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The Art
of KISSIng Statement of Love : ***The
Artical I :
Kiss on hand... I adore you!!!
Kiss on the cheek... I just want
to be friends....
Kiss on the neck....I want
Kiss on the lips...I love you...
Kiss on the ears...I'm just
Kiss anywhere else...Let's not
get carried away....
Look in your eyes...Kiss
Playing with your hair...I
can't live without you...
Hand on your waist..I love you
too much to let you go...
Artical III:
Girls: If a guy gets fresh
with you, slap him...
Guys: If any girl slaps you,
kiss her...
Guys and Girls: Close your
eyes when kissing it's rude to stare...
Artical IV:
Thou shall not squeeze too
Thou shall not ask for a kiss,
just give one or take one...
Thou shall kiss at every
opportunity... ****!!!
How It Reveals The Real You!!!****You can kiss and, without saying a word, able to tell what someone's personality
is- including your own. The decision to kiss may not be spontaneous, but once it
begins,our response becomes an automatic, unconscious act. The way you kiss
may not only show what kinds of kisser you are, but what kind of person is really behind
your kisser.. So watch out!!!
Eyes Open This is the other extreme. You
are never caught off-guard or asleep on the job. It's hard for you to relax
and give in to the enchantment of kissing. Your partner gets more pleasure than you
(although not much!). Since you are down-to-earth and realistic about relationships,
you are never disappointed by romantic expectations. The reason that you're never
"fallen in love" is that you're always in a state of watchful waiting. You are
never fully involved with the act and not only that, you are probably thinking about what
you would have for lunch... and for sure its not that person you are kissing!!!

Grasper In order for you to feel really secure, you have to
hold on strenuously. When you kiss you like to grab your partner tightly-all
over-clenching hand, hair, back, behind, anything within reach. It's important
to grasp other firmly because there's always the chance that they might let you go
first. You attract those who feel protected by your dominance, and this usually
works out quite well, for those masochists anyway...hehehe....either that, your partner
loves you sooooo much that they would let you do anything!!!!
Slow Build Up You test the water before you jump in, but once you do,
your're interested in more than just a few fast laps. Short kisses that slowly
mounts to long, passionate ones reflects a cautious-though entirely sensual-individual.
Guarded about your feelings, you are very careful about uttering anything that
could be seen as a commitment. Just watch out though...if you take too long deciding
if you should or you shouldn't, your partner may have moved on to someone else more

You probably do more kissing in public
than you do at home.. Publickissing is a way of announcing your sexuality to others (and
in the process convincing yourself!). Your fantasy is that people envy you, although
this behaviour is really compensating for a period when you were shy and intimidated..
Always a great performer, you would feel more comfortable having sex in a department shop
window than in the privacy of your window...
The Love
Bite Artist
You leave your mark
wherever you go. It's not enough for you to know that you've possessed
somebody-everybody else has to know too. You'll romantically carve your intials and
your lover's into the side of a lift. Serving as a love tattoo, you love bite warns
any potential competition to stay away- this person is yours! Often your lovers wind up
spending quite a small fortune on polo necks and scarved- especially when mother is

Everybody Kisser
You're warn, affectionate, and open.
Everybody gets an appreciative pick on the cheek: Uncles, aunts, children,
strangers, friends, lovers, ex-lovers, the postmann and garbage men. Little do
they suspect that behind that loving facade lies an insecure little boy/girl...who is
needing that special someone. But that special someone probably thinks that you
don't need them, seeing that you're surrounded by your followings....with their eager,
puppy dog eyes, waiting for more than the scraps you give them.
