My Family


My name is Lynnda and I was raised in Hollywood, CA. I was lucky in that my parents always had animals, for I learned at a very early age how much animals meant to me. My parents Leonard and Dorothy Hayden worked in the Hollywood arena and while I was growing up, I had to take all of the many different Arts classes. Needless to say, I was sort of a flop and all I really wanted to do was ride horses. After college, I preferred to live and work in the Burbank area. My work was usually animal oriented, working either for a Veterinarian or one certain Pet Supply Shop in Toluca Lake. My father was a British Subject which gave me British Citizenship and my mother was German. Sadly, they are both gone now, and I'm in a peculiar position that I have no living relatives. I did spend about 2 years living in Bristol, England. It was wonderful there...learning about the difference between our two cultures...scouting out many little villages...breathing extremely fresh air...being a few miles from the sea...and researching my family history in the Dorset area. Sometimes we get foolish, and I was missing what was going on back in the big LA. Upon returning Stateside I went to work for West Los Angeles Veterinary Hopsital for Dr. Todd Tams then returned eventually to the Pet Supply Shop. I live in the N. Hollywood area now. My mission is to do what I can for the animals through donations and fostering.


Baby Mr. Chips
Baby Mr. Chips

Baby Camille
Baby Camille

Baby Simone
Baby Simone

Baby Mr. Bojangles
Baby Mr. BoJangles

This was my wonderful "SHARIF".

Puppy Mill Abuse