Responding Vehicles Of The Fire Dept.
Lead Truck 7-1
2005 FFA Spartan
1000 Gallon Tank
1500 GPM Single Stage Pump
Deck Gun Flows 1500 GPM
Hose from 1 3/4" to 5 "
Ladder Truck 7-2
1996 FFA Spartan
750 Gallon Tank
Single Stage 1500 GPM pump
Deck Gun that flows 1500 GPM
Hose from 1 3/4" to 5"

Primary Ambulance 7-3
Type III Box
Equipped with Jaws of Life
Snorkle 7-4
1960 Pitman Snorkle
Remounted on 1974 chassie
65 Foot Articulating boom
First Snorkle in Indiana
Back-up Ambulance 7-5
2000 Ford Type III Box
Reserve Pump 7-6
Heavy Rescue
Backup Ambulance 7-8
Command Vehicle 7-7
1995 Chevy Suburban
Used as Command Vehicle
Also used to transport Equipment

1995 International Box Type III
Equipped with Jaws of Life