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  In my highschool years I have expierenced to school enivronments, which was totally different settings and school spirit.  The first 3 years I went to Oak Ridge High School.  It is at least 25 years old, so the cafeteria and bathrooms are old and run down.  There were some people that were school spirit, but not majority of the school.  I think a lot of people were umbaressed or ashamed of the school because of the area and the reputation.   Most of the teachers have been working there for years and have tenure.   Before I transfered to another high school Cypress Creed H.S. the staff at Oak Ridge were talking about the school was going to get renovated and new buildings within the next three years the school would be completely done.  My opinion was the teachers need to be school spirited and have variety of teaching styles.  My expierenced during the first three years was ok, but could of been better.  I think the teachers do make a difference and that they need to change with time, not only in H.S., but everywhere else too.

     My senior year at Cypress Creek was good maybe because it was new school, but they were very supportive with extra school activity, and especially multicultral intergrated.  All the teachers were new or from other schools.  I quess everyone was excited that the school was new and everything was clean.  Also the area I moved to were all new house being built, so these were students from  different school also sharing this expierence.  Honestly Oak Ridge wasn't a bad school i think it was because less people were involoved in clubs, sports, and activites than the people that were which didn't have much support or people to recruit to form them either.  Again, I think the Principal, Dean, or staff member need to change with time and be more participant and be involved with the students.  My senior year was great because I got to expierence in multicultural activites, we had Class Olympic which were students that are involved with the school made up the games in which the teacher and students participate and do the same thing which was a lot of fun, and pep rallies to support our foot ball team as well.   I felt because it was a new school and everyone wanted to become involved that it was great, but I hope that it stays that way and not change as the years go by.