Yes, it is that time of year!!! When the flowers start to bloom and the trees begin to bud and the weather turns warmer. One of the neatest things about this season is the first holiday that we have. The holiday of Easter!

During the Easter season you see all kinds of bunnies and baskets.

The special baskets and decorated eggs are really something to behold!!!

Even our feathered friends what to get in on all the excitement of this time of year!

And don't forget the beautiful additions to clothing that appear during this time of year!

In this part of the country it is usually windy most of the time and enjoy a kite is sometimes very difficult. But luckily this year, it has been wonderful weather for kite flying."

This year, Spring came in like a lamb. The weather was very warm and we actually had days when it was not windy.

If Spring came in like a lamb, does that mean that it will go out like a lion?????

And of course this is the time of year to get ready to plant all of those wonderful gardens.

May this spring bring to you all the warmth of the

and the fragrance of the