Autumn Leaves

Here we are at another season of change.
Autumn brings with it the wonderful nippy weather that makes your fingers and toes tingle and makes you want to head toward the hot chocolate.
The leaves also changes to their beautiful colors, which is a true feast alone for the eyes to see.

We can see the birds flying South for the Winter, and also see animals on the ground preparing their homes for the cold weather ahead.

And, oh yes, it is this time of year, that we gather together to count our many blessings and partake of all of the wonderful homemade goodies prepared for us.

On this page I would like to use graphics to help you enjoy Autumn and hope that it will be a page that you will enjoy viewing throughout the year. Hear is hoping your Autumn is
a tremendous one.
During thanksgiving, we see all kinds of scarecrows and cornstalks in the colorful fields ready for harvest.

Even our wonderful friends the cat, love to get into the picture this time of year.

This is also the perfect time of year to find that pumpkin that is just right and set it near your door to welcome those who come to visit your home during the holiday season.

This is also the time of the year when we gather together to count our blessings. So from our house to yours, MAY YOU HAVE A WONDERFUL THANKSGIVING!

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