My family surnames are: Bain, Burns, Clark, Duncan, Fields, Fulton, Garrett, Griffin, Harville, Jackson, James, Little, Meeks, Smith, Spears, Tate, Verdell, Vest, Wiginton, Williams, and Wilson.
Randall's family surnames are: Blount, English, Foster, Green, Hill, Hobbs, Huggins, Irvin/Urban, Malone, Maroney, Morris, Moss, Nichols, Qualls/Quarles, Singleton, Srygley, West, and Wolfe.
Since I started this web page, I have met many researchers. I have enjoyed meeting all of them through email and messages left in my guestbook. I look forward to meeting more.
If you want to search my family surnames, just click Tammy. If you want to search Randall's family surnames, click Randall. If you have any problems, please, let me know. Have fun!
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