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About Weswyn

Weswyn Shelties is located approximately 35 miles West of Fond du Lac, Wisconsin.   I began showing in obedience, but at this time I am involved in conformation.  My dogs are valued pets as well as   show dogs and they all enjoy life as beloved family members, lounging around the house and sharing our home.

My breeding program is focused on the whole dog; sound bodies, good temperaments, healthy minds, and of course, heart!   We participate in voluntary genetic testing on our Shelties...hips, eyes, and Vwd.

I purchased my first Sheltie over 14 years ago, and I have been a Sheltie cheer leader ever since.  This wonderful breed is known for its gentleness, loving attitude, willingness to please, intelligence and sensitivity to human emotions.  In my house, a day without a Sheltie is like a day without Sunshine.  

Weswyn Shelties is a small hobby kennel located in the peace and quiet of the countryside of central Wisconsin.  The Shelties do not live in kennel runs - they live in the house with us and share everything.   Our Shelties have two large fenced in areas for exercise and play during the nice weather.  They enjoy watching the woods for a glimpse of deer, bunnies, squirrels, foxes or cats to bark at.  The Shelties are avid ball and soccer players and will sieze any opportunity to play.

We sell all of our pet puppies on spay/neuter contract and limited registration (no exceptions).  We welcome visitors, by appointment please and are happy to answer questions. 

Enjoy your visit, and thanks for stopping in. 

We create personal web sites at reasonable prices.  Check out our terms.

  You can have a web site to share those special   pictures of your pet, family, new baby, grandchildren or hobbies, with friends on the world-wide web.

Price list.

Splash's Litter

Splash's litter was born on Valentine's Day.    At this time Vinnie (tri male) is available to a pet home.  I

Elektra has been bred to Zak and we are expecting puppies May 16, 2002.  The puppies will be sables.

Bunni will be expecting a litter late May 2002.  These pups will be a repeat of Splash.  We will have tris and blues in the litter.

If you have lost a beloved pet, you may want to visit the Rainbow Bridge. It is a great place for comfort and reassurance. But bring some tissues...it will touch your heart.  You can also add a tribute to your own  special friend there. Just click on the link below.

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