Meaning of Rose flower.gif (13945 bytes) As every flower lover know, flowers have a language of their own.. so, please take a look at this page and find out what the meaning of roses's colors and the number of roses given...  

1 roses:  Love at first sight.
2 roses:  Mutual Feelings
3 roses:         I love you
7 roses:  I'm infatuated with You!!!
9 roses:  Together as long as we live!!! 
10 roses:  You're Perfect!!!
11 roses:   You're my treasured one!!!
12 roses:   Be my Steady!!!
13 roses:    Forever Friends!!!
15 roses:  I'm really sorry....!!!
20 roses:   I'm sincere towards You!!
21 roses:  I'm committed to You!!
36 roses:   I'll remember our romantic moments
40 roses:      My love is genuine!!!
99 roses:   I'll love You till the day  I die...
100 roses:  I'm totally devoted to You
101 roses:  You're my one and only
108 roses:  Will you marry me???
999 roses:  My love will last till the end of time... 

   Colors of Roses    

All roses symbolize love, but certain colors of roses can take on special meanings.. Options vary on the many meanings of roses, but here are some of the more common:

"Red Rose"   is for passion, ( Love, Respect, Courage) i.e..  You are passionate about that person you are giving to.

"White Rose"  is for friendship. ( Reverence, Purity, Secrecy ) i.e..You appreciate your friendship with the person you are giving to...

"Pink Rose / Peach"   : meaning of ( Gratitude, Appreciation, Admiration or Sympathy)....hummmmmm Perfect happiness, Please believe me... :))
"Yellow Rose"  is for jealousy...well, we all know what this is about!!! :) Just keep in mind, too much of a good thing can be bad for you!!!! hehehehe.  Well, the meaning of yellow rose is ( Decrease of Love,  Jealousy, Try to Care ).!!:)  


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