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-A Love Too Late-

She was my dream girl yes indeed,With blue eyes and blonde hair.  She was about six feet tall,To me that was not fair.

You see I'm only five foot ten, And yes, you ask, that's short.She sat up in the starboard bow, And I was in the port.

I wanted dearly to say her name,It sang just like a bird.Except when I started, I couldn't say a word.

Well one day I saw a page,It was from the news.This girl was in an accident, She had many things to lose.

She was in pain for awhile, So, I went to see her.The nurse said,"She has just woke up,But that she couldn't speak, sir.

"That's all right for me you see,For my love was true.When she spoke, I went inside, And she said,"I Love You.

"She said she loved me for awhile, She said she's just afraid.But then she said she didn't think,That I would feel that way.

This moment was the good and bad,And what she said was great.When I tried to say I did, It seemed it was too late.

She died that day in her place,Right upon that bed.I took her by her hand, And kissed her on her head.

Ever since then, I have never,Loved a girl that way.I will never, in my life, Forget what happen that day...

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