n the Eleventh day of July, in the year 1998, A.D., the glamorous and ebullient Michele and the incredibly fortunate John avowed their love for one another and were joined in Holy Wedlock in the presence of their families and loved ones. Officiated by the Right Reverend Paul Bochicchio, the ceremony took place at Our Lady of Mercy R.C. Church in the tiny hamlet known asJersey City, New Jersey {USA}.
Virtually no blood was shed.
Then came . . .
The festivities were held in the ballroom at
Crystals in Lyndhurst, New Jersey. (Kindly disregard the scent of Irony wafting into the room.) Having celebrated an anniversary there a few years earlier, everyone knew the affair would be a grand one indeed (a very sincere tip of the proverbial "hat" to Crystal's Master of Ceremonies, Mr. Vito Cucci, whose able and willing attentiveness-to-detail, as well as his own personal zeal for the perfect celebration, ensured the event's success beforehand!).
Once all of the requisite photos were taken and the wedding party had made its official entrance, the DJ got the crowd going in no time at all (thanks, Pete!). Shortly thereafter, to the astonishment of John's family, the Celebrity Dance-a-Like competition was won by his cousin and Godmother, the amazing Patricia, performing her long-renowned John Travolta impersonation (pictured above with gorgeous-as-always cousin Nancy and Nancy's leggy, supermodel-type daughter Cathy, left to right, respectively)! All were commenting on how none of them (not even Patricia's eldest brother, Tom) had ever realized that her childhood ability to mimic the famous celebrities of the day (e.g., Ed Sullivan, Edward G. Robinson, and Eddie ("Banjo Eyes") Cantor, not to mention Mamie & Dwight D. Eisenhower (simultaneously), et al.) would eventually lead her to such well-deserved acclaim. ~ Bravissima, Patricia, Bravissima!!!
Yet another highlight of the evening was when one of John's oldest and dearest friends, the "guy-in-the-station-wagon's" arch-nemesis, Eddie, proclaimed he was having such a good time at what he kept referring to as " this fiendish wedding thingey," that he had decided right there and then to get hitched-up to his long-suffering lady, the fabulous Kelly. (In light of the fact that they had become officially engaged months earlier, we began watering his drinks immediately.) (Editor's Note: Kelly & Eddie were married on the 12th of September, 1998 with Michele & John in attendance. Further, no one yet knows why John repeatedly ran up to Eddie throughout the evening with a stack of photographs in his hand, exclaiming, "sign this for me, Paulie!")
Incidentally, the counter below shows just how many times this site has been visited since 9:30 AM, 3 December, 1998 [EST-USA].
When I find out who placed it here, he or she is gonna be in a lot of trouble!