My name is Lynnda and I was raised in Hollywood, CA. I was lucky in that my parents always had animals, for I learned at a very early age how much animals meant to me. My parents Leonard and Dorothy Hayden worked in the Hollywood arena and while I was growing up, I had to take all of the many different Arts classes. Needless to say, I was sort of a flop and all I really wanted to do was ride horses. After college, I preferred to live and work in the Burbank area. My work was usually animal oriented, working either for a Veterinarian or one certain Pet Supply Shop in Toluca Lake. My father was a British Subject which gave me British Citizenship and my mother was German. Sadly, they are both gone now, and I'm in a peculiar position that I have no living relatives. I did spend about 2 years living in Bristol, England. It was wonderful there...learning about the difference between our two cultures...scouting out many little villages...breathing extremely fresh air...being a few miles from the sea...and researching my family history in the Dorset area. Sometimes we get foolish, and I was missing what was going on back in the big LA. Upon returning Stateside I went to work for West Los Angeles Veterinary Hopsital for Dr. Todd Tams then returned eventually to the Pet Supply Shop. I live in the N. Hollywood area now. My mission is to do what I can for the animals through donations and fostering.