
Welcome to My Home!

I am slowly but surely getting moved in here.


I'm BECKY GLENN. As you can see, my home is undergoing some changes. Hopefully, we will soon have it so all the links work, but I am still a novice so please bear with me. I began this site in '98 and was so happy with just having a homepage that I left it simple, but now I want so much more on my site. Please be patient with my inexperience and check back often to see what else has been added, corrected, updated, or completely Messed Up. I'm a true webmaster dummy, but hopefully it will be a good adventure because I am looking forward to it.

My interests are: Family, Friends, Genealogy, Nature, Chatting, and Computers.

Here are some interesting links to check out:

Surname List,

Our Back Porch,

Wister Cemetery

You can contact me by using the email button below, by ICQ#10744597, YMessenger bk_glenn or AOL IM: glnndcksn1.

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