What's New?
Please read the January
22, newsletter. If you're running Internet Explorer, many pages have
a variety of music. Let me know if it's obnoxious.
Purpose of this Site
This site is concerned with things Mauget. The Mauget name is uncommon
in the United States.
There are little pockets of Mauget people in the USA. Oddly, they often don't
communicate or know one-another. For instance, I thought I could take http://www.mauget.com anytime I wanted that domain name.
I found it taken. There is a company called J. J. Mauget at that
site. A man called Jim J. Mauget started that company, yet I had not
heard of him until I contacted that company. Their answering machine message has the
correct pronunciation -- an unusual thing, as any Mauget knows.
This Web site is to provide a repository, information collection point, and
communication vehicle for the Maugets.
Pronunciation of Mauget
Say moe-`zshae. It's a beautiful French name.
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