Chelsy's Play Yard

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This is Chelsy. She was born April 26,1991.
She was a graduation present from Ron.
She is part Golden Retriever and part Yellow Lab.
She is very mischief like her "brother" Zeus.
She is and will always be my first baby!
She was jealous when we brought our son home from
the hospital. She didn't understand why this thing
needed all of my attention for. But she got out of
it. Now she is his "Mother Hen". She watches him all
the time and follows him around the house to make
sure he doesn't get hurt. And makes sure that Zeus
doesn't play to rough with "her baby".

My little puff ball. She was so small, but now she is
a big fuzzy.{That is what Ron calls her"Fuzzy"}

Chelsy thinks she is a cat. She will rub up againest
you and turn in circles like a cat does. If you look
very close at the bottom of the picture you can see 2
dots. Those are Zeus' eyes.

Counter was reset on August 1