Genealogical Resources


*London-Middlesex * Elgin * Norfolk*

Hi! Welcome to my world...London and surrounding counties where I can be found volunteering as a Genealogical Specialist at the local LDS Library or at a microfilm reader in some area museum or archive. I'm a member of the United Empire Loyalists - Grand River Valley Branch; [descendant of Col. Jonathan Williams and his son, Titus] a long time member of the Ontario Genealogical Society and its Branches in London-Middlesex, Halton-Peel, Norfolk and Simcoe Counties and the City of Toronto & have researched in all these areas as well as England and Ireland. I'm also a member of

I've tried to compile some new information that has never been circulated or published by local groups and hope you'll find something of interest to you in my Odds 'n Sods files.

If you need some help with your research -

Call Genealogy 911

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Just click upon my Pedigree..

To light your path of Genealogy --
My Odds 'n Sods page is the one to see!

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Thanks for droppin' by......Linda Magee

A member of

Heartland Genealogical Society
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