstev@aol.com
Your Researched Surnames: Striley, Dixon, White, Holzer, (too many to list).


Aubrey Dan Glenn - 04/05/99 23:11:22
My URL:http://Name:
Your Researched Surnames: Glenn, Imhoff, Wyatt, Bludsworth,
Other interests: scuba diving


Margaret lloyyd nee Tucker - 04/03/99 21:34:33
My Email:margaret@greengate533.freeserve.com
Your Researched Surnames: Tucker


Ray E. Muse - 04/02/99 04:42:05
My Email:Raymuse@usit.net
Other interests: 3 1/2 in floppys !!!!

Very good Becky looks like ya are starting to get moved in. wish I had one like this!! have a good day and keep working at it. Cuz Ray

Nora Inman - 02/27/99 21:53:04
My Email:inman@telepath.com
Your Researched Surnames: inman,glenn,bruce,cornelius


Vicky Byard - 02/13/99 19:00:22
My Email:viclyn@bellsouth.net
Your Researched Surnames: Tucker, Matthews, Choate, Williams
Other interests: computers, reading, geneology (new for me), cross stitch, & family

Are you related to any Tuckers of Dickson Co. or descendants from Mulenburg Co. KY. I do know that they lived in Missouri at one time. My GG grandfather Silas Larkins Tucker (son of Silas and Martha Choate Tucker) married Emma Matthews Adams (daughter f Washington G. & Martha Draughon Choate) in 1886. Emma had 3 children (Cora, Willie, & Dudley Adams) from a previous marriage to Dudley Sanford Adams who died when Dudley was about a month old. I would be interested in knowing if your descendants were y descendants. Please e-mail me!

Lyndell Rusk - 02/07/99 04:54:16
My Email:ruskl@jci.net
Your Researched Surnames: Hill, Wells, Tucker

I was reading your maternal connections and see the name Barnes and Goforth-do these by any chance connect back to the Tucker line also?

Barbara Stovall - 02/03/99 05:10:06
My Email:bbzlvz@tstar.net
IRQ#: 28860988
Your Researched Surnames: Napier,Vaughan,Lane,Carter,Qualls,Epperson,Chronister, Eakin, Cossey and many more
Other interests: Family Things,Gardening & Landscaping,Decorating,Reading,Walking, Painting, Piano

Becky I love your site! The dove and clouds were such a nice touch. I still have more exploring to do, but have love everything I have seen so far. Barbara

Karen Blalock Shaw - 01/27/99 01:23:18
My Email:keshaw@ims-1.com
Your Researched Surnames: Blakenship, Blalock, Morris, Cody, Holt, Andrews, Reed, Ross,Miller, Sayer
Other interests: Home, gardening, cooking and family

Nice page. Let me know if you have some Blakenship's from Rutherford Co., NC. My Morris family is from Murray Co.,GA. My husband has John Holt from Ky and they were Cherokee tribe. Thanks, Karen Blalock Shaw

Dortha Heathcoat Gamel - 01/26/99 20:36:33
My Email:dgamel@cei.net
Your Researched Surnames: GEORGE, HOLDEN,PITTS,KILLINGER, CROW and lots more
Other interests: Cross Stitch

Great Page and lots of work. Dortha

Marolyn Folkner Howell - 01/26/99 06:37:26
My URL:http://members.aol/Mfolkner/familytree-index.html
My Email:Mfolkner@aol.com
IRQ#: 11691597
Other interests: Bass fishing, grandsons, & crochet

Nice job!

PHILLIP WARREN - 01/26/99 06:04:25
My Email:masterp@clnk.com
IRQ#: 29446485
Your Researched Surnames: money
Other interests: more money


PHILLIP WARREN - 01/26/99 06:01:54
My Email:masterp@clnk.com
IRQ#: 29446485
Your Researched Surnames: money
Other interests: more money


Juanita Bradshaw - 01/12/99 18:54:51
My Email:juanita@ucinet.com
Your Researched Surnames: Chronister,Goforth,Essman,Woodral,Harper,Glenn
Other interests: Gardening,camping and Family

This is a wonderful home, I am so glad I found you and all of my cousins, You are doining a good job. Love Ya,, Juanita

Mary Z. Barrett Brown - 01/07/99 03:32:17
My Email:zinn@wf.net
Your Researched Surnames: Barrett, Vaughn, & 40 others

Joe Vaughan Potter sent me your URL. We must be related!

Lori Glenn - 01/05/99 05:51:36
My Email:Swtpea@aol.com
IRQ#: 25895879
Other interests: everything i can get ahold of

I love you very much

Dortha Heathcoat Gamel - 01/04/99 04:43:53
My Email:dgamel@cei.net

Great page!! Goodluck and keep adding good things. Dortha Heathcoat Gamel

Joe Potter - 01/03/99 18:25:42
My Email:JPotterCS@aol.com
Your Researched Surnames: Vaughan/Vaughn

Great site, Becky. Hope to share lots of family information with you and your mom.

