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Hey Folks.. it's me..Angela.. Ang for short as you know me in Alamak. Proud
fisherman's daughter that I am I had to title my page Angela's Wharf.
*smile* I grew up with wharves, boats and fishing way of life..
I live on the south shore of NovaScotia Canada.. Lovely spot to be.
Paradise to me. My home is right along the shore...The Atlantic Ocean my
view. Gotta love it. Never too hot..never too cold. Everyone knows I'm quite
the boaster of Nova Scotian beauty.
I am in my early 30's..married to a great guy and long-haul trucker. And we have a wonderful son who I more commonly (and lovingly) refer to as my Pet Monster. I'm not going in depth to my personality and likes and dislikes. If you are seeing this page you've more than likely already met me.
Are you still here after seeing the pictures? Sure hope your computer didn't sustain any lasting damage..I'll testify that I didn't do it..
*Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent
*Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects
*The only way to have a friend is to be one
*Birthdays are good for you. Statistics show that the people who have the
most..live the longest
*If you were given a nickname descriptive of your character, would you be
proud of it?
*Beware lest your footprints on the sand of time leave only the marks of a heel
*Our days are identical suitcases..all the same size..but some people can pack
more into them than others
*Kindness is the oil that takes the friction out of life
*Humour is to life what shock absorbers are to automobiles
*Two things are hard on the heart..running up stairs and running down people
*You can win more friends with your ears than with your mouth
*Real friends are those who,when you've made a fool of yourself, dont' feel
you've done a permanent job
*I dont' know the secret to success but the key to failure is to try to
please everyone
*Good words are worth much..and cost little
*The most wasted of all days is that on which one has not laughed
*Worry is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do, but doesn't get
you anywhere
*Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echos are truly endless
*A true friend never gets in your way unless you happen to be going down
Okay..time to go...for me anyway. You can hang around the wharf all you want..dangle your toes in the water even.. careful for the biting critters down there..and the occasional whale. HHmmm.. I should find some links too shouldn't I? Okay..here goes. Give you something to read while you're dangling your toes in the saltwater. *smile*
Messagemates— Messagemates - check them out .. pretty cool *S* |
Great Big Sea.. Excellent band from Newfoundland, Canada. These guys know their Newfie music *wheeeeee* |
Quizland ..try testing your skills..if you have any hehehe |
Garfield.. my hero.. |
Tektown .. cool site for kids..My pet monster cruises this a lot |
Short Attention Span site ...another cool kids spot or for those of you adults who fit the description |
Oh My Goodness! Adults only please..cartoon fun *S* |
Nova Scotia..Canada's Ocean Playground.. so much to Sea |
Canadian Geographic Magazine.. what a great magazine |
Cape Breton Island ..the eastern end of NovaScotia..lovely spot..lovely people .. tour the Cabot Trail |
Funny "email stuff" Sites |
FunnyBone Jokes - OH MY GAWD There's TONS of jokes here!!! be prepared to laugh!!! |
FunnyBone Site - a must see site!! funny stuff..even wav files! |
Salter Street Filmsthis filming company is in Halifax, NS..any of you know and like "This Hour Has 22 Minutes"? it's on this link as Salter Street does it *S* |
C100FM radio- my FAV light rock radio station out of Halifax, NS.Check under their fav links..there is one for the Ultimate Band List. |
Destination Nova Scotiayet another site on and about Nova Scotia. Check out the Art Gallery for pics *S* you can even order your own guide for Nova Scotia!! |
Tons of links!!!this one could boggle you just looking thru the list of links.. |
The Chronicle-Herald for those of you away from Nova Scotia who would like to check out the back-home news. |
Lunenburg County - this is the general area where I live..check out the cool links in there..the wallpaper and community links are great |
Fishing - It was a way of life |