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US Mauget Forerunners

Page Updated 01/27/00 05:27 PM

American Ancestors

Below are photographs of the great-grandparents and grandparents of many of the extended Spokane Mauget family. Mary Carlin was married to Jules Jean Mauget (#1) in Davenport, Iowa. He immigrated from the Alsace region of France. He was bridge and road builder. I don't know if that meant he was a civil engineer or he was an entrepeneur. There are still some Maugets living in Davenport. The Mount Calvary Cemetary in Davenport contains deceased Mauget ancestors spanning the 1800's to the present.

More information is upcoming from Jeannette Carlin Mahony, a Carlin lady that discovered this web site and contacted me. We are both descended from Mary Carlin! I will incorporate some of her information when she gives me permission.

Alice Ryan Mauget was married to Jules Jean Mauget (#2). They lived in Underwood, South Dakota, but later settled in Spokane, Washington. They are the parents and grandparents of many of us who have our roots in Spokane.

Louis (Ed) Mauget,


Mary Carlin Mauget

marycarlinmauget.jpg (33436 bytes)


Jules Mauget (#1)

JulesMauget1.jpg (32261 bytes)


Alice Ryan Mauget, at 15 years

alicemauget-15.jpg (34497 bytes)


Jules Mauget (#2), at 19, 59

julesmauget2-19.jpg (33266 bytes) julesmauget2-59.jpg (31877 bytes)



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