Gary Tucker - 12/30/98 20:05:39
My Email:tentex@aol.com

Hi Becky. Greetings from the Great State of Texas. Great wep-page!

Ruth Wilson - 12/26/98 01:46:46
My Email:ruthwilson@hotmail.com
IM#: VRGW 33

Merry Christmas

Dan E. Barrett - 12/25/98 11:25:08
My URL:http://www.vaxxine.com/barrett
My Email:barrett@vaxxine.com
Your Researched Surnames: Barrett, Pratt, Berry, Chadwick
Other interests: "The Barrett Register" (all spellings, world-wide)

Congrats on a very nice hame page.

Nita Ferguson - 12/23/98 05:01:17
My Email:nfergie@cwis.net

Hi Becky! I'm just checking in! Looks interesting, and I'm going to browse for a while. Thanks for making interesting things happen for us! Nita

David E Balentine - 10/31/98 02:12:19
My Email:mjb601@juno.com
Your Researched Surnames: Balentine
Other interests: R V and travel

would have contacted you before but didnt have your address I am also into genealogy and would love to hear from you

David E Balentine - 10/31/98 02:12:07
My Email:mjb601@juno.com
Your Researched Surnames: Balentine
Other interests: R V and travel

would have contacted you before but didnt have your address I am also into genealogy and would love to hear from you

Debby - 10/14/98 02:48:41
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Valley/5277
My Email:unikorn9@swbell.net
Your Researched Surnames: Mostly Barton, but a little on Tuckers, Glenns and Williams

Becky, I just noticed you have Evans listed in your surnames section. My aunt, Lena Bell Barton, md. an Evans. I can't remember his name right off hand, but does Lena Bell (Barton) Evans ring any bells for you? By the way, you're using some really nice graphics.

Bill Mivelaz - 10/05/98 04:17:17
My URL:http://members.aol.com/Billbalzac/page1.html
My Email:Billbalzac@aol.com
Your Researched Surnames: Mivelaz

I am unable to e-mail you for some reason. Which Mivelaz names do you have? Most of my clan lives in Louisville, Memphis, Little Rock and Texas.

10/04/98 11:45:53
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

Shantel Balentine - 09/16/98 14:21:20
My Email:shantel1@texoma.net
IRQ#: 17472404
Other interests: My husband and kids

Would like to meet other Balentines to find if there is a connection. We are from Balentine-Holt Family. Holding a reunion June 1999.

Pierre Balentine - 09/15/98 16:17:21
My Email:pbalentine@sprintmail.com
Your Researched Surnames: Balentine
Other interests: computers

Thanks Becky for that bit of imformation.

Shirley R. Holley - 07/31/98 18:57:28
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~shirley_holley
My Email:sheral@msn.com

What a beautiful page. The background and the dove is so peaceful. God Bless!

Noel A. Durham - 07/24/98 17:42:21
My Email:

Hi Becky, What a wonderful web page!!! I am so pleased that we have another great cousin like you. It is going to be loads of fun working with you. Cousin Noel

Jennifer Metteer - 07/14/98 04:45:54
My Email:JAM111382
Other interests: swimming

Hi Aunt Becky, It's me! Jenny. Haven't heard from you in a while. Tell everyone Hi! Hope to see you soon. Love ya lots!!! Jenny

RHANDA BILLY - 07/12/98 22:17:22

I love You, NANA and I like the dove on your page. from your 6 year old grand-daughter.

Scott Coonce - 07/12/98 17:34:40
My Email:scottc@alaska.net
Your Researched Surnames: Glenn/Coonce/Coons/Ledbetter

Hi Becky, I have been working with this group for a few months. I have been working with Thurman for several years. I am a descendant of Thelma Glenn Coonce, daughter of Hubert L. Glenn, son of James C. Glenn, son of John C., etc. Good to have another Glenn look ng for clues. As you can see by my address, I live in Alaska, town of Eagle River, just outside of Anchorage. Scott

Nita Ferguson - 07/12/98 15:54:38
My Email:nfergie@cwis.net
Your Researched Surnames: Mother's side: Rogers, Starnes, Glenn, Tucker, Griffin, Averett; Dad's side: Wilson, Barton, McBrayer
Other interests: Genealogy! What else is there? Ha!

