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Early-to-Mid 20th Century Maugets from Spokane, Washington

Page modified 01/27/00 05:32 PM


Spokane is an important location for our branch of the Mauget family. Most of our immediate ancestors lived in Spokane. Many of Mauget Spokane offspring still live in or near Spokane. Neoma Mauget is one of them. Most of the following pictures are courtesy of Neoma.

Louis E. (Ed) Mauget, Raleigh, NC



Bonnie Sparks: Daughter of Jules II and Alice

Aunt Bonnie and her late husband, Milton, spent a month with your Webmaster in 1989, in Raleigh, NC. She is our only surviving Mauget aunt. Her mother used to call her "snotty Bonnie." She is still delightfully full of vinegar and humor.

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Joseph Mauget : Son of Jules II and Alice

Uncle Joe spent part of the last decade touring the country in an RV. We assume this isn't it! He now resides with his wife, Camille, in Sacramento, CA.

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Jules Jean Mauget II: Son of Jules II and Alice

This the how your Webmaster remembers his "Uncle Juice." He and his brother, Louis E. (Red) Mauget Sr. served in the Navy together in WW II. Jules was a singer in a western group and an electrician after the War. Later, he ran the Saddle Inn, a tavern outside Spokane in Four Lakes, Washington.

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Loretta Keene: Daughter of Jules II and Alice

This is Aunt Lorette as she appeared in her Underwood, ND, high school yearbook before the family moved to Washington State. Your Webmaster remembers her when she lived near the old Mauget family home on 5th Avenue in Spokane. She lived her later years in Las Vegas, NV with her sister, our Aunt Marcelle.

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Louis Edward (Red) Mauget Sr.

This not atypical portrait of your Webmaster's father was taken in Las Vegas before retirement back to Spokane at the end of his life. Dad was the life of the party. His grandson, Jeffrey Mauget picked up much of this particular gene pool.

Louis_mauget.jpg (229305 bytes)
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