Community Service

In the last few months the members of the Elwood Fire Dept. have participated in
quite a few activities in the community.

Here are a few of the things we have done:

We were invited to the High School to give a presentation to 2 Health Occupation

We have had 2 students from the High School come to the Station for Job
Shadowing, a program where students can go to a job and see what it is really like.

We have assisted an E.M.T. student with his ride along hours needed to complete his
Ambulance training.

We hosted the Mutual Aid meeting for the month of May with all the Madison County
Fire Depts. sending representatives.

We have went to churchs to give presentations to groups about our jobs.

Every year we put on a sale of Coney Dogs during Spring Fest , for the
4th of July Fireworks Display we present every year to the public.

We have hosted several school field trips to our station for the kids to see where
We work and live when we are on duty.

We particapated in the yearly Elwood Home Show with a booth on Home Fire Saftey


Here are a few activities we will be doing in the near future:

  We will be particapating in the Annual 4th of July Parade.

We will, once again this year, set up and present the Annual 4th of July
Fireworks display for the City of Elwood.

We will particapate in the Elwood Glass Festival Parade.

We will have a Booth and some of our equipment set up at the Glass
Festival located at Callaway Park.

Again this year, we will be going to area Schools during Fire Prevention Week.
We will be posting more information about this in the near future.



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