Hi Becky, I am so glad to find you! I love your friendly page. I am not into chat groups yet but we'll find a way to work together anyway, okay? You have already given me the lead I needed. You are A-OK wonderful Glenn researcher in my book! More later, Cousin Nita

Debbie Glenn - 07/12/98 03:49:52
My Email:Rgsdg@aol.com

Hi Becky, I like your new home. What is with the Mozart/Bethoven?? I was waiting to hear music but I guess it is not on yet. The flying dove is very pretty. This is really neat. But one question. What do you do with it? I am just kinda dumb at this stuff. Love Debbie

Bill Whitworth - 07/12/98 01:17:46
My Email:jbwhit@gte.net
Other interests: Fishing, Hunting, Travel

Hi, Becky. I have signed your guest book. We miss you and hope to see you soon. Love Bill

Kelly - 07/11/98 13:06:09
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/4956
My Email:kalynbea@geocities.com
Your Researched Surnames: Barrett, Hickman, King, Burton, Williams, McPherson, Atchley, Lamar
Other interests: Cottage Lea, family, crafts, inspirational things

Hey Becky, Great page!! Keep up the good work. It was good to meet you. Stop by and visit us at Cottage Lea. Kelly

Ruth Wilson - 07/08/98 02:15:00
My Email:ruthwilson@hotmail.com

Dont know If I did this right

Sandy Gandee - 07/06/98 13:19:31
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Eureka/Enterprises/2391/
My Email:a0010932@airmail.net
Your Researched Surnames: none....the cuz is doing it! ;-)
Other interests: family,camping,nature,birding

The page is really looking great cuz! I love the clouds and the bird! I also love your link to computer help off the back porch!....Thanks! Love you and keep up the good work. ME

M. Algilani - 07/04/98 12:59:34
My Email:algilani@yahoo.com

Loved the site.

Bill/B.J./Okie Red - 07/04/98 02:53:42
My Email:billad1@airmail.net
IRQ#: 14973186
IM#: badamsj
Your Researched Surnames: Same as Becky/being her mom
Other interests: Computer, meeting long lost relatives, cemtery searches, diggin for old "roots" and Dancing. Going to Walmart!

Very pretty!! of course, I am prejudice. Proud of you, Becky.

Melba Wadsworth - 07/03/98 12:11:21
My Email:mwworth@clnk.com
Your Researched Surnames: Hall, Whiite, Davis, Evans , Ballentine, King, McKeehan, Walker, McAllister, Barker, Maddox, Cook, Dickey, Blevins, lots more
Other interests: Nature, read, travel, crochet, cook

Your home page is very nice Becky. My son in California is supposed to make me one. But I don't know when that will be.

Melba Wadsworth - 07/03/98 12:05:46
Your Researched Surnames: Hall, Whiite, Davis, Evans , Ballentine, King, McKeehan, Walker, McAllister, Barker, Maddox, Cook, Dickey, lots more
Other interests: Nature, read, travel, crochet, cook

Your home page is very nice Becky. My son in California is supposed to make me one. But I don't know when that will be.

Gene - 07/03/98 11:03:55
My Email:bassfork@aol.com
Other interests: you know them

Looking good sis. Keep it up.

Gary Chronister - 07/03/98 03:33:46
My Email:gchron@excalnet.com

Enjoyed your page!

Valerie - 07/03/98 03:23:15
My Email:Levis512
Other interests: Computers, friends, parties, lost shoes, guys, fire, swimming, horse back riding, guys again, church, sometimes family, more guys, animals ( including guys), things that rot your teeth, men, acting, Debate, Forensics, more men, men that are older, men that are younger, men that are the same age, men that are 4 year older, their younger brothers, and finally ( drumroll) MORE MEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is the greatest website I've ever been too. I found out that I was related to Becky. She is my aunt because she is my dad's sister. What a small world. I never would have guessed. Now, if she would just find and return my shoes I would be a happ child. Thank you for taking the time to read all this irrelevant junk. Yours Only, Valerie

Joe R Tucker - 07/03/98 01:35:37
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/meadows/4260/index.html
My Email:kn5w@ionet.net
IRQ#: 14780034
Your Researched Surnames: Tucker, Bell, Privett, Smelser, Bivens, Napier, Quinton
Other interests: Genealogy

Hi Becky, thanks for letting me know about your home page. It looks good. And--good luck in finding your ancestors. Joe

Sandy Gandee - 06/29/98 01:09:43
My URL:http:/geocities,com/~blueinspirit
My Email:a0010932@airmail.net

Hey cuz! Now you are going! Tell your block leader.....goood job! Love you! ME

Seth - 06/26/98 18:29:49
My URL:http://groups.icq.com/group.asp?no=142207
IRQ#: 11276868
IM#: Beefcake
Other interests: comp. games,comp. and soccer,and vidoe games,and hunting and fishing

well,you have been telling me abou' this and it is pretty good,even i cant do it this good!!Great page for starters!!!!

Will Pierce - 06/26/98 07:52:30
My URL:Phttp://
My Email:Pierce1One@aol.com
IRQ#: 4488697
Other interests: Chess Internet

Always good to meet new and interesting peoples of the world...

Luke (grug) - 06/26/98 06:46:38
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~LukeSampson/doggone/index.html
My Email:lsampson2student.cowan.edu.au
IRQ#: 6268646

Nice page! Sorry I have never researched any surnames, ever.

Tammiebug - 06/25/98 05:03:41
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ranch/2521
My Email:tammiebug@geocities.com
Other interests: being a Heartland Pointe Community Leader

HI :)